单色仪广泛应用于光谱定标、物质分析等方面,因此,对于高光谱分辨率单色仪系统的研究具有重要意义。本文基于矢量光栅方程推导考察了入射狭缝高度对光谱仪器谱线弯曲的影响程度,给出了谱线弯曲同波长、狭缝高度的解析表达式,进而提出了一种基于狭缝高度抑制谱线弯曲的单色仪光谱分辨率优化方案。结合高灵敏度、超快时间响应探测器的性能指标要求,设计了一款光谱分辨率为0.1 nm,波段范围为185 nm~900 nm的三光栅单色仪光学系统,并搭建样机验证狭缝高度对谱线弯曲的影响,进一步探究了狭缝高度对光谱分辨率的影响规律。实验结果表明:在狭缝宽度一定时,对狭缝高度进行优化,可将光谱分辨率从0.32 nm提高至0.1 nm。
Abstract:Monochromators are widely used in spectral calibration, material analysis and other aspects, so research of high spectral resolution monochromator systems is of great significance. Based on the vector grating equation, the influence of the height of the incident slit on the spectral line bending of a spectrometer is investigated, and the analytical expressions of the spectral line bending at the same wavelength and the slit height are given. An optimization scheme of the spectral resolution of the monochromator based on the suppression of spectral line bending by the slit height is proposed. According to the performance index requirements of a highly sensitive and ultra-fast time response detector, a three-grating monochromator optical system with a spectral resolution of 0.1 nm and a band range of 185−900 nm was designed, and a prototype was built to verify the influence of the slit height on spectral line bending, and to explore the influence of slit height on spectral resolution on the above basis. The experimental results show that the spectral resolution can be improved from 0.32 nm to 0.1 nm by optimizing the slit height when the slit width is fixed.
Key words:
- monochromator /
- spectral line bending /
- slit height /
- spectral resolution
表 1 不同光阑高度下边缘视场各个波长的点列斑RMS半径值
Table 1. RMS radius of the spot array at each wavelength of the edge field-of-view under different aperture heights
(μm) 光阑高度/mm 365 nm 404 nm 435 nm 546 nm 640 nm 724 nm 10 463.356 464.985 466.487 469.361 473.763 483.237 8 445.155 446.408 447.574 449.903 463.947 470.064 6 427.317 428.212 429.059 430.771 436.474 437.252 4 409.840 410.396 410.943 412.967 419.346 429.801 -
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