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20 m水下无线蓝光LED通信系统样机设计


董冰, 佟首峰, 张鹏, 王大帅, 马晨源. 20 m水下无线蓝光LED通信系统样机设计[J]. , 2021, 14(6): 1451-1458. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0190
引用本文: 董冰, 佟首峰, 张鹏, 王大帅, 马晨源. 20 m水下无线蓝光LED通信系统样机设计[J]. , 2021, 14(6): 1451-1458.doi:10.37188/CO.2020-0190
DONG Bing, TONG Shou-feng, ZHANG Peng, WANG Da-shuai, MA Chen-yuan. Design of a 20 m underwater wireless optical communication system based on blue LED[J]. Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(6): 1451-1458. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0190
Citation: DONG Bing, TONG Shou-feng, ZHANG Peng, WANG Da-shuai, MA Chen-yuan. Design of a 20 m underwater wireless optical communication system based on blue LED[J].Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(6): 1451-1458.doi:10.37188/CO.2020-0190

20 m水下无线蓝光LED通信系统样机设计

基金项目:国防基础科研计划稳定支持项目(No. JCKYS2020604SSJS012);国防科技重点实验室基金项目(No. 201911XXX401);吉林省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目(No. JJKH20210820KJ)

    董 冰(1990—),女,吉林长春人,博士研究生,2016年于长春理工大学获得物理电子学硕士学位,现为长春理工大学光学工程专业博士研究生,主要从事水下无线光通信方面的研究。E-mail:279884056@qq.com

    佟首峰(1972—),男,吉林洮南人,教授,博士生导师,博士,主要从事空间 通信,空间光学遥感,光电检测和光电跟踪等方面的研究。E-mail:tsf1998@sina.com

  • 中图分类号:TTN929.3

Design of a 20 m underwater wireless optical communication system based on blue LED

Funds:Supported by National Defense Basic Research Program Stability Support Project (No. JCKYS2020604SSJS012); National Defense Science and Technology Key Laboratory Fund Project (No. 201911XXX401); Science and Technology Research Key Project of Jilin Province Education Department (No. JJKH20210820KJ)
More Information
  • 摘要:在清澈海水中,透射窗口在蓝绿光波段,蓝光在海水中具有很好的传输特性。为了满足深海观测网络及平台间的高速率、大容量的通信需求,本文提出了一种水下无线可见光通信系统。该系统采用470 nm LED阵列拼接结构,增大束散角,并且提出采用菲涅尔透镜作为光学天线,实现大视场接收。在20 m的水下通信距离下,成功实现了5 Mbit/s通信速率,误码率低至10 −6的可靠通信,并完整地组装出了工程样机,为后续的水下动态 通信系统奠定了基础。

  • 图 1光束遇质点后的散射示意图

    Figure 1.Schematic diagram of the scattering of a light beam upon contact with a particle

    图 2不同海水深度的太阳光渗透能力分布图

    Figure 2.Distribution map of sunlight penetration capacity at different sea depths

    图 3太阳光功率在不同水域中随水面下传播距离衰减曲线

    Figure 3.The attenuation curve of solar power vs. propagation distance under water in different water areas

    图 4系统总体设计框图

    Figure 4.Block diagram of overall system design

    图 5发射光端机主要结构器件

    Figure 5.Main structural components of the optical transmitter

    图 6发射光端机实物图

    Figure 6.Physical image of the transmitter

    图 7菲涅耳透镜直径、焦距与光线入射角的关系示意图

    Figure 7.Relationship between the Fresnel lens diameter, focus distance and incident angle

    图 8接收光端机主要结构器件

    Figure 8.Main structural components of the optical receiver

    图 9接收光端机实物图

    Figure 9.Physical map of the receiver

    图 10水下实验环境

    Figure 10.Underwater experimental environment

    图 11水下距离20 m处系统通信误码率

    Figure 11.BER of the system at 20 m underwater

    图 12水下距离20 m处系统输出波形及通信速率

    Figure 12.Output waveform and communication rate of the system at 20 m underwater

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