Abstract:Panoramic endoscopic imaging technology can effectively reduce the observation blind area of internal organs. It has many advantages, such as shortening the operation time, reducing the risk of intraoperative bleeding, improving the prognosis and shortening the postoperative recovery time. It has important application value in minimally invasive surgery and preoperative examination. It is a research hotspot in recent years. This paper combs the panoramic endoscopic imaging technology from two aspects: principle and product applications. Firstly, various panoramic endoscopic imaging technologies based on two-dimensional and three-dimensional imaging are reviewed, their implementation methods are described, and their key indexes and performances are analyzed. Secondly, the capsule endoscope, panoramic enteroscope and other different types of products derived from panoramic endoscopic imaging technology are compared and analyzed, and the development trend and application prospect of panoramic endoscopic imaging technology are prospected.
Key words:
- endoscope /
- panoramic imaging /
- 3D reconstruction /
- image stitching
图 11 真实内窥镜图像视差图。(a)输入图像(左);(b)SGBM视差图;(c)StereoNet视差图[59]
Figure 11. Disparity results of real endoscopic images. (a) Input image (left); (b) disparity map produced by the SGBM algorithm; (c) disparity map produced by StereoNet
图 13 实验场景及全景三维点云图[66]
Figure 13. Experiment scene and full-view 3D point clouds
表 1 不同全景镜头技术对比
Table 1. Comparison of different panoramic lens technologyies
表 2 常用商用胶囊内镜
Table 2. Common commercial capsule endoscopes
产品 厂家 国家 帧率 摄像头
数量视场角 PillCam SB3 Medtronic 美国 2~6 1 156° PillCam Crohn’s
CapsuleMedtronic 美国 4~35 2 336° EndoCapsule 10 Olympus 日本 2 1 160° MiroCam MC1600 IntroMedic 韩国 6 1 170° MiroCam MC2000 IntroMedic 韩国 3(per
camera)2 340° OMOM RC100 Jinshan 中国 2~8 1 160° CapsoCam Plus Capso
Vision美国 12-20 4 360° 表 3 商用结肠内镜
Table 3. Commercial colonoscopies
产品 厂家 国家 视场角 摄像头
个数实现方式 CF-HQ290 Olympus 日本 170° 1 超广角 FUSE Endo Choice 美国 330° 3 多视角显示 EWAVE Olympus 日本 232° 3 多摄像头拼接 Third Eye
PanoromicAvantis 美国 >300° 3 多视角显示 -
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