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李元 张勇 胡丽琴 陆其峰 卢乃锰

李元, 张勇, 胡丽琴, 陆其峰, 卢乃锰. 中国遥感卫星辐射校正场敦煌戈壁场区光环境变化研究[J]. 188bet网站真的吗 , 2021, 14(5): 1231-1242. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0129
引用本文: 李元, 张勇, 胡丽琴, 陆其峰, 卢乃锰. 中国遥感卫星辐射校正场敦煌戈壁场区光环境变化研究[J]. 188bet网站真的吗 , 2021, 14(5): 1231-1242. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0129
LI Yuan, ZHANG Yong, HU Li-qin, LU Qi-feng, LU Nai-meng. Investigation of optical environment changes in the Dunhuang gobi site of the Chinese radiometric calibration sites[J]. Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(5): 1231-1242. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0129
Citation: LI Yuan, ZHANG Yong, HU Li-qin, LU Qi-feng, LU Nai-meng. Investigation of optical environment changes in the Dunhuang gobi site of the Chinese radiometric calibration sites[J]. Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(5): 1231-1242. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0129


基金项目: 国家重点研发计划课题(No. 2018YFB0504601);国家自然基金委员会面上项目(No. 41271373);民用航天“十三五”技术预先研究项目(No. D040401);上海航天科技创新基金资助项目(No. SAST2019-044)

    李 元(1978—),女,北京人,工学博士,国家卫星气象中心副研究员,2001年,2006年于北京理工大学分别获学士,博士学位,主要从事在轨遥感器定标与产品反演等方面的研究。E-mail:liyuan@cma.gov.cn

    张 勇(1977—),男,陕西镇巴人,理学博士,国家卫星气象中心研究员,2000年,2003年于西北大学分别获学士,硕士学位,2006年于中国科学院遥感应用研究所获博士学位,主要从事卫星遥感器辐射定标与真实性检验方面的研究。E-mail:zhangyong@cma.gov.cn

  • 中图分类号: O432.1; P422.1

Investigation of optical environment changes in the Dunhuang gobi site of the Chinese radiometric calibration sites

Funds: Supported by National Key Research and Development Project (No. 2018YFB0504601); National Natural Science Foundation of China General Project (No. 41271373); Civil Aerospace “Thirteenth Five-Year” Technology Pre-research Project (No. D040401); Shanghai Aerospace Science and Technology Innovation Fund Project (No. SAST2019-044)
More Information
  • 摘要: 为有效评估集热塔散射辐射对敦煌场区光环境的影响程度,本文采用Monte Carlo三维辐射传输模型模拟与CE318多通道光度计等高线实测分析相结合的定量分析方法,以解决散射辐射交融于背景辐射中难以定量评估的问题。通过使用新型的ASC200云量自动观测仪,提高晴空辩识精度。通过开发CE318四象限定位修正算法,有效提高观测数据质量。2020年1~3月收集到的有效数据显示除了550 nm通道,集热塔未对天空漫射辐射产生明显影响。对于500 nm通道,在有效数据对应的观测几何下(距离0.87~3.07 km,观测天顶角为77.30°~51.32°),集热塔吸热器对天空漫射辐射的影响不超过0.93%。与模型模拟结果相结合进行分析,得出如下结论:当距离电站2 km时大电站散射辐射带来的天空漫射辐射相对变化<1.62%;当与电站距离≥3 km时相对变化<0.93%。本项研究成果对利用敦煌场开展遥感定量化应用、准确评估发电站引进的不确定度因素具有积极意义。


  • 图 1  在自动观测基地附近观察到的工作状态的集热塔

    Figure 1.  Heat collection tower in working condition observed from the automatic observation base

    图 2  等高线测量角度示意图

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of the almucantar measurement angle

    图 3  卫星观测到的集热塔反射光的辐射能量水平分布示例

    Figure 3.  An example of the radiant energy level distribution of the light reflected by the heat collection tower observed by the satellite

    图 4  2020年3月2日UTC 7:00:05时刻ASC200云量自动观测仪红外云图

    Figure 4.  Infrared cloud image obtained from ASC200 cloud cover automatic observer at 7:00:05 UTC on March 2, 2020

    图 5  归一化的全天空漫射辐射光谱与CE318不同通道光谱响应函数

    Figure 5.  Normalized full sky diffuse irradiance and CE318 spectral response function

    图 6  440 nm通道RdevBr为最小值(−2.07%)时对应时刻(03−09 09:59)的辐亮度(a)与相对偏差(b)

    Figure 6.  Radiance (a) and relative deviation (b) at the corresponding time (03−09 09:59) when the 440nm channel RdevBr is the minimum (−2.07%)

    图 7  500 nm通道RdevBr为最小值(−3.65%)时对应时刻(03−03 08:03)的辐亮度(a)与相对偏差(b)

    Figure 7.  Radiance (a) and relative deviation (b) at the corresponding time (03−03 08:03) when the 500 nm channel RdevBr is the minimum (−3.65%)

    图 8  500 nm通道RdevBr为最大值(0.93%)时对应时刻(01−25 09:04)的辐亮度(a)与相对偏差(b)

    Figure 8.  Radiance (a) and relative deviation (b) at the corresponding time (01−25 09:04) when the 500 nm channel RdevBr is the maximum (0.93%)

    表  1  模拟的相关参数定义

    Table  1.   Definitions of parameters in the simulation

    模拟区域范围11 km×11 km
    水平空间分辨率1 km
    反射光源性质离地面高度260 m;向上各角度随机发射
    计算波段0.55 μm
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    表  2  CE318通道设置

    Table  2.   CE318 channel specifications

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    表  3  CE318性能参数

    Table  3.   CE318 performance parameters

    探测器铟镓砷(InGaSn)探测器:1020i nm,
    1640 nm;硅探测器:其他
    工作温度−30~+ 60 °C
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    表  4  ASC200性能参数

    Table  4.   ASC200 performance parameters

    红外波长8~14 μm
    采样周期10 min
    工作温度−45~55 °C
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    表  5  HIM性能参数

    Table  5.   HIM performance parameters

    波长400~2400 nm
    半高宽4 nm @ 400~950 nm,15 nm @ 950~1700 nm,
    20 nm @ 1700~2400 nm
    采样期6 min
    工作温度−30~60 °C
    信噪比≥600@ 400~1000 nm,≥300@ 1000~1700 nm,
    ≥200@ 1700~2400 nm(M = 2,非吸收通道)
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    表  6  观测数据的质量控制阈值

    Table  6.   Quality control threshold of observation data

    相对偏差计算点与大小电站的投影距离>5 km
    太阳与大小电站的投影距离>2.5 km
    ALL与ALR观测时间差异<1 min
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    表  7  卫星观测到的集热塔反射光的辐射能量相对分布情况

    Table  7.   The relative distribution of the radiant energy of the light reflected by the heat collection tower observed by the satellite

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    表  8  各级筛选后有效观测数据量值统计(组)

    Table  8.   Statistics of effective observation data after being selected at different levels (group)

    1020 nm1640 nm870 nm675 nm440 nm500 nm
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    表  9  吸热器散射辐射带来的相对偏差(440 nm)

    Table  9.   Relative deviation due to scattered radiation from the heat absorber (440 nm)

    UTC TimeAODSz/(°)Sa/(°)Beta/(°)HB/kmonDegB/(°)DdegB/(°)RdevB/%RdevBr/%HS/kmonDegS/(°)DdegS/(°)RdevS/%RdevSr/%
    03−10 08:590.1561.83235.340.072.06185.374.63−1.18−1.081.540124.874.87−0.29−0.31
    03−10 07:590.1453.28220.750.112.86170.770.77−1.14−0.922.140110.279.73−1.57−1.49
    03−10 06:590.1547.20202.900.133.55152.922.92−0.04 0.312.65092.422.42−1.37−1.18
    03−09 10:270.1777.14252.070.090.881102.092.09−0.70−0.720.660141.591.59 0.24 0.14
    03−09 09:590.1572.12247.040.121.24197.062.94−2.11−2.070.930136.563.44−0.63−0.74
    03−02 09:020.1564.41233.460.061.84183.483.48−0.51−0.421.381122.982.98−1.23−1.24
    03−02 07:020.1850.22202.090.133.19152.122.12−0.20 0.192.390 91.621.62−1.47−1.28
    02−27 10:140.1477.10246.640.090.88196.663.34−0.89−0.870.660136.163.84−0.75−0.84
    02−27 09:020.1665.23232.610.161.77182.632.63−1.47−1.231.330122.132.13 0.47 0.39
    02−27 08:020.1957.00218.410.092.49168.431.57 0.09 0.301.860107.937.93 1.33 1.38
    02−27 07:020.1851.24201.490.083.08151.511.51−0.51−0.292.300 91.021.02−0.61−0.50
    01−25 09:240.1676.61230.440.110.92180.460.46−0.18 0.000.690119.970.03−0.81−0.91
    01−25 09:030.1773.56226.290.061.13176.323.68−0.14−0.030.850115.824.18−0.60−0.64
    01−10 07:560.1968.63211.650.041.50061.671.67−1.02−0.891.121101.171.17−0.44−0.43
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    表  10  吸热器散射辐射带来的相对偏差(500 nm)

    Table  10.   Relative deviation due to scattered radiation from the heat absorber (500 nm)

    UTC TimeAODSz/(°)Sa/(°)Beta/(°)HB/kmonDegB/(°)DdegB/(°)RdevB/%RdevBr/%HS/kmonDegS/(°)DdegS/(°)RdevS/%RdevSr/%
    03−10 09:000.1462.01235.590.122.04185.614.39−0.85−0.631.530125.115.11 0.88 0.87
    03−10 08:000.1453.42221.040.252.85171.061.06−0.74−0.142.130110.569.44−1.19−0.97
    03−03 08:030.1555.92219.770.142.60169.800.20−4.01−3.651.940109.309.30−1.21−1.10
    02−27 10:160.1477.30246.840.080.87196.863.14 0.29 0.320.650136.363.64−0.10−0.18
    02−27 07:030.1651.32201.840.143.07151.861.86−2.24−1.812.290 91.361.36−0.46−0.22
    01−25 09:250.1576.80230.690.170.90180.710.71 0.57 0.880.680120.210.21−0.09−0.21
    01−25 09:040.1673.72226.510.111.12176.543.46 0.68 0.930.840116.043.96−0.20−0.25
    01−10 08:580.1775.87224.520.080.97074.544.54 0.49 0.710.721114.045.96 0.31 0.28
    01−10 07:570.1768.75211.920.071.49061.94 1.94−0.50−0.251.121101.441.44−0.02 0.01
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    表  11  大电站散射辐射带来的天空漫射辐射相对变化随距离与观测角度变化(%)

    Table  11.   The relative change of the sky diffuse radiation caused by the scattered radiation from the large power station changes with distance and the observation angle (%)

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