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半导体 器系统输出混沌 研究进展


匡尚奇, 郭祥帅, 冯玉玲, 李博涵, 张依宁, 于萍, 庞爽. 半导体 器系统输出混沌 研究进展[J]. , 2021, 14(5): 1133-1145. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0216
引用本文: 匡尚奇, 郭祥帅, 冯玉玲, 李博涵, 张依宁, 于萍, 庞爽. 半导体 器系统输出混沌 研究进展[J]. , 2021, 14(5): 1133-1145.doi:10.37188/CO.2020-0216
KUANG Shang-qi, GUO Xiang-shuai, FENG Yu-ling, LI Bo-han, ZHANG Yi-ning, YU Ping, PANG Shuang. Research progress of optical chaos in semiconductor laser systems[J]. Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(5): 1133-1145. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0216
Citation: KUANG Shang-qi, GUO Xiang-shuai, FENG Yu-ling, LI Bo-han, ZHANG Yi-ning, YU Ping, PANG Shuang. Research progress of optical chaos in semiconductor laser systems[J].Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(5): 1133-1145.doi:10.37188/CO.2020-0216

半导体 器系统输出混沌 研究进展

基金项目:吉林省教育厅科学研究规划项目(No. JJKH20200728KJ);吉林省科技发展计划项目(No.20190201135JC)


    郭祥帅(1997—),男,天津人,硕士研究生,2019年于齐齐哈尔大学获得学士学位,主要从事半导体 器混沌方面的研究,E-mail:1114878977@qq.com


  • 中图分类号:O415

Research progress of optical chaos in semiconductor laser systems

Funds:Supported by Scientific Research Planning Project of Education Department of Jilin Province (No. JJKH20200728KJ); Science and Technology Development Plan Project of Jilin Province (No. 20190201135JC)
More Information
  • 摘要:混沌 由于其类噪声的随机性和优良的抗干扰性,广泛应用于混沌保密通讯、 雷达、光学检测等方面,而且半导体 器自身体积小且结构稳定,成为产生混沌 的主要 器之一。但是,常规光反馈结构的半导体 器系统输出的混沌 信号带宽较窄且存在延时特征,这严重影响了混沌 的应用。针对半导体 器系统的上述问题,本文综合介绍了降低延时特征和优化混沌 带宽的研究进展,对混沌保密通讯十分重要的混沌 的同步性研究进展和半导体 器系统输出的混沌 在应用方面的研究进行了总结,并最终对半导体 器系统输出的混沌 的未来发展与应用前景进行展望。

  • 图 1(a) 采用随机分布光栅反馈装置示意图;(b) 在光纤随机光栅中不同偏振情况下TDS的值随反馈比的变化[27]

    Figure 1.(a) Schematic diagram of a device receiving feedback from a randomly distributed grating; (b) TDS values varying with the feedback ratio under different polarizations in FBG[27]

    图 2(a)光学时间透镜处理混沌 装置示意图;(b) 光学时间透镜模块输出混沌信号的有效带宽与相位调制指数的关系[30]

    Figure 2.(a) Schematic diagram of the device using optical time lens to process chaotic laser device; (b) efficient bandwidth of the chaotic signal outputted by the optical time lens module versus the phase modulation index[30]

    图 3(a)具有光注入的散射反馈半导体 器系统装置示意图;(b)外腔反馈延迟的相关系数与光纤长度的关系(蓝线),红线表示混沌光信号本身的相关噪底[35]

    Figure 3.(a)Schematic diagram of a scattering feedback semiconductor laser system with light injection; (b) correlation coefficient at the external cavity feedback delay as a function of the fiber length, which is represented by the blue line, the red line represents the correlation noise floor of the chaotic light signal itself[35]

    图 4(a)具有外光注入的双路光反馈的半导体 系统装置示意图;(b)两种系统输出混沌 的延时特征值随滤波器带宽的变化[38]

    Figure 4.(a) Schematic diagram of a semiconductor laser system with dual optical feedback under external light injection; (b) the time delay characteristic values varying with the filter bandwidth in the two systems[38]

    图 5(a) 使用多模式SRL的基于光学混沌的同步和通信的示意图;(b)相关系数与相对失配率Δ的关系[39]

    Figure 5.(a) Schematic diagram for optical chaos-based synchronization and communication using multimode SRL; (b) correlation index as a function of the relative mismatch ration Δ[39]

    图 6(a)具有时滞的互耦合半导体 器的模型,τ为光的传播延迟时间;(b) 实线与虚线分别表示 器1与 器2成为局部领先者的概率[49]

    Figure 6.Model for mutually-coupled semiconductor lasers with a time delay,τis the propagation delay time of the light; (b) the solid line and the dotted line respectively represent the probability that laser 1 or 2 is locally the leader[49]

    图 7(a) 二极管的三维混沌水下 雷达系统原理图;(b)清洁水中淹没运动目标的相关迹线[53]

    Figure 7.(a) Schematic setup of the 3D chaos underwater lidar system with a laser diode; (b) correlation traces of a submerged moving target in clean water[53]

    图 8(a)探测系统示意图;(b)混沌 经空杯、水和脂肪乳液的互相关峰值[13]

    Figure 8.(a) Schematic of the detection system; (b) the cross-correlation peaks of chaotic laser passing through the empty cup, water and fat emulsion[13]

    表 1单 器混沌 性能优化

    Table 1.Optimization of chaos in the laser system

    Research institute Parameter Methods for improvement Evaluation function
    Ecole Supérieured’Electricité τ,kap \ ACF[15], DMI[15]
    Ecole Supérieured’Electricité τ,kap,J \ ACF[15,], DMI[15]
    Xidian University kap,τ,kpm electronic component ACF[15], PE[16]
    City University of Hong Kong Δf,kap change optical feedback structure ACF[15], BW[17]
    National Tsing Hua University kap signal processing ACF[15], DMI[15]
    Bangor University J change optical feedback structure BW[17]
    Université Paris-Saclay kap,τ change optical feedback structure BW[17]
    Taiyuan University of Technology α \ ACF[15], LPE[19]
    Changchun University of Science and Technology τ,kap,J,B electronic component ACF[15], BW[17]
    University of Ottawa kap change optical feedback structure ACF[15]
    Taiyuan University of Technology kap,J signal processing ACF[15], PE[16]
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    表 2多个 器系统输出混沌 性能优化

    Table 2.Optimization of chaos in systems composed of multiple lasers

    Research Institutes Parameters Methods Evaluation functions
    Information Engineering University J1,J2f,kinj \ ACF[15], DMI[15]
    Taiyuan University of Technology Δf,kinj \ BW[17]
    Yantai University kinj,kap,α,ε change feedback structure ACF[15]
    Taiyuan University of Technology \ change feedback structure ACF[15]
    University of Electronic Science and Technology kpm electronic component ACF[15], DMI[15]
    Changchun University of Science and Technology τ,kinj,kap,J,Λ electronic component ACF[15], DMI[15], BW[17]
    Changchun University of Science and Technology kinj,kap,J, electronic component ACF[15], BW[17]
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