Real-time polarization imaging integrated technology for solid-state low-light imaging
摘要: 高性能的微光夜视探测是光电探测未来的发展方向。本文针对在微弱光照射情况下,因为感光度不足而使得获得的偏振图像存在较大误差的问题,提出了一种固态微光实时偏振成像集成技术。通过引入白光通道和4个偏振方向的8个偏振通道,可在电子倍增CCD(EMCCD)微光器件上实现偏振和微光探测的集成。经试验验证,该技术获取的偏振信息准确度较高,且无偏振单元,使得器件的最低工作照度不被降低,器件同时具备微光-偏振探测功能,除可大幅提高探测器件对目标的探测识别能力外,还具有加工难度低、成本低等优点。Abstract: High-performance night vision light detection is the future direction of development in photoelectric detection. In this paper, a real-time polarization imaging technology for low-light imaging is proposed to solve issues where polarization images show large error due to low sensitivity. By introducing white light channels and 8 polarization channels in four polarization directions, the integration of polarization and detection can be achieved on EMCCD micro-optical devices. The experiment shows that the polarization information obtained by the polarization array is highly accurate, and also has advantages for its low difficulty in processing and its low cost.
Key words:
- polarization /
- low light /
- array
表 1 多偏振态图像偏振对比
Table 1. Comparison of polarization for multi-polarization image
参数 最大值 均值 对比度 熵 DoP AoP DoP AoP DoP AoP DoP AoP 统计分析 3角度 0.557 0.272 0.477 0.010 3.41×10−5 0.011 3.372 2.203 4角度 0.469 0.314 0.387 0.013 3.05×10−5 0.014 3.556 2.325 6角度 0.360 0.402 0.273 0.005 2.63×10−5 0.013 3.579 2.473 12角度 0.134 0.785 0.027 0.302 2.03×10−5 0.042 3.558 6.769 均匀取值 3角度 0.305 0.785 0.092 0.190 2.22×10−4 0.099 4.816 5.007 4角度 0.330 0.785 0.131 0.137 1.97×10−4 0.114 5.207 3.799 6角度 0.269 0.785 0.057 0.235 1.22×10−4 0.095 4.538 6.253 12角度 0.134 0.785 0.027 0.302 2.04×10−5 0.042 3.558 6.769 表 2 偏振图与原图的对比度与清晰度比较
Table 2. Comparison of contrast and clarity between the polarization image and the original image
原图 偏振图 对比度 0.19711 0.36039 清晰度 0.0091316 0.019933 -
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