Orbital-angular-momentum spectra in coherent optical vortex beam arrays with hybrid states of polarization
doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0010
Abstract:Orbital-Angular-Momentum (OAM) is one of the most important parameters in high-capacity optical communication or super-resolution imaging. Based on the Huygens-Fresnel principle and the theory of coherent combination, we propose hybridly polarized vortex beam arrays in coherent combinations of radial off-axis Gaussian beamlets with vortex and polarization Topological Charges (TC). The effect of vortex, polarization and addition TC and the number of beamlets on OAM spectra of the proposed beam arrays at input and output plane are both stressed. The results show the number of beamlet and hybrid polarization present joint effect on maximal weight of OAM-modes. An increase of maximal weight value at OAM-mode is accompanied by the growing number of the beamlet, while the hybrid polarization can not significantly increase the maximum weight of OAM spectra. As the number of beamlets increases, hybrid polarization can't significantly improve the maximal weight value in OAM spectra. Furthermore, the maximal mode equals the total TC at central Optical Vortex (OV) and it is irrelevant to the number of beamlets. Whereas for other modes for non-zero weight, their locations are jointly determined by vortex, polarization and addition TCs and the number of beamlets. This work may provide potential applications in the OAM-based communication and polarization imaging technologies.
Key words:
- orbital angular momentum spectrum /
- polarization /
- vortex
Figure 2. The OAM spectra (d)−(f) and OAM densities (g)−(i) of beam arrays in coherent combinations with radial, rectangular and linear symmetries at z=0. (a), (d), (g): radial symmetry; (b), (e), (h): rectangular symmetry; (c), (f), (i): linear symmetry. The parameters are (l, m)=(1, 1), η=0, N=6 and ρ=5w0
Table 1. The maximal weights of OAM spectra of the proposed beam arrays for different symmetry and beamlet numbers, the other parameters are the same as in Fig. 2
Symmetry N=4 N=6 N=8 Radial 0.221 0.333 0.432 Rectangular 0.198 0.201 0.174 Linear 0.119 0.106 0.065 -
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