Design of UV-band hyperspectral resolution imaging spectrometer with small F-number and high variable ratio
F 数。针对高光谱分辨率成像光谱仪小F 数的探测需求,本文设计了一种具有高变倍的高光谱分辨率Offner紫外成像光谱仪。该成像光谱仪的后置分光系统采用了具有轻小型特点的改进型Offner结构。结合成像光谱仪对变倍比和小F 数的需求,通过理论推导得到Offner初始结构参数。在像面前插入一块弯月透镜,增加系统的优化自由度,进而提升系统的成像质量。最终得到的成像光谱仪工作在270~300 nm波段时,具有40 mm的长狭缝,光谱分辨率优于0.6 nm,系统变倍比小于0.22,F 数小于2,在截止频率为14 lp/mm 时,系统调制传递函数(MTF)均优于0.9,系统各波段各视场均方根半径(RMS)均小于12 μm。本文的研究对紫外波段高光谱探测成像光谱仪实现小F 数、高变倍设计提供了一种设计方案。Abstract:Conventional imaging spectrometers generally have low variable ratio, which is not conducive to the extended application of large-field, long-slit, multi-channel optical systems. In space remote sensing, the radiation energy of the ultraviolet band is low, which requires the imaging spectrometer to have a smaller
F -number. In order to meet the requirement of detecting smallF -number of high spectral resolution imaging spectrometer, an Offner UV imaging spectrometer with high spectral resolution and high variable ratio is designed in this paper. An improved Offner structure with light and small size is adopted in the rear beam splitting system of the imaging spectrometer. Based on the requirements of variable power ratio and smallF -number of the imaging spectrometer, the initial Offner structure parameters are derived theoretically. A meniscus lens is inserted in front of the image to increase the degree of freedom for the optimization of the system and improve the imaging quality of the system. The obtained imaging spectrometer works in the 270~300 nm band with a long slit of 40 mm, a spectral resolution better than 0.6 nm, the system variable power ratio less than 0.22, and anF number less than 2. Its Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) is better than 0.9 at a cutoff frequency of 14 lp/mm, and the Root Mean Square (RMS) radius of each field of view in each band is less than 12 μm. This study provides a design scheme for the UV-band hyperspectral detection imaging spectrometer with smallF -number and high variable ratio.-
Key words:
- optical design /
- imaging spectrometer /
- Offner system
表 1 小F数高变倍成像光谱仪指标要求
Table 1. Index requirements of imaging spectrometer with small F-number and high variable ratio
参数 指标 波段/nm 270~300 视场/(°) 20 F数 2 变倍比 <0.22 光谱分辨率/nm <0.6 狭缝长度/mm 40 MTF >0.8@14 lp/mm 探测器像元尺寸/μm 20×30 表 2 小F数高变倍成像光谱仪系统数据
Table 2. Imaging data of spectrometer system with small F-number and high variable ratio
表面 Y半径/mm Y偏心/mm Alpha倾斜/(°) 1 −990.00 −5.89 12.18 2 −233.73 / −4.65 3 infinite −130.12 −3.86 4 −386.80 127.07 7.97 5 510.22 −88.36 −28.17 6 204.34 / / 7 infinite −28 19.34 -
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