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蒋成伟, 沙源清, 袁佳磊, 王永进, 李欣. 电致发光的完全悬空超薄硅衬底氮化镓基蓝光LED器件的制备与表征[J]. , 2021, 14(1): 153-162. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0148
引用本文: 蒋成伟, 沙源清, 袁佳磊, 王永进, 李欣. 电致发光的完全悬空超薄硅衬底氮化镓基蓝光LED器件的制备与表征[J]. , 2021, 14(1): 153-162.doi:10.37188/CO.2020-0148
JIANG Cheng-wei, SHA Yuan-qing, YUAN Jia-lei, WANG Yong-jin, LI Xin. Fabrication and characterization of an LED based on a GaN-on-silicon platform with an ultra-thin freestanding membrane in the blue range[J]. Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(1): 153-162. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0148
Citation: JIANG Cheng-wei, SHA Yuan-qing, YUAN Jia-lei, WANG Yong-jin, LI Xin. Fabrication and characterization of an LED based on a GaN-on-silicon platform with an ultra-thin freestanding membrane in the blue range[J].Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(1): 153-162.doi:10.37188/CO.2020-0148


基金项目:中国博士后基金 (No. 2018M640508);江苏省高校自然科学基金 (No. 18KJB510025);南京邮电大学1311人才计划;南京邮电大学国自孵化基金 (No. NY218013)

    蒋成伟(1997—),男,安徽马鞍山人,硕士研究生,2015年于厦门理工学院获得学士学位,现为南京邮电大学通信与工程学院硕士,主要从事氮化物光电子器件方面的研究。E-mail: 707242813@qq.com

    李 欣(1984—),女,陕西三原人,博士,2013年于西安交通大学获得博士学位,现为南京邮电大学通信与信息工程学院副教授,主要从事硅基氮化镓光电子器件方面的研究。E-mail:lixin1984@njupt.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号:TP394.1;TH691.9

Fabrication and characterization of an LED based on a GaN-on-silicon platform with an ultra-thin freestanding membrane in the blue range

Funds:China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project (No. 2018M640508); Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions (No. 18KJB510025); 1311 Talent Program of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications; National Self-funding Project of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (No. NY218013)
More Information
  • 摘要:为提升硅衬底氮化镓基LED(发光二极管)器件的光电性能和出光效率,本文提出了一种利用背后工艺实现的悬空薄膜蓝光LED器件。结合光刻工艺、深反应离子刻蚀和电感耦合等离子体反应离子刻蚀的背后工艺,制备了发光区域和大部分正负电极区域的硅衬底完全掏空,并减薄大部分氮化镓外延层的悬空薄膜LED器件。对悬空薄膜LED器件进行三维形貌表征,发现LED悬空薄膜表面平坦,变形程度小,证明背后工艺很好地解决了氮化镓外延层和硅衬底之间由于应力释放造成的薄膜变形问题。表征了LED器件的电流电压曲线和电致发光光谱等光电特性,对不同结构、不同发光区域尺寸的LED器件进行对比,发现悬空薄膜LED器件的光电性能和出光效率比普通LED器件更优越,且发光区尺寸变化对LED器件性能的影响更明显。在15 V驱动电压下,与普通LED器件相比,发光区直径为80 μm的悬空LED器件的电流从4.3 mA提升至23.9 mA。在3 mA电流的驱动下,峰值光强提升了约5倍,而发光区直径为120 μm的悬空器件与发光区直径为80 μm的悬空器件相比,出光效率提升更为明显。本研究为发展高性能悬空氮化物薄膜LED器件提供了更多可能性。

  • 图 1硅衬底氮化镓基悬空薄膜LED器件工艺流程图

    Figure 1.Fabrication process of the GaN-based LED with an ultra-thin freestanding membrane

    图 2不同尺寸完全掏空硅衬底的悬空薄膜LED器件的二维形貌正视图。 (a) 发光区直径为80 μm; (b) 发光区直径为120 μm

    Figure 2.Two-dimensional images of GaN-based LED device with a freestanding membrane when light emitting area’s diameter is (a) 80 μm and (b) 120 μm

    图 3从背面观察的发光区直径为80 μm的完全掏空硅衬底的悬空薄膜LED器件的三维形貌图

    Figure 3.Three-dimensional images of an LED device with a freestanding membrane with a light emitting area of 80 μm in diameter (back view)

    图 4从背面观察的发光区直径为120 μm的完全掏空硅衬底的悬空薄膜LED器件的三维形貌图

    Figure 4.Three-dimensional images of an LED with a freestanding membrane device with a light emitting area of 120 μm in diameter (back view)

    图 5不同结构、不同尺寸LED器件的I-V(电流-电压)曲线

    Figure 5.I-V (current-voltage) curves of LEDs with different structures and sizes

    图 6(a)普通LED器件的电势和电流密度分布及(b)普通LED器件p电极的电流密度曲线图;(c)掏空硅衬底的悬空LED器件的电势和电流密度分布;(d)掏空硅衬底的悬空LED器件p电极的电流密度曲线图;(e)掏空硅衬底并将外延层减薄至3 μm的悬空LED器件的电势和电流密度分布;(f)掏空硅衬底并将外延层减薄至3 μm的悬空LED器件p电极的电流密度曲线图;(g)掏空硅衬底并将外延层减薄至1 μm的悬空LED器件的电势和电流密度分布;(h)掏空硅衬底并将外延层减薄至1 μm的悬空LED器件p电极的电流密度曲线图。

    Figure 6.(a) Distribution of the potential and current density and (b) p electrode current density curve of the common LED; (c) distribution of the potential and current density and (d) p electrode current density curve of the LED with a membrane but without a silicon substrate; (e) distribution of potential and current density and (f) p electrode current density curve of the LED with a membrane and a GaN epitaxial layer thinned to 3 μm; (g) distribution of potential and current density and (h) p electrode current density curve of the LED with a membrane and a GaN epitaxial layer thinned to 1 μm

    图 7发光区直径均为120 μm,结构不同的LED器件在刚好到达开启电压的情况下的发光情况。 (a) 普通LED; (b) 悬空薄膜LED

    Figure 7.The light-emitting images of the LED with different structures and with light-emitting area’s diameter of 120 μm when its voltage is turned on. (a) Common LED; (b) LED with a freestanding membrane

    图 8不同尺寸和不同结构的LED器件的电致发光光谱

    Figure 8.Electroluminescence spectra of the LEDs with different sizes and structures

    图 9(a) 发光区直径为120 μm的结构不同的LED器件电致发光情况下总光强对比; (b) 发光区直径为120 μm的悬空薄膜LED器件的光功率-电压-电流曲线

    Figure 9.(a) Comparison of the electroluminescence total light intensities of the LED with different structures when light emitting area’s diameter is 120 μm; (b) L-V-I (light output power-voltage-current) curves of the LED with a 120 μm-diameter light emitting area and with a freestanding membrane

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