进行波前探测时,标准动物模型小鼠的眼底视网膜双层反射光会导致像差探测失效。为解决这一问题,本文提出了一种结合光学掩模调制的鼠眼像差测量方法,以期提高鼠眼波前像差测量精度。首先,根据鼠眼视网膜的关键参数,建立鼠眼波前像差探测的光学系统模型并进行光学仿真。然后,分析比较不同孔径的光学掩模对视网膜非目标层反射光束的遮拦效果,确定光学掩模参数与实验方案。最后,搭建鼠眼波前像差探测系统并开展在体鼠眼波前像差的测量实验。实验结果表明:0.5 mm孔径的光学掩模可以将鼠眼波前像差的测量均方根误差降低74.9%,与理论仿真的80%区域实现非目标层反射光遮拦效果近似。本文研究实现了对鼠眼视网膜非目标层反射光的有效遮拦,提升了鼠眼波前像差探测精度,为进一步实现鼠眼高分辨率成像奠定了基础。
- 波前探测 /
- 鼠眼像差 /
- 掩模 /
- 夏克—哈特曼波前传感器
Abstract:In order to solve the problem of aberration detection failure caused by double-layer reflected light of the fundus retina in standard animal model mouse during wavefront detection, a mouse eye aberration measurement technique combined with optical mask modulation was proposed to improve the accuracy of wavefront aberration measurement. First, according to the key parameters of mouse retina, we established the optical system model of mouse eye wavefront aberration detection and performed optical simulations. Then, the effects of optical masks with different apertures on the reflection beam of the non-target layer of the retina were analyzed and compared, and then the parameters of the optical mask and the experimental plan were determined. Finally, the wave front aberration detection system of the mouse eye was established, and the wavefront aberration of the mouse eye was measured in vivo. The experimental results show that the optical mask with 0.5 mm aperture can reduce the root mean square error of mouse eye wavefront aberration measurement by 74.9%, which is similar to the shielding effect of non-target layer reflected in 80% of the theoretical simulation. It can effectively block the reflected light from the non-target layer of the mouse retina, improve the detection accuracy of the wavefront aberration of the mouse eye, and lay a foundation for the further realization of high-resolution imaging of the mouse eye.
Key words:
- wavefront detection /
- mouse eye aberration /
- mask /
- Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor
表 1 Zemax鼠眼模型参数
Table 1. Zemax parameters of the mouse eye model
结构 曲率半径/mm 厚度/mm 折射率 焦距/mm 角膜 前表面 1.34 0.105 1.40 4.575 后表面 1.30 0.525 1.34 晶状体 前表面 1.00 2.050 1.55 1.659 后表面 −0.90 0.550 1.34 视网膜 前表面 −1.60 0.220 1.34 46.539 后表面 −1.50 眼球部分 1.974 鼠眼整体 1.961 -
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