f 中继成像、谐振腔设计/光学傅立叶变换、近准直光束传输与其他共4种设计理念的多通放大器。介绍了每种放大器的设计方法并详尽列举了研究现状。通过对比4种类型的碟片多通放大器,发现不同种类的多通放大器各有优缺点。4f 中继成像需要真空环境以避免焦点处的气体电离,因此机械装置与调试难度较大;谐振腔设计/光学傅立叶变换概念多通放大器的镜片处存在较小光斑,因此较适用于较低能量的多通放大器;近准直光束传输方法由于不需要真空环境,具备很大的发展潜力,但需要精准控制金宝搏188软件怎么用 运转状态下的碟片面形,难度也较大。因此,从金宝搏188软件怎么用 器设计角度来看,需要对碟片多通放大器继续进行优化设计,从而同时实现使用场景的多元化与输出能量的可持续拓展。-
- 金宝搏188软件怎么用 /
- 碟片 /
- 多通放大器 /
- 腔体设计 /
- 金宝搏188软件怎么用 放大器
Abstract:In order to clarify the cavity design methods of thin-disk multi-pass amplifiers, we summarize the different types of thin-disk multi-pass amplifiers and concludes that there are four fundamental design concepts: (1) 4
f relay imaging, (2) resonant cavity design/optical Fourier transform, (3) near-collimated beam transmission, and (4) others. Each amplifier design method is described and the current status of its research is listed in as much detail as possible. By comparing the four types of disk multi-pass amplifiers, it is found that the varying methods have distinct advantages and disadvantages. 4f relay imaging requires a vacuum environment to avoid gas ionization at the focal point, making the mechanics and adjustment more difficult; the resonant cavity design/optical Fourier transform concept multi-pass amplifier has a small spot at the mirrors, making it more suitable for lower energy multi-pass amplifiers; the near collimated beam transmission method has great development potential because it does not require a vacuum environment, but accurately controlling the surface shape of the thin-disk is difficult while the laser is operating. Therefore, from the perspective of laser design, it is necessary to continue to optimize the design of the thin-disk multi-pass amplifier to realize the diversification of application scenarios and the sustainable expansion of output energy.-
Key words:
- laser /
- thin-disk /
- multi-pass amplifier /
- cavity-design /
- laser amplifier
图 7 基于4f中继成像的14通碟片放大器[10]
Figure 7. 14-pass thin-disk amplifier based on 4f relay imaging
图 9 基于4f中继成像系统的14通放大器。(a)单碟片双通放大器俯视图;(b)非折叠的光路传输示意图;(c)碟片多通放大器实物图[12]
Figure 9. 14 pass amplifier based on 4f relay imaging system. (a) Top view of the single thin-disk dual-pass amplifier; (b) schematic diagram of non-folded optical path transmission; (c) physical diagram of the thin-disk multi-pass amplifier[12]
图 14 24通放大器的光路示意图。(a)光路连续通过1-disk-2-K2-3-disk-4-K1-5-disk-6-K2-7。其中:1~7代表图14(b)中的镜片编号;K1、K2分别表示凹面反射镜K1与凸面反射镜K2;K1—K2定义了光学稳定腔。(b)反射镜阵列编号与其他元件的侧面投影位置
Figure 14. Schematic diagram of the optical path of the 24-pass amplifier. (a) The optical path passes continuously through 1-disk-2-K2-3-disk-4-K1-5-disk-6-K2-7, where 1-7 represents the mirror numbers in Figure 14 (b), K1 and K2 represent the concave mirror K1 and convex mirror K2, respectively. K1-K2 defines the optical stable cavity. (b) The reflector array number and the lateral projection position of other elements
图 15 16通4f放大器与光学傅立叶传输多通放大器的(a)输出光斑与(b)波前曲率倒数随碟片晶体光焦度的变化。红色虚线代表4f多通放大器,蓝色实线代表光学傅立叶传输多通放大器,灰色实线代表理想情况的光学傅立叶传输多通放大器[24]
Figure 15. Variation in (a) output spot and (b) wavefront curvature inverse with a diopter of thin-disk for the 16-pass 4f amplifier and optical Fourier transmission multi-pass amplifier. The red dashed line represents the 4f multi-pass amplifier, the blue solid line represents the optical Fourier transmission multi-pass amplifier, and the gray solid line represents the optical Fourier transmission multi-pass amplifier in ideal circumstances[24]
图 16 基于光学傅立叶传输的8通放大器的光束传播。(黑线代表碟片晶体光焦度为0,红线和蓝线代表碟片晶体光焦度分别为±1/(40f)的光束传播,f为4f系统的焦距)[24]
Figure 16. Beam propagation of an 8-pass amplifier based on optical Fourier transmission. (The black line represents the diopter of the thin-disk at 0. The red and blue lines represent the diopter of the thin-disk are ±1/(40f), and f is the focal length of the 4f system)[24]
图 17 实际使用的光学傅立叶变换8通放大器的光束传播缩短了传输距离。(黑线代表碟片晶体光焦度为0,红线和蓝线代表碟片晶体光焦度=±1/(40f)对应的光束传播,f为4f系统的焦距)[24]
Figure 17. Beam propagation of a practical optical Fourier transform 8-pass amplifier that shortens the transmission distance. (The black line represents the diopter of the thin-disk at 0. The red and blue lines represent the diopter of the thin-disk = ±1/(40f), and f is the focal length of the 4f system)[24]
图 21 测量的3个八通放大器的小信号增益与碟片偏角ϕ的关系。红色线代表常规傅立叶传输多通放大器,蓝色符号取自相同放大器但M2镜片被垂直后向反射镜代替,绿色符号代表配备主动稳定系统的傅立叶传输多通放大器[26]
Figure 21. The relationship between the small signal gain of three eight-pass amplifiers and the measured deflection angle of the thin-disk. The red symbols represent conventional Fourier transmission multi-pass amplifiers, the blue symbols are taken from the same amplifiers but with the M2 lens being replaced by a vertical rearward reflector, and the green symbols represent the Fourier transmission multi-pass amplifiers equipped with an active stabilization system[26]
表 1
${\bf{4}}{\boldsymbol{f}} $ 系统传输前后的光束参数Table 1. Beam parameters before and after 4f system transmission
光束1 光束2 光束3 入射前
参数光斑半径0.12 mm 光斑半径1.5 mm 光斑半径3 mm 波前曲率半径1 m 波前曲率半径1 m 波前曲率半径106 m 传输后
参数光斑半径0.12 mm 光斑半径1.5 mm 光斑半径3 mm 波前曲率半径1 m 波前曲率半径1 m 波前曲率半径106 m 表 2 4种碟片多通放大器的优缺点
Table 2. Advantages and disadvantages of four types of thin-disk multi-pass amplifiers
方案名称 优点 缺点 4f中继成像 任何热透镜焦距下,均能复现光斑尺寸,光路设计简单 光束发散角随热透镜焦距变化剧烈,光束焦点处容易电离空气,需要真空环境运行或令焦点位于真空管内 4f中继成像——低温制冷 单次增益高、热光性能优异,光路设计简单 需要液氮等低温制冷,同时需要真空环境 谐振腔设计/光学傅立叶变换 抗热透镜变化性能优于4f中继成像 镜片上存在较小尺寸光斑,对镜片损伤阈值要求高;未进行皮秒脉冲放大实验,停留在理论阶段 近准直光束传输 可在空气环境运行,无空气电离 需要精心设计的碟片光焦度 其他 — — -
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