Energy coupling characteristic of materials under thermal radiation produced by strong explosion
摘要: 为了获取强爆炸光辐射作用下材料的能量耦合特性,发展了强爆炸辐射源参数以及光辐射传输的物理模型和计算方法,计算给出了不同条件下目标位置处的光辐射谱特征。利用材料光谱反射率测量方法,结合光辐射耦合系数计算方法获取了几类材料的能量耦合系数。结果显示:金属、陶瓷材料的光辐射耦合系数相对较小,而碳纤维环氧复合材料的耦合系数可达0.92;采用实际光辐射能谱计算的耦合系数比近似6000 K黑体谱的结果要高,最大约14%。以铝材料为例,光辐射耦合系数随当量及爆心距离增加均表现出逐渐减小的趋势,但总体变化幅度不大。Abstract: To obtain the energy coupling characteristic of materials under strong explosive thermal radiation, a physical model for calculating radiation source parameters and atmospheric transmission is constructed, and the characteristics of the radiation spectrum at the target location under different conditions are obtained. The energy coupling coefficients of several kinds of materials are produced by spectral reflectance measurement and by calculating the average absorption coefficient of thermal radiation. The coupling coefficients of metal and ceramic materials are relatively small while it can be as high as 0.92 for carbon fiber epoxy composites. The coupling coefficient calculated from the actual thermal radiation spectrum is higher than that calculated from 6000 K blackbody radiation spectrum, and the maximum difference is about 14%. Taking aluminum material as an example, the coupling coefficient of thermal radiation decreases gradually with the increase of explosion yield and distance, but the overall variation is small.
表 1 不同群内光子能量范围(21群)
Table 1. Photon energy in different groups (21)
g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 pe (eV) 0.01−0.5 0.5−1.0 1.0−1.8 1.8−2.1 2.1−2.5 2.5−3.1 3.1−4.0 4.0−7.0 7.0−10 10−20 20−40 40−70 70−100 g 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 pe (eV) 100−200 200−400 400−1000 1000−2 000 2 000−5000 5000−10000 10000−20000 20000−80000 表 2 不同当量下光辐射中心波长及其对应的等效黑体温度
Table 2. Central wavelength of thermal radiation under different explosion yields and their equivalent blackbody temperatures
当量/kt 20 100 2000 中心波长/µm 0.46 0.48 0.52 等效温度/K 6.3×103 6.0×103 5.6×103 表 3 采用实际光辐射和6000 K黑体辐射谱计算的耦合系数
Table 3. Coupling coefficients calculated from the actual thermal radiation spectrum and 6000 K black-body radiation spectrum
材料类型 光辐射耦合系数 实际光谱 6000 K黑体辐射 相差(%) 金属 Al 0.19 0.17 −10% Cu 0.28 0.25 −10% Ag 0.21 0.18 −14% 陶瓷 TiO2 0.25 0.23 −8% 复合材料 C/E 0.92 0.89 −3.3% 表 4 实际光辐射以及6000 K黑体在不同光谱区间的能量份额
Table 4. Energy proportion in different spectral intervals for actual thermal radiation and 6000 K blackbody
所占能量比例(%) <0.4 µm 0.4~0.76 µm >0.76 µm 光辐射 11 40 49 6000 K黑体辐射 14 43 43 -
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