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飞秒 刻写低温度灵敏度的细芯长周期光栅


明昕宇, 国旗, 薛兆康, 潘学鹏, 陈超, 于永森. 飞秒 刻写低温度灵敏度的细芯长周期光栅[J]. , 2020, 13(4): 737-744. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0015
引用本文: 明昕宇, 国旗, 薛兆康, 潘学鹏, 陈超, 于永森. 飞秒 刻写低温度灵敏度的细芯长周期光栅[J]. , 2020, 13(4): 737-744.doi:10.37188/CO.2020-0015
MING Xin-yu, GUO Qi, XUE Zhao-kang, PAN Xue-peng, CHEN Chao, YU Yong-sen. A femtosecond laser-inscribed fine-core long-period grating with low temperature sensitivity[J]. Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(4): 737-744. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0015
Citation: MING Xin-yu, GUO Qi, XUE Zhao-kang, PAN Xue-peng, CHEN Chao, YU Yong-sen. A femtosecond laser-inscribed fine-core long-period grating with low temperature sensitivity[J].Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(4): 737-744.doi:10.37188/CO.2020-0015

飞秒 刻写低温度灵敏度的细芯长周期光栅



    于永森(1974—),男,吉林长春人,教授,博士生导师,2005年于吉林大学获得博士学位,现为吉林大学电子科学与工程学院教授,主要从事光纤传感, 微纳加工研究。E-mail:yuys@jlu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号:TN253

A femtosecond laser-inscribed fine-core long-period grating with low temperature sensitivity

Funds:Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.91860140,No.618741119); Technology Development Project of Jilin Province (No.20180201014GX)
More Information
    Corresponding author:yuys@jlu.edu.cn
  • 摘要:在折射率与应变测试时,为了降低温度影响所引起的串扰,对细芯长周期光纤光栅的温度、折射率和应变响应特性进行了研究。通过飞秒 直写方法在纤芯直径为6 μm的单模光纤上成功制备了周期为50 μm的长周期光纤光栅。结果表明:在细芯光纤中以低 能量加工的长周期光纤光栅具有较低的温度灵敏度,同时保持较大的消光比和较好的光谱质量。这种细芯长周期光纤光栅损耗峰在20~700 °C温度范围内仅漂移1.7 nm。该光栅对折射率变化也具有较好的响应,环境折射率在1.4065~1.4265时,灵敏度最高可达882.51 nm/RIU,应变灵敏度为−2.2 pm/με。这种细芯长周期光纤光栅可以较好地降低折射率与应变测试中由于温度影响带来的串扰。

  • 图 1飞秒 直写LPG的实验装置示意图

    Figure 1.Schematic of experimental device for femtosecond laser direct writing LPG

    图 2LPG的CCD照片与光纤横截面显微镜照片

    Figure 2.CCD photo of LPG and fiber cross section microscope photo

    图 3FC-LPG透射光谱

    Figure 3.FC-LPG transmission spectrum

    图 4退火过程谐振波长随温度变化曲线

    Figure 4.Relationship between resonance wavelength and temperature during annealing

    图 5退火前后透射峰对比图

    Figure 5.Comparison of transmission peaks before and after annealing

    图 6退火后谐振波长随温度变化曲线

    Figure 6.Resonance wavelength varying with temperature after annealing

    图 7不同纤芯直径的单模光纤光栅透射谱对比

    Figure 7.Comparison of transmission spectra of single-mode fiber gratings with different core diameters

    图 8纤芯直径为9 μm的光纤中刻写的LPG的温度响应测试

    Figure 8.Temperature response test of LPG written in optical fiber with a core diameter of 9 μm

    图 9透射峰随折射率变化灵敏度曲线以及波长漂移曲线

    Figure 9.Refractive index response curve and sensitivity curve

    图 10谐振波长与应变拟合曲线以及光谱漂移曲线

    Figure 10.Resonance wavelength and strain fitting curve and spectral drift curve

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