摘要: 本文采用反射式全息光栅作为外部反馈元件,设计了638 nm光栅外腔窄线宽金宝搏188软件怎么用 器。使用高分辨率的光谱分析仪检测了Littrow结构的外腔半导体金宝搏188软件怎么用 器的输出光谱,并进一步研究了该金宝搏188软件怎么用 器的阈值和波长调谐特性。实验采用了2400 l/mm和1800 l/mm两种刻线密度的反射式全息光栅进行研究,在120 mA的注入电流下,采用刻线密度为2400 l/mm的光栅外腔金宝搏188软件怎么用 器的输出功率是45.2 mW,将阈值电流由60 mA降至51 mA,下降幅度为11%;采用刻线密度为1800 l/mm的光栅外腔金宝搏188软件怎么用 器的输出功率是38.7 mW,将阈值电流由60 mA降至47 mA,下降幅度为24%,光谱线宽均压窄至3.5 pm,且分别了实现了9.4 nm和10.5 nm宽度的波长调谐。实验结果表明,采用反射式全息光栅的Littrow结构用于半导体金宝搏188软件怎么用 器,极大地改善了半导体金宝搏188软件怎么用 器的性能。
- 半导体金宝搏188软件怎么用 器 /
- 全息光栅 /
- Littrow结构 /
- 光谱线宽
Abstract: In this paper, a narrow linewidth laser with an external grating cavity of 638 nm is described, wherein a reflection holographic grating was used as its external feedback element. The spectrum of the diode lasers with the grating external cavity arranged in a Littrow configuration were measured using a high-resolution monochromator and the characteristics of the threshold and tuning properties were investigated. In the experiment, reflection holographic gratings with 2400 l/mm and 1800 l/mm groove density were studied. At 120 mA injection current, the output power of the external cavity laser was 45.2 mW when the groove density was 2400 l/mm, and the threshold current of the LD was reduced from 60 mA to 51 mA and the descent rate was 11%. When the groove density was 1800 l/mm, the output power was 38.7 mW, the threshold current of the LD was reduced from 60 mA to 47 mA, and the descent rate was 24%. Furthermore, the linewidths were suppressed to within 3.5 pm, and the tuning ranges were 9.4 nm and 10.5 nm in wavelength. The experimental results showed that the performance of semiconductor lasers was improved greatly using the Littrow configuration with a reflective holographic grating.-
Key words:
- diode laser /
- holographic grating /
- littrow configuration /
- spectral linewidth
表 1 2400 l/mm 全息光栅外腔金宝搏188软件怎么用 器与638 nm半导体金宝搏188软件怎么用 器参数性能对比结果
Table 1. Performance comparison of 2400 l/mm holographic grating external cavity laser and 638 nm semiconductor laser
mAOutput power/
mW(120mA injection current)Line
nmWavelength tuning range/
nmDiode laser 60 50.6 1.8 3 Diode laser with grating external cavity 51 45.2 0.0035 10 -
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