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3.2~3.8 μm和4.9~5.4 μm红外双色滤光片的研制


周晟, 王凯旋, 刘定权, 胡金超, 李耀鹏, 王曙光. 3.2~3.8 μm和4.9~5.4 μm红外双色滤光片的研制[J]. , 2021, 14(3): 536-543. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0206
引用本文: 周晟, 王凯旋, 刘定权, 胡金超, 李耀鹏, 王曙光. 3.2~3.8 μm和4.9~5.4 μm红外双色滤光片的研制[J]. , 2021, 14(3): 536-543.doi:10.37188/CO.2020-0206
ZHOU Sheng, WANG Kai-xuan, LIU Ding-quan, HU Jin-chao, LI Yao-peng, WANG Shu-guang. Research on infrared dual-color filters with 3.2~3.8 μm and 4.9~5.4 μm bands[J]. Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(3): 536-543. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0206
Citation: ZHOU Sheng, WANG Kai-xuan, LIU Ding-quan, HU Jin-chao, LI Yao-peng, WANG Shu-guang. Research on infrared dual-color filters with 3.2~3.8 μm and 4.9~5.4 μm bands[J].Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(3): 536-543.doi:10.37188/CO.2020-0206

3.2~3.8 μm和4.9~5.4 μm红外双色滤光片的研制

基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No. 61705248)

    周 晟(1988—),男,江苏无锡人,副研究员,硕士,2009年于上海理工大学光电信息工程系获得学士学位,2012年于上海理工大学光学工程系获得硕士学位,主要从事光学薄膜材料和器件的研究。E-mail:zhousheng@sitp.ac.cn


  • 中图分类号:O484

Research on infrared dual-color filters with 3.2~3.8 μm and 4.9~5.4 μm bands

Funds:Supported by National Natural Science Fundation of China (No. 61705248)
More Information
  • 摘要:双色滤光片在其任意一个几何位置上,均能够有效透过两个精确控制的光谱通道,它可以提升光学探测装置对目标的识别能力。本文选用单晶Ge作为基片,Ge和ZnSe分别作为高低折射率膜层材料,研制了一种包含3.2~3.8 μm(通道1)和4.9~5.4 μm(通道2)两个通道的红外双色滤光片。在高真空中以热蒸发的方式镀制了滤光片的光学膜层,采用单波长的极值百分比光学监控(POEM)方法控制膜层的光学厚度。在100 K低温下,通道1的平均透射率为94.2%,顶部波纹幅度为5.7%;通道2的平均透射率为96.5%,顶部波纹幅度为0.6%。在两个通道之间(4.0~4.7 μm)的截止区域内,平均透射率小于0.16%。该红外双色滤光片具有良好的光学稳定性,有利于高速运动目标的识别。

  • 图 1两个单F-P带通膜系组合而成的双色滤光片

    Figure 1.Dual-color filter composed of two single F-P band-pass filters

    图 2负滤光膜系和宽带通膜系组合而成的双色滤光片

    Figure 2.Dual-color filter composed of a notch filter and a wide band-pass filter

    图 3设计的含有短波截止膜系的负滤光膜系透射曲线

    Figure 3.Transmittance curve of notch filter films with long-pass filter

    图 4负滤光膜系各层薄膜在0.1 qw(1/4波长)光学厚度误差时顶部波纹振幅的变化

    Figure 4.The top ripple amplitude variation of each layer of a notch filter when the optical thickness error is 0.1 qw (1/4 wavelength)

    图 5设计的长波截止膜系透射光谱曲线

    Figure 5.Transmittance curve of the designed short-pass filter

    图 6设计的双色滤光片透射光谱曲线

    Figure 6.Transmittance curve of the designed dual-color filter

    图 7负滤光膜系的单波长(2 110 nm)直接监控设计曲线

    Figure 7.Designed curve of 2 110 nm single-wavelength direct monitoring of the notch filter

    图 8长波截止膜的单波长(2 026 nm)直接监控设计曲线

    Figure 8.Designed curve of 2 026 nm single-wavelength direct monitoring of the short-pass filter

    图 9Ge片上单面镀制的负滤光膜和长波截止膜的测量光谱

    Figure 9.Measured spectra of the notch filter and the short-pass filter coatings both on one side of Ge substrate

    图 10双色滤光片测量光谱

    Figure 10.Measured spectrum of the dual-color filter

    图 11双色滤光片在300 K和100 K温度下的透射光谱

    Figure 11.Spectra of dual-color filter at 300 K and 100 K temperatures

    图 12300 K和100 K温度下,Ge单层膜的透射光谱

    Figure 12.Transmittance spectra of the Ge single film on Al2O3at 300 K and 100 K temperatures

    图 13300 K和100 K温度下,ZnSe单层膜的透射光谱

    Figure 13.Transmittance spectra of ZnSe single film on Al2O3at 300 K and 100 K temperatures

    图 14300 K和100 K温度下,Ge单层膜的折射率色散曲线

    Figure 14.Refractive index dispersion curves of the Ge single film on Al2O3at 300 K and 100 K temperatures

    图 15300 K和100 K温度下,ZnSe单层膜的折射率色散曲线

    Figure 15.Refractive index dispersion curves of ZnSe single film on Al2O3at 300 K and 100 K temperatures

    表 1Ge和ZnSe薄膜沉积工艺参数

    Table 1.Deposition parameters of the Ge and ZnSe films

    deposition rate/
    chamber pressure/
    rotation rate/
    Ge layers 0.6 5~8 30
    ZnSe layers 2 5~8 30
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    表 2两个通带的边缘陡度和顶部波纹振幅

    Table 2.Edge steepness and top ripple amplitudes of the two channels

    Edge steepness
    of the left side
    Edge steepness
    of the right side
    Top ripple
    Channel 1 (3.2~3.8 μm) 3.5% 2.1% 5.7%
    Channel 2 (4.9~5.4 μm) 2.7% 2.2% 0.6%
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    表 3温度由300 K变化至100 K时两个通带半峰波长位置的移动情况

    Table 3.Half-peak wavelength point shift of the two channels when the temperature changes from 300 K to 100 K (nm)

    Left sideT0.5P
    wavelength point shift
    Right sideT0.5P
    wavelength point shift
    Channel 1
    (3.2~3.8 μm)
    −43 −49
    Channel 2
    (4.9~5.4 μm)
    −67 −73
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