Light modulation performance control of the coating on the repaired damage sites in fused silica surface
摘要: 针对CO2金宝搏188软件怎么用 修复熔石英表面损伤点后得到的修复点(简称损伤修复点)产生的光调制问题,重点研究损伤修复点在镀增透膜前后的形貌及光调制的变化规律,探讨修复点深度、宽度等形貌因素对SiO2胶体在修复点坑内沉积的影响,以及对光调制效应的影响。研究结果表明:胶体材料在损伤修复点坑内具有明显的富集效应,可有效改善损伤修复点的形貌尺寸,尤其是对深度的影响尤为明显。这虽然会导致损伤修复点镀膜后最大光调制位置的增大,但该最大光调制却远小于相应未镀膜损伤修复点引起的调制度。研究结果对进一步优化熔石英表面损伤点的修复工艺及光调制度控制提供参考。Abstract: In order to address the light modulation problem on repaired spots created after using a CO2 laser to repair the damage in fused silica surface, we research the change of the profile and the modulation of the repaired sites before and after coating them with antireflective film. The influence of the depth and width of the repaired site on the deposition of the colloid are discussed, with some attention also given to the influence of the modulation effect. The results indicate that the colloidal material significantly enriches the pits of a repair, which can effectively improve their topographic dimensions with regards to their depth. The maximum modulation locations of a repaired site will increase after being coated with the antireflective film. However, the maximum modulation caused by the repaired site is much smaller than that of the corresponding uncoated repaired point. The results of this study can provide a reference for further optimization of repair processes and light modulation regime control of the surface damage sites on fused silica.
Key words:
- fused silica /
- repaired site /
- light modulation /
- chemical coating /
- enrichment
表 1 损伤修复点镀膜前后参数与最大光调制度
Table 1. Parameters of the repaired site before and after coating vs. the maximum modulation
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