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黄颂超 冯云鹏 程灏波

黄颂超, 冯云鹏, 程灏波. 非对称轻小型头盔显示器光学系统设计[J]. 188bet网站真的吗 , 2020, 13(4): 832-841. doi: 10.37188/CO.2019-0193
引用本文: 黄颂超, 冯云鹏, 程灏波. 非对称轻小型头盔显示器光学系统设计[J]. 188bet网站真的吗 , 2020, 13(4): 832-841. doi: 10.37188/CO.2019-0193
HUANG Song-chao, FENG Yun-peng, CHENG Hao-bo. Non-symmetrical design of a compact, lightweight HMD optical system[J]. Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(4): 832-841. doi: 10.37188/CO.2019-0193
Citation: HUANG Song-chao, FENG Yun-peng, CHENG Hao-bo. Non-symmetrical design of a compact, lightweight HMD optical system[J]. Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(4): 832-841. doi: 10.37188/CO.2019-0193


基金项目: 深圳市科技创新项目(No. JCYJ20170817115037194,No. JCYJ20180307123816647)



  • 中图分类号: TN141;O439

Non-symmetrical design of a compact, lightweight HMD optical system

Funds: Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Project (No. JCYJ20170817115037194, No. JCYJ20180307123816647)
More Information
  • 摘要: 针对非对称光学系统视场范围和出瞳直径较窄、光学结构复杂、制造成本昂贵、装配调整麻烦等问题,本文采用在系统中加入自由曲面反射镜的设计方法。首先,论述了双反射镜非对称光学系统的设计要求和工作原理。然后,分析了三反射镜非对称光学系统的离轴结构控制方法。最后,采用XY多项式自由曲面反射镜折叠光路、消除遮拦、扩大视场、校正离轴像差,设计出一款适用于头盔显示器的非对称光学系统。设计的双反射镜非对称光学系统的视场为60°×30°,出瞳直径为8 mm。在截止频率52 lp/mm处,全视场的调制传递函数值大于0.25,系统畸变小于5%,单目系统重量约为190 g。设计结果表明,该非对称光学系统的视场大小和成像质量均有所提升,实现了小型轻量化,可应用于头盔显示器。


  • 图 1  离轴双反射式非对称光学系统单目一般结构示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of monocular general structure of off-axis dual reflection non-symmetric optical system

    图 2  三反射镜非对称光学系统的结构控制示意图

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of structure control of non-symmetrical optical system with three mirrors

    图 3  双反射镜非对称光学系统的自由曲面参数设置

    Figure 3.  Free-form surface parameter setting of the dual mirror non-symmetric optical system

    图 4  双反射镜非对称光学系统的后继透镜组参数设置

    Figure 4.  Parameter setting of the subsequent lens group of the dual mirror non-symmetric optical system

    图 5  双反射镜非对称光学系统的光路示意图

    Figure 5.  Schematic diagram of optical path of dual mirror non-symmetric optical system

    图 6  双反射镜非对称光学系统的MTF曲线图

    Figure 6.  MTF graphs of dual mirror non-symmetric optical system

    图 7  双反射镜非对称光学系统的畸变图

    Figure 7.  Distortion diagram of dual mirror non-symmetric optical system

    图 8  双反射镜非对称光学系统的点列图

    Figure 8.  Spot diagram of a double mirror non-symmetric optical system

    表  1  三反射镜非对称光学系统的结构控制宏语言与注解

    Table  1.   Control macro language and annotation of non-symmetric optical system structure with three mirror

    nfield=NFLD ()Number of fields
    maxfield=MAXF ()Maximum half angle of view
    THEN Maxfield=1.0;
    Avoid errors that divide by zero
    ! 面的个数
    n==pvhx ()Take the value of Hx to n
    ! field
    i=pvhy ()Take the value of Hy to i
    ! 子午或弧矢
    j=pvpy ()Take the value of Py to j
    hx=FLDX(i)/maxfieldHx= field of view (x direction) / maximum field of view
    hy=FLDY(i)/MaxfieldHy= field of view (y direction) / maximum field of view
    PRINT “Field number”, i
    RAYTRACE hx, hy, 0, j, PWAV ()Ray tracing
    PRINT “X-field angle:”, FLDX(i),
    Y-field angle:”, FLDY(i)
    PRINT “X-chief ray:”, RAGX(n),
    Y-chief ray:”, RAGY(n),
    Z-chief ray:”, RAGZ(n)
    Spherical coordinate position at the ray cutoff
    OPTRETURN 1, RAGZ(n)Return value
    PRINT “All Done!”
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    表  2  三反射镜非对称光学系统的部分ZPL调用方式

    Table  2.   Partial ZPL calling method of three mirror asymmetric optical system

    1 BLNK 1 field of view meridian upper edge of the intersection of light and face 1
    2 ZPLM 11 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
    3 ZPLM 11 1
    4 BLNK 1 field of view meridian upper edge of the intersection of light and face 2
    5 ZPLM 12 0 3 1 0 1 0 0
    6 ZPLM 12 1
    7 BLNK 1 field of view meridian edge light and face 3 intersection
    8 ZPLM 12 0 6 1 0 −1 0 0
    9 ZPLM 12 1
    10 BLNK Solving straight line
    11 DIFF 6 3
    12 DIFF 5 2
    13 BLNK Solving slope k0
    14 DIVI 12 11
    15 BLNK The distance between the line and the light on the meridian of the field of view
    16 PROD 14 9
    17 PROD 14 3
    18 DIFF 16 17
    19 SUMM 2 18
    20 DIFF 8 19
    21 OPLT 20 250 0.1
    22 OPGT 20 25 0.1
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    表  3  eMagin公司的AMOLED规格参数

    Table  3.   Specifications of AMOLED produced by eMagin

    Pixel size/μm 9.6×9.6
    Resolution ratio 1 920×1 200
    Visible area/mm 18.7×11.75 (0.856 inch)
    The white light brightness/(cd·m−2) >150
    Contrast >1000:1
    Refresh rate/Hz 30~85
    Power consumption <350 mW(150 cd/m2)
    Weight/g <3
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