单波长金宝搏188软件怎么用 通信终端之间数据通信时,信号传输与接收间良好的隔离性能是建立双工双向金宝搏188软件怎么用 通信的关键。本文针对单个金宝搏188软件怎么用 波长金宝搏188软件怎么用 通信端机的传输与接收方案,以及金宝搏188软件怎么用 通信终端整体的通信性能,分析了关键元器件的表面粗糙度和表面清洁度水平对金宝搏188软件怎么用 通信终端隔离性能的影响。通过Harvey模型、ABg模型推导模型参数。利用TracePro软件对所设计的方案进行分析。得出以下结论:当信号传输通道中
λ /2波片、λ /4波片和光学天线结构的表面粗糙度变好或者表面清洁度提升时,元件带来的后向散射会降低信号传输通道内的隔离性能。同时,金宝搏188软件怎么用 通信终端隔离度的测量结果为77.86 dB,与软件仿真结果78.35 dB基本一致,这一结果可以应用于金宝搏188软件怎么用 通信系统。-
- 金宝搏188软件怎么用 通信 /
- 杂散光分析 /
- 隔离度 /
- 表面粗糙度 /
- 表面清洁度
Abstract:For data communication between single wavelength laser communication terminals, good isolation between signal transmission and reception is the key to establishing duplex bidirectional laser communication. In this paper, with respect to the transmission and reception scheme of a single laser wavelength laser communication terminal and its overall communication performance, the influence of the surface roughness and contamination level of key components on the isolation performance of the laser communication terminal is analyzed. The model parameters are derived from Harvey model and ABg model, and the designed scheme is analyzed using TracePro software. When the surface roughness or contamination level of
λ /2 wave plate,λ /4 wave plate and optical antenna structure in the signal transmission channel is improved, the backscattering caused by these elements will reduce the isolation performance in the signal transmission channel. At the same time, the measurement result of laser communication terminal isolation is 77.86 dB, which is basically consistent with the software simulation result of 78.35 dB. This can be applied in laser communication system.-
Key words:
- laser communication /
- stray light analysis /
- isolation /
- roughness /
- contamination level
表 1 不同表面粗糙度ABg模型参数
Table 1. ABg model parameters for different surface roughnesses
表面粗糙度(nm) A B g 3 4.2365×10−5 4.4415×10−5 1.55 6 1.6940×10−4 4.4415×10−5 1.55 9 3.8130×10−4 4.4415×10−5 1.55 12 6.7787×10−4 4.4415×10−5 1.55 15 1.0580×10−3 4.4415×10−5 1.55 表 2 不同表面粗糙度光学天线ABg模型参数
Table 2. ABg model parameters of the optical antenna with different surface roughnesses
表面粗糙度(nm) A B g 主镜 3 3.0643×10−5 4.4415×10−5 1.55 6 1.2257×10−4 4.4415×10−5 1.55 9 2.7579×10−4 4.4415×10−5 1.55 12 4.8737×10−4 4.4415×10−5 1.55 15 7.6152×10−4 4.4415×10−5 1.55 次镜 3 4.0426×10−5 4.4415×10−5 1.55 6 1.6171×10−4 4.4415×10−5 1.55 9 3.6384×10−4 4.4415×10−5 1.55 12 6.4682×10−4 4.4415×10−5 1.55 15 1.0106×10−3 4.4415×10−5 1.55 表 3 不同清洁度(CL)ABg模型参数
Table 3. ABg model parameters for different contamination levels
表面清洁度CL A B g 200 7.237×10−6 6.102×10−5 1.5 400 1.685×10−4 6.102×10−5 1.5 600 1.271×10−3 6.102×10−5 1.5 800 5.769×10−3 6.102×10−5 1.5 表 4 光学设计指标
Table 4. Optical design indexes
指标 参数 倍率 10× 入瞳直径/mm 75 设计波长/nm 1550 最大接收视场/mrad 5 金宝搏188软件怎么用 发射功率/dBm 33 接收器灵敏度 −45 dBm@10 Gbps 表 5 隔离度测试结果
Table 5. Test results of isolation
1 2 3 平均值 发射功率/dBm 28 29 30 通信接收功率/dBm −49.8 −49.0 −47.8 隔离度/dB 77.8 78.0 77.8 77.86 -
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