X-ray security inspection images classification combined octave convolution and bidirectional GRU
摘要: 针对主动视觉安检方法准确率低、速度慢,不适用于实时交通安检的问题,提出了八度卷积(OctConv)和注意力机制双向门控循环单元(GRU)神经网络相结合的X光安检图像分类方法。首先,利用八度卷积代替传统卷积,对输入的特征向量进行高低分频,并降低低频特征的分辨率,在有效提取X光安检图像特征的同时,减少了空间冗余。其次,通过注意力机制双向GRU,动态学习调整特征权重,提高危险品分类准确率。最后,在通用SIXRay数据集上的实验表明,对8000幅测试样本的整体分类准确率(ACC)、特征曲线下方面积(AUC)、正类分类准确率(PRE)分别为98.73%、91.39%、85.44%,检测时间为36.80 s。相对于目前主流模型,本文方法有效提高了X光安检图像危险品分类的准确率和速度。Abstract: Due to the disadvantages of low accuracy and slow speed in the active vision security inspection method, it is not suitable for real-time security inspection. Aiming at this problem, we propose an x-ray inspection image classification algorithm combining octave convolution (OctConv) with attention-based bidirectional Gate Recurrent Unit (GRU). Firstly, OctConv is introduced to replace the traditional convolution operation to divide the input feature vector into high and low frequency, and reduce the resolution of low frequency features, effectively extracting the features of security image and reducing the spatial redundancy. Then, the feature weight can be adjusted by dynamic learning through attention-based bidirectional GRU to improve the classification accuracy of threat objects. Finally, a lot of experimental results on SIXRay dataset show that the classification accuracy, AUC value and PRE of 8000 test samples are 98.73%, 91.39% and 85.44%, respectively, with a time of 36.80 seconds. Compared with the current mainstream model, the proposed algorithm can improve the performance and speed of threat objects recognition in X-ray security images.
Key words:
- X-ray inspection images /
- octave convolution /
- bidirectional GRU /
- attention mechanism
表 1 SIXray数据集样本分布
Table 1. Sample distribution in SIXray dataset
正类样本 (8929) 负类样本 枪支 刀具 扳手 钳子 剪子 3131 1943 2199 3961 983 1050302 表 2 不同类别数据增强前后对比结果
Table 2. Comparison results of different types of data before and after data augmentation
种类 增强前后 负类样本数 正类样本数 不平衡比率 枪支 增强前 72255 2705 26.27 增强后 89672 12659 7.08 刀具 增强前 73212 1748 41.88 增强后 93723 8608 10.89 扳手 增强前 72948 2012 36.26 增强后 92380 9951 9.28 钳子 增强前 71524 3436 20.82 增强后 85574 16757 5.10 剪子 增强前 74153 807 91.89 增强后 99760 2571 38.80 表 3 不同模型的ACC (%)比较
Table 3. Comparison of ACC (%) for different network modules
方法 枪支 刀具 扳手 钳子 剪子 平均 InceptionV3 94.63 87.52 88.97 80.50 96.95 89.71 VGG19 97.88 98.36 97.48 96.03 97.33 97.42 ResNet 98.36 99.20 98.16 96.10 97.80 97.92 DenseNet 98.69 99.25 98.18 96.16 97.65 97.99 STN-DenseNet 99.15 98.73 97.52 96.32 98.46 98.03 OnlyBiGRU 98.77 99.40 97.73 94.37 99.14 97.88 CNN-ABiGRU 98.89 99.42 98.89 97.07 98.96 98.65 OctConv-ABiGRU 98.60 99.25 99.10 97.50 99.20 98.73 表 4 不同模型的AUC (%) 比较
Table 4. Comparison of AUC (%) for different network modules
方法 枪支 刀具 扳手 钳子 剪子 平均 InceptionV3 63.34 54.57 51.33 52.92 50.74 54.57 VGG19 93.34 89.03 77.49 76.57 71.08 81.50 ResNet 94.06 88.68 76.00 73.92 60.45 78.64 DenseNet 93.91 90.37 72.59 74.65 61.08 78.52 STN-DenseNet 95.69 93.58 75.60 76.98 65.09 81.39 OnlyBiGRU 92.73 93.90 68.03 73.33 89.42 83.48 CNN-ABiGRU 93.96 93.94 82.22 80.09 87.99 87.65 OctConv-ABiGRU 91.53 94.59 87.84 86.15 96.70 91.39 表 5 不同网络用时比较
Table 5. Comparison of detection time for different network modules
方法 参数量(百万) 模型大小(MB) 检测时间(s) VGG19 45.12 344 41.56 DenseNet 57.22 437 24.91 CNN-ABiGRU 14.42 108 75.14 OctConv-ABiGRU 121.47 1382 36.80 表 6 不同方法的分类精度比较
Table 6. Comparison of PRE (%) for different network modules
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