Abstract:To realize the rapid, high-precision, and universal testing of concave aspheric surface, a non-null interferometry method is proposed in this paper, which takes the asphere as a spherical surface and measures it directly with an interferometer. Combined with the corresponding data processing methods, the test results of the aspheric surface are obtained. Firstly, the detection theory of this method is introduced, the calculation and removal models of retrace error and adjustment error are established, and the data processing method of shape error is studied. Secondly, taking two concave aspherical surfaces with different parameters as an example, the retrace error and adjustment error are simulated, which verified the effectiveness of the method. Finally, a non-null interferometry experimental setup of concave aspheric surface is performed, and its shape error is successfully obtained. By comparing the results with autocollimation method or LUPHOScan method, it is shown that the surface distribution and evaluation indicators of the results are highly consistent, which verifies the correctness of this method. This method provides an effective measurement method for concave aspheric surface with high precision, universality, and convenience.
图 6 凹非球面的对比实验。(a)平面自准直法检测光路图;(b) 自准直法检测凹抛物面的数据;(c) LUPHOScan 轮廓仪测量凹椭球面的数据
Figure 6. Comparative experiment on concave aspheric. (a) The optical path diagram of plane autocollimation; (b) testing of concave paraboloid surface by autocollimation; (c) testing of concave ellipsoid surface using LUPHOScan
表 1 Zernike多项式的项数与像差的对应关系
Table 1. Correspondence between the terms of Zernike polynomials and aberrations
Term Polynomial Meaning $ {Z_4} $ $ - 1{\text{ + }}2\left( {{x^2} + {y^2}} \right) $ Power $ {Z_7} $ $ \left( { - 2 + 3{x^2} + 3{y^2}} \right)x $ Coma X $ {Z_8} $ $ \left( { - 2 + 3{x^2} + 3{y^2}} \right)y $ Coma Y $ {Z_9} $ $ 1 - 6\left( {{x^2} + {y^2}} \right) + 6{\left( {{x^2} + {y^2}} \right)^2} $ Primary Spherical 表 2 凹抛物面参数
Table 2. Parameters of concave paraboloid surface
Parameter Value Parameter Value Aspheric type Concave paraboloid Maximum sag/mm 1.67 Diameter/mm 90 Maximum slope/(°) 4.25 Radius curvature of the vertex/mm 606 Maximum asphericity/μm 0.575 Conic coefficient K −1 Best radius of the reference sphere/mm 606.835 表 3 凹椭球面参数
Table 3. Parameters of concave ellipsoid surface
Parameter Value Parameter Value Aspheric type Concave ellipsoid Maximum sag/mm 2.91 Diameter/mm 90 Maximum slope/(°) 7.39 Radius curvature of the vertex/mm 348 Maximum asphericity/μm 2.0154 Conic coefficient K −0.66 Best radius of the reference sphere/mm 348.9615 表 4 凹抛物面回程误差的仿真计算结果
Table 4. Simulation calculation results of retrace error of concave paraboloid surface
OA/mm $ O P D $ Power item $ Z_{{\mathrm{OPD}}(4)} $ Primary spherical $Z_{\Delta{{\mathrm{OPD}}(9)}}$ Retrace error 605 606 606.835 607 608 表 5 凹椭球面回程误差的仿真计算结果
Table 5. Simulation calculation results of retrace error of concave ellipsoid surface
OA/mm $ O P D $ Power item $ Z_{{\mathrm{OPD}}(4)} $ Primary spherical $ Z_{\Delta{{\mathrm{OPD}}(9)}}$ Retrace error 347 348 348.9615 349 350 表 6 实验中距离误差引入的离焦误差与去除
Table 6. Defocusing error introduced by distance errors in experiments and its removal
(nm) Detection result Power is adjusted to a minimum Adjust the distance L1 Adjust the distance L2 Adjust the distance L3 Fringe pattern Surface error before removing Power
RMS=523.3256Surface error after removing Power
PV= 627.1048
PV= 654.3152
RMS=137.3176表 7 实验中光轴倾斜/偏心误差引入的彗差与去除
Table 7. Comet error introduced by optical axis tilt/offset error in experiment and its removal
(nm) Detection result Coma is adjusted to a minimum Adjust the eccentric θ1 Adjust the eccentric θ2 Adjust the eccentric θ3 Fringe pattern Surface error before removing Coma
RMS=136.6848Surface error after removing Coma
PV= 510.6696
PV= 489.7872
PV= 491.0528
PV= 488.5216
RMS=126.5600 -
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