摘要: 采用高温固相法制备了金属离子Bi3+掺杂Lu1-xO3: x%Ho3+系列荧光粉,研究了不同浓度Bi3+掺杂Lu1-xO3: x%Ho3+荧光粉的晶体结构、Lu2O3基质中Bi3+→Ho3+的能量传递规律及合成粉体的发光性质。X射线衍射结果表明Bi3+、Ho3+掺杂对Lu2O3的立方相结构没有影响。在322 nm激发波长下发射出位于551 nm处Ho3+的5S2→5I8跃迁;在551 nm监测下,合成的Ho3+、Bi3+共掺杂Lu2O3荧光粉出现Bi3+的322 nm特征激发峰以及Ho3+的448 nm处的5I8→5F1跃迁。当Bi3+掺杂浓度为1.5%时,Bi3+对Ho3+的能量传递最有效,比单掺Ho3+样品发射强度提高了34.8倍。Lu98.5%−yO3:1.5%Ho3+, y%Bi3+(y=1,1.5,2)样品,随着Bi3+掺杂浓度增加,用980 nm激发比322 nm激发在551 nm处获得的光强分别提高了 13.3倍、16.8倍、14.2倍。通过计算得到Bi3+和Ho3+之间的能量传递临界距离为2.979 nm,且Bi3+与Ho3+之间的能量传递是通过偶极-四极相互作用实现的。Abstract: Bi3+ doped Lu1-xO3: x%Ho3+ metal ion phosphors were prepared using the high-temperature solid-phase method. The crystal structures of Bi3+ doped Lu1-xO3: x%Ho3+ phosphors, the Bi3+→Ho3+ energy transfer rule in Lu2O3 matrix and the luminescent properties of synthetic powders with different doping concentrations were investigated. X-ray diffraction results showed that Bi3+ and Ho3+ doping had no effect on the cubic phase structure of Lu2O3. Lu2O3: Ho3+, Bi3+ phosphor emitted 5S2→5I8 transition of Ho3+ at 551 nm under an excitation wavelength of 322 nm, and exhibited 1S0→3P1 characteristic transition of Bi3+ at 322 nm and 5I8→5F1 transition of Ho3+ at 448 nm under an emission wavelength of 551 nm. When the doping concentration of Bi3+ was 1.5%, the effect was most effective for the energy transfer of Ho3+, which increased by a factor of 34.8 compared to that of the single-doped Ho3+ sample. For Lu98.5%−yO3:1.5%Ho3+, y%Bi3+(y=1, 1.5, 2), with the increase of Bi3+ ions concentration, the luminescence intensity at 551 nm under 980-nm excitation increased by a factor of 13.3, 16.8 and 14.2, respectively, compared to that of under 322-nm excitation. The energy transfer critical distance between Bi3+ and Ho3+ was calculated to be 2.979 nm, and the energy transfer between Bi3+ and Ho3+ was achieved by dipole-quadrupole interaction.
Key words:
- phosphor /
- luminescence propertie /
- energy transfer /
- multipolar interaction
表 1 不同摩尔分数的Bi3+掺杂Lu2O3:Ho3+荧光粉
Table 1. Bi3+ doped Lu2O3:Ho3+ phosphors at different doping concentrations
sample Lu2O3 Ho3+ Bi3+ 1 98.5% 1.5% 0% 2 98.5% 0% 1.5% 3 97.5% 1.5% 1.0% 4 97.0% 1.5% 1.5% 5 96.5% 1.5% 2.0% -
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