Writing nanopores on a ZnS crystal with ultrafast Bessel beams
doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0101
摘要: 硫化锌(ZnS)晶体是重要的宽光谱红外窗口材料,高深径比纳米孔的超快金宝搏188软件怎么用 制造技术为中红外波导傅立叶变换光谱仪等光子器件的实现提供了重要的技术途径。本文采用中心波长为1030 nm、重复频率为100 kHz、脉冲宽度为223 fs~20 ps可调的Yb: KGW金宝搏188软件怎么用 光源,用石英锥镜产生高斯-贝塞尔光束,并用4f系统构建了40倍缩束的超快金宝搏188软件怎么用 直写系统。在能量为36~63 μJ,脉宽为12.5~20 ps的情况下,在ZnS晶体上成功刻写了直径为80~320 nm的纳米孔结构。通过聚焦离子束(FIB)剥蚀和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)成像确定了纳米孔隙表面形貌、直径及深度信息。研究了金宝搏188软件怎么用 脉冲能量、脉冲宽度对纳米孔隙的影响。结果表明,在20 ps脉冲宽度、48 µJ脉冲能量的金宝搏188软件怎么用 参数下,纳米孔隙的深度约为270 μm。Abstract: Zinc sulfide (ZnS) crystal is one of the important materials used to make the wide-spectrum infrared window. The ultrafast laser technology for manufacturing the nanopores with high aspect ratio provides an important approach to fabricate the photonic devices such as mid-infrared waveguide Fourier transform spectrometer etc. In this paper, a 40-times-demagnification ultrafast laser direct-writing system was built with a 4f system and a Gaussian-Bessel beam generated by a quartz axicon and a Yb:KGW laser source that operated at a wavelength of 1030 nm, a repetition rate of 100 kHz and a pulse width tunable from 223 fs to 20 ps. When the pulse energy was changed from 36 μJ to 63 μJ and the pulse duration was changed from 12.5 ps to 20 ps, the nanopore structure with a diameter of 80~320 nm was successfully written on the ZnS crystal. The surface morphology, diameter and depth of the nanopores were determined by FIB (Focused Ion Beams) ablation and SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) imaging. The influence of laser pulse energy and pulse width on the nanopores was studied. The results show that when the pulse width is 20 ps and the pulse energy is 48 µJ, the depth of a nanopore is about 270 µm.
Key words:
- ZnS crystal /
- high aspect ratio nanopores /
- photonic devices /
- Gaussian-Bessel beam
图 2 不同金宝搏188软件怎么用 参数下ZnS表面纳米孔隙结构的SEM形貌。 (a) 35.83 μJ;(b) 48.67 μJ;(c) 62.82 μJ。第1到4列的金宝搏188软件怎么用 脉冲宽度分别是10ps, 12.5 ps, 15 ps和20 ps
Figure 2. SEM images of nanopores on ZnS surface at various pulse energies. (a) 35.83 μJ; (b) 48.67 μJ; (c) 62.82 μJ. The laser pulse widths in columns 1 to 4 are 10 ps, 12.5 ps, 15 ps and 20 ps respectively
图 5 ZnS晶体内部纳米孔隙的结构特征。 (a)抛光后纳米孔隙横截面的SEM图;(b) 20×相衬显微镜下的纳米孔隙结构的侧面图(透射式显微模式),上方插图是微通道的放大图,图中的微结构均是在20 ps, 48.67 μJ的金宝搏188软件怎么用 参数下刻写的
Figure 5. Characteristics of nanopore inside ZnS crystal. (a) SEM image of cross-section of polished nanopore; (b) side view of the nanopore under a 20 × phase contrast microscope (transmission microscopy type). The upper inset is an enlarged view of a microchannel. Note that all the microstructures in the picture are written under the laser parameters of 20 ps and 48.67 μJ
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