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刘燕德 饶宇 孙旭东 肖怀春 姜小刚 徐海 李雄 徐佳 王观田

刘燕德, 饶宇, 孙旭东, 肖怀春, 姜小刚, 徐海, 李雄, 徐佳, 王观田. 基于光源发射接收一体化探头的糖度分选线改造研究[J]. 188bet网站真的吗 , 2020, 13(4): 795-804. doi: 10.37188/CO.2019-0165
引用本文: 刘燕德, 饶宇, 孙旭东, 肖怀春, 姜小刚, 徐海, 李雄, 徐佳, 王观田. 基于光源发射接收一体化探头的糖度分选线改造研究[J]. 188bet网站真的吗 , 2020, 13(4): 795-804. doi: 10.37188/CO.2019-0165
LIU Yan-de, RAO Yu, SUN Xu-dong, XIAO Huai-chun, JIANG Xiao-gang, XU Hai, LI Xiong, XU Jia, WANG Guan-tian. Modification of Soluble Solids Content sorting line based on light source transmitting and receiving integrated probe[J]. Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(4): 795-804. doi: 10.37188/CO.2019-0165
Citation: LIU Yan-de, RAO Yu, SUN Xu-dong, XIAO Huai-chun, JIANG Xiao-gang, XU Hai, LI Xiong, XU Jia, WANG Guan-tian. Modification of Soluble Solids Content sorting line based on light source transmitting and receiving integrated probe[J]. Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(4): 795-804. doi: 10.37188/CO.2019-0165


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No. 31760344);江西省杰出青年人才资助计划(No. 20171BCB23060);水果光电检测技术能力提升项目(No. S2016-90)


    饶 宇(1993—),男,江西吉安人,硕士研究生,主要从事水果无损检测装备方面的研究,E-mail:caeser-rao108@foxmail.com

  • 中图分类号: S24

Modification of Soluble Solids Content sorting line based on light source transmitting and receiving integrated probe

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.31760344); Subsidize Scheme for Outstanding Youth Talents of Jiangxi Province (No. 20171BCB23060); Photoelectric Detection Technology of Fruits’ Capacity Improvement Project (No. S2016-90)
More Information
  • 摘要: 传统外部品质分选目前已经无法满足人们对水果口感品质的需求,对传统外部品质分选线进行糖度分选改造,实现糖度分选,对确保水果的口感品质具有重要意义。分别采集两种不同检测方式下获取的脐橙的近红外漫反射光谱,其中环形发射与接收漫反射方式的光谱能量要比多点发射与接收漫反射方式强,波峰与波谷位置大致相同。近红外漫反射光谱经基线校正、多元散射校正、一阶、二阶导数等方法进行光谱数据预处理,以减少杂散光和噪声的影响。分别建立脐橙在两种不同漫反射检测方式下的糖度偏最小二乘(PLS)模型进行对比分析。实验结果表明,采用基线校正预处理方法获得的结果最优;环形发射与接收漫反射检测方式下的糖度模型预测相关系数为0.81,预测均方根误差为0.46°Brix,多点发射与接收漫反射检测方式下的糖度模型预测相关系数为0.76,预测均方根误差为0.53°Brix。研究表明,应用PLS建模结合近红外漫反射光谱对传统外部品质分选线中的糖度分选线功能进行升级改造是可行的。


  • 图 1  实验装置图

    Figure 1.  Experimental device

    图 2  近红外漫反射在线检测装置示意图

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of online detection device of near infrared diffuse reflection

    图 3  光纤不同角度示意图

    Figure 3.  Schematic diagram of fiber with different angles

    图 4  光纤在不同出射角度下的光强图

    Figure 4.  Light intensity charges of optical fiber at different exit angles

    图 5  两种不同漫反射式及相应检测光纤探头的发射接收端

    Figure 5.  Two kinds of diffuse reflection detection modes and corresponding optical fiber probes

    图 6  两种光纤探头下参比球光谱的标准偏差

    Figure 6.  Standard deviations of reference sphere spectra under two different kinds of fiber probes

    图 7  两种不同检测方式下的可见近红外漫反射光谱

    Figure 7.  Visible near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectra with two different kinds of detection modes

    图 8  两种不同检测方式下脐橙实果与脐橙果皮的近红外漫反射光谱

    Figure 8.  Visible near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectra of navel orange and peel with two different kinds of detection modes

    图 9  环形发射与接收检测方式下基线校正前后光谱图

    Figure 9.  Spectra obtained by ring transmission and diffuse reflection mode before and after pretreatment with baseline correction

    图 10  多点发射与接收检测方式下基线校正前后光谱对比

    Figure 10.  Spectra obtained by multi-point transmission and diffuse reflection mode before and after pretreatment with baseline correction

    图 11  两种漫反射方式下预测集的糖度模型主成分因子图

    Figure 11.  Principal component factor charts of prediction set obtained with two kinds of diffuse reflection methods

    图 12  两种不同漫反射方式下的回归系数图

    Figure 12.  Regression coefficients obtained with two different kinds of diffuse reflection methods

    图 13  环形发射与接收模式下偏最小二乘模型预测散点图

    Figure 13.  Predicted scatter plot with partial least squares model using ring transmission and diffuse reflection mode

    图 14  多点发射与接收模式下偏最小二乘模型预测散点图

    Figure 14.  Predicted scatter plot with partial least squares model using multi-point transmission and diffuse reflection mode

    表  1  两种不同近红外漫反射光谱检测方式结合不同预处理方法时的脐橙糖度PLS建模结果

    Table  1.   PLS modeling results of navel orange sugar content using two different near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy methods combined with different pretreatment methods

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