- 主振荡功率放大器 /
- 单片集成结构 /
- 半导体金宝搏188软件怎么用 器 /
- 半导体光放大器 /
- 优化设计
Abstract:Besides its advantages in volume, power and beam quality, a monolithic integration Master-Oscillation Power-amplifier (MOPA) can also realize a narrower linewidth and dynamic single-mode by integrating Bragg grating. Its application value is high in the fields of frequency doubling, pumping, optical communication and sensing, which makes it a popular research topic in recent years. This paper firstly went over the mainstream structure and characteristics of monolithic integrated MOPA, including a tapered amplifier, ridge amplifier, Bragg grating and three-section MOPA. Based on their working principles and performance characteristics, we introduce the main research directions and the latest development trends in combination with their problems. Aiming at the problem of beam quality degradation at high power in monolithic integrated MOPA, the optimal design of epitaxial layer structure, facet optical film and electrode aspects are then summarized for monolithic integrated MOPAs. After that, we sort out the research progress of MOPAs with different performance characteristics for various application requirements including high power, narrow linewidth, high beam quality and high brightness. Finally, we prospect the development trend of monolithic integrated MOPA.
图 2 双锥形金宝搏188软件怎么用 器结构示意图。(a)平面示意图;(b)立体结构示意图;(c)表面光栅的SEM剖面图;(d)表面光栅的SEM顶视图;(e)周期电注入示意图[33]
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of double tapered laser. (a) Planar structure; (b) three-dimensional structure; (c) SEM profile of the surface grating; (d) top view of the SEM of surface grating; (e) periodic electric injection diagram[33]
表 1 MOPA的主流结构和其特征及其面临的问题
Table 1. Structures, characteristics and problems of main MOPAs
MOPA类型 结构特征 性能特征 存在的问题 锥形MOPA 锥形放大器 输出功率高 整形耦合难度大 脊型MOPA 脊型放大器 光束质量高 输出功率低 DBR-MOPA DBR光栅 窄线宽、输出功率高 光栅工艺复杂 DFB-MOPA DFB光栅 窄线宽、光束质量高 光栅工艺复杂 三段式MOPA 集成控制器 可调谐、多用途 电流控制难度大 表 2 大功率MOPA研究进展
Table 2. Progress of high-power MOPA
表 3 窄线宽MOPA的研究进展
Table 3. Progress of MOPAs with a narrow linewidth
表 4 高光束质量MOPA研究进展
Table 4. Progress of MOPAs with high beam quality
Year λ/nm M 2/1/e2 Key feature Refs. 2010 1064 1.3 DFB ASLOC Embed [101] 2011 660 1.5 TPL DQW [108] 2016 1030 1.2 ASLOC 3thDBR AR/AR [51] 2017 1030 1.1 TQW ASLOC 7thDBR [105] 2017 1030 1.2 ASLOC 7thDBR AR/AR [93] 2018 980 <2 TPL PBC [84] 2019 980 1.5 TPL PBC narrow angle [26] 2019 1060 1.1 ASLOC 7thDBR [109] 2019 996 1.64 44thDFB ASLOC DQW [43] 2019 980 1.7 44thDFB ASLOC DQW [33] 2021 975 1.66 TPL [97] 2021 1550 1.26 TPL noval package [110] 表 5 高亮度MOPA研究进展
Table 5. Progress of MOPAs with high-brightness
Year λ/nm Brightness/MWcm−2sr−1 Key feature Refs. 2010 980 155(matrix) ASLOC TPL [91] 2011 1 060 860(1/e2) TPL HR/AR [102] 2016 1030 770(1/e2) TQW ASLOC [51] 2017 1030 700(1/e2) TQW ASLOC [93] 2017 1030 170(matrix) DFB special structure [94] 2018 980 85.3(matrix) PHC TPL [84] 2019 980 126.8(matrix) PHC narrow angle [85] 2021 975 369(1/e2) TPL [97] -
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