摘要: 针对神经网络难以从数据量较少、较单一的路面裂缝图像中提取有效特征的局限性,设计了一种融合Gabor滤波器的卷积神经网络模型(Gabor Filter Convolutional Neural Network,GF-CNN)以进行路面裂缝检测。GF-CNN模型首先将路面图像输入小型参数预测网络中,依据输入图像自适应地选取Gabor滤波器组的参数,并根据所预测参数构建滤波器组对初始路面图像进行滤波,得到Gabor纹理特征图。将纹理特征图输入至基于残差网络构建的特征分类网络中提取深层特征,判断其是否包含裂缝。在GAPs路面图像数据集上的测试结果表明,GF-CNN模型的F1分数达到0.7137,优于其他路面图像检测方法。该模型通过融合纹理特征改善CNN特征提取能力,同时降低Gabor滤波器参数敏感性以提高模型泛化能力,对于路面裂缝图像具有良好的适用性。Abstract: In pavement detection, the small sample of road crack image data makes it difficult for neural networks to extract useful features from images. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a Gabor Filter Convolutional Neural Network (GF-CNN) model. The GF-CNN model first inputs a road surface image into a small parameter prediction network, adaptively selects the parameters of the Gabor filter bank according to the input, and constructs a filter bank according to the predicted parameters, and then filters the initial road surface image to obtain the Gabor texture feature map. The texture feature map is inputted into a feature classification network constructed by the residual network to extract deep features, at the same time, to judge whether a crack exists. Test results on the GAPs pavement image dataset show that the F1 score of the GF-CNN model reaches 0.7137, which is superior to other pavement image detection methods. This model improves the feature extraction ability of CNNs by fusing texture features, and reduces the sensitivity of Gabor filter parameters to improve its ability to make generalizations. It has good applicability to pavement crack image detection.
Key words:
- convolutional neural network /
- Gabor filter /
- crack detection /
- texture feature
表 1 Gabor参数预测网络结构
Table 1. Prediction network structure of Gabor parameter
名称 类型 步长/像素 输出特征图尺寸/pixel 特征图通道数 输入层 — — 64×64 1 卷积层 Conv 7×7 1 64×64 8 激活层 ReLU — 64×64 8 最大池化层 2×2 2 32×32 8 卷积层 Conv 3×3 1 32×32 16 激活层 ReLU — 32×32 16 最大池化层 2×2 2 16×16 16 卷积层 Conv 3×3 1 16×16 32 激活层 ReLU — 16×16 32 最大池化层 2×2 2 8×8 32 全连接层 — — — 96 激活层 Sigmoid — — 96 表 2 裂缝检测模型对比实验结果
Table 2. Comparison of experimental results of crack detection models
精度 召回率 F1 CrackIT 0.4694 0.5394 0.4882 ASINVOS 0.6113 0.4994 0.5497 ResNet 0.6837 0.5750 0.6246 GF-CNN 0.8003 0.6441 0.7137 -
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