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胡思奇, 田睿娟, 甘雪涛. 面向硅基光电子混合集成的二维材料探测器[J]. , 2021, 14(5): 1039-1055. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0003
引用本文: 胡思奇, 田睿娟, 甘雪涛. 面向硅基光电子混合集成的二维材料探测器[J]. , 2021, 14(5): 1039-1055.doi:10.37188/CO.2021-0003
HU Si-qi, TIAN Rui-juan, GAN Xue-tao. Two-dimensional material photodetector for hybrid silicon photonics[J]. Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(5): 1039-1055. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0003
Citation: HU Si-qi, TIAN Rui-juan, GAN Xue-tao. Two-dimensional material photodetector for hybrid silicon photonics[J].Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(5): 1039-1055.doi:10.37188/CO.2021-0003


基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(No. 2018YFA0307200);国家自然科学基金(No. 61775183);中央高校基本科研业务费(No. 3102017jc01001)




  • 中图分类号:TN36; TN256

Two-dimensional material photodetector for hybrid silicon photonics

Funds:Supported by National Key R&D Program of China (No. 2018YFA0307200); National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61775183); Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. 3102017jc01001)
More Information
  • 摘要:二维材料因其独特的结构和优异的电子和光电性能,为硅基光电子集成器件提供了新的发展机遇。近年来,面向硅基光电子混合集成的二维材料探测器已被广泛研究。本文梳理了构建光电探测器的几种二维材料基本特性及其探测机制,回顾了基于二维材料的硅光子集成光电探测器研究进展,总结了其器件结构和主要性能指标。最后,讨论了进一步提升硅光子集成二维材料光电探测器性能的策略,包括大规模二维材料集成器件的制备、器件结构与金属接触界面的优化以及新兴二维材料光电探测器的探索,以期推动二维材料在硅基光电子混合集成探测器领域的商业化应用。

  • 图 1硅光子集成二维材料光电探测器示意图(a) 石墨烯[21];(b) 黑磷[30];(c) 过渡金属硫化物[41];(d) 六方氮化硼的晶格结构[51]

    Figure 1.Schematic diagram of silicon photonic integrated two-dimensional material photodetectors. Crystal structures of (a) Graphene[21], (b) BP[30], (c) TMDCs[41]and (d) hBN[51]

    图 2光电转换机制。(a) 光电导效应;(b) 光栅效应;(c) 光伏效应;(d) 光热电效应;(e) 辐射热效应

    Figure 2.Photoelectric conversion mechanism. (a) Photoconductive effect; (b) photogating effect; (c) photovoltaic effect; (d) photo-thermoelectric effect and (e) photo-bolometric Effect

    图 3基于石墨烯的硅光子集成光电探测器。(a) 金属电极非对称的硅波导集成石墨烯光电探测器[76];(b) 硅波导集成的高响应率hBN/石墨烯/hBN结构光电探测器[79];(c) 硅纳米槽波导集成的石墨烯p-n结探测器[80];(d) 覆盖所有光通信波段且CMOS兼容的波导集成石墨烯光电探测器[78];(e) 蝴蝶结状等离子金属纳米结构增强的波导集成石墨烯光电探测器[83];(f) 用于1.55和2 μm光探测的金属等离子体增强石墨烯硅波导集成光电探测器[84]

    Figure 3.Graphene-based silicon photonic integrated photodetectors. (a) A waveguide-integrated graphene photodetector with asymmetric metal electrodes[76]. (b) High-responsivity hBN/graphene/hBN photodetector on a buried silicon waveguide[79]. (c) A graphene photodetector integrated on a silicon slot-waveguide with a p-n junction[80]. (d) CMOS-compatible graphene photodetector covering all optical communication bands[78]. (e) Plasmonically-enhanced waveguide-integrated graphene photodetector. The optical field is enhanced at the edges and in the gap of the bowtie-shaped structures[83]. (f) A silicon-graphene hybrid plasmonic waveguide photodetector for 1.55 and 2 μm detection[84]

    图 4基于BP的硅光子集成光电探测器。(a) 具有高响应率和低暗电流的BP光电探测器[86];(b) 硅波导与等离子体金属光栅结构三维集成的BP光电探测器[87];(c) 工作在2 μm波长的高速高响应率硅波导集成BP光电探测器[88];(d) 可用于中红外光探测的硅波导集成BP探测器[89]

    Figure 4.BP-based silicon photonic integrated photodetectors. (a) Waveguide-integrated BP photodetector with high responsivity and a low dark current[86]; (b) three-dimensional integration of a BP photodetector with silicon waveguide and nanoplasmonics grating[87]; (c) high-speed and high-responsivity hybrid silicon/BP waveguide photodetectors at 2 µm[88]; (d) waveguide-integrated BP photodetector for mid-infrared applications[89]

    图 5基于TMDCs及其异质结构的硅光子集成光电探测器。(a) 硅光子集成的MoTe2p-n结光电探测器[92];(b) 基于非对称功函数接触电极的硅波导集成MoTe2探测器[93];(c) 基于MoTe2/石墨烯范德华垂直异质结的高速高响应硅波导集成光电探测器[94];(d) 基于应变调控的硅波导集成MoTe2光电探测器,可用于1550 nm光探测[95];(e) 基于范德华异质结的氮化硅波导集成隧穿光电二极管,其在1550 nm波长处具有高速高响应[96]

    Figure 5.Silicon photonic integrated photodetectors based on TMDCs and their heterostructures. (a) A MoTe2-based photodetector for silicon photonic integrated circuits[92]; (b) silicon waveguide integrated MoTe2photodetector based on asymmetric work function contact electrodes[93]; (c) waveguide-integrated van der Waals heterostructure photodetector with high speed and high responsivity[94]; (d) strain-engineered silicon photonic integrated MoTe2photodetector for 1550 nm light detection[95]; (e) high-speed van der Waals heterostructure tunneling photodiodes integrated on silicon nitride waveguides for 1550 nm light detection[96]

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