Research development of amplitude-modulated metasurfaces and their functional devices
摘要: 超构表面是一种具有亚波长特征尺寸的人工平面结构材料,可以在亚波长尺度上对入射电磁波的振幅、相位、偏振、频率、光谱等参量进行精密且灵活的调控,近年来备受关注。振幅是光波的基本参量之一,本文将从振幅调控的角度出发,对基于超构表面材料的振幅调控机理进行分析,主要包括通过改变纳米结构的尺寸和方向角对振幅进行调控,同时对基于振幅调控超构表面的功能器件的研究现状及其应用场景进行总结和讨论。研究表明,振幅调控超构表面具有设计灵活、加工简单、功能强大、可与其他参量调控相融合等特点,其在高分辨率图像显示、高密度信息存储、信息加密、信息复用、光束整形、光信息处理和安全防伪等诸多领域具有重要的研究价值和广阔的应用前景。Abstract: Metasurfaces, a kind of artificial planar material with subwavelength feature sizes, have attracted much attention in recent years because they can precisely and flexibly manipulate the amplitude, phase, polarization, frequency and spectrum of incident electromagnetic waves at the subwavelength scale. Since amplitude is one of the fundamental properties of a lightwave, in this article, we focus on investigating the mechanism of amplitude-modulated metasurfaces. Amplitude modulation is carried out mainly by varying the sizes and orientation angles of nanostructures. In addition, the progress and applications of functional devices based on amplitude-modulated metasurfaces are summarized and discussed in detail. This article shows that amplitude-modulated metasurfaces have the advantages of flexible designs, simple fabrication, powerful functionality and are suitable for easily merging other optical property modulations. Amplitude-moderated metasurfaces have important research value and broad application prospects in the fields of high-resolution image display, high-density information storage, information encryption, information multiplexing, beam shaping, optical information processing, security, anticounterfeiting and many other related areas.
Key words:
- metasurface /
- amplitude modulation /
- Malus law /
- polarization modulation /
- holography /
- nanoprinting /
- image display
图 1 二元振幅型超构表面器件。(a)基于碳纳米管[37]、(b)基于随机图案光子筛[38]和(c)基于光子筛的定量相关全息片[39];(d)波长复用[41]和(e)偏振复用的全息片[43]
Figure 1. Binary amplitude-only metasurface-based devices. (a) MWCNT-based meta-holograms[37]; (b) meta-holograms based on random photon sieves [38]; (c) quantitatively correlated meta-holograms based on photon sieves[39]; (d) wavelength multiplexed[41] and (e) polarization multiplexed meta-holograms[43].
图 2 改变纳米结构的尺寸实现多台阶振幅调控。(a)V型纳米结构[44];(b)C型纳米结构[45];(c)长方形纳米结构[49]。迂回相位超构表面:(d)改变缝的宽度[54];(e)改变缝的个数[55]
Figure 2. Multi-step amplitude modulation by varying the dimensions of nanostructures. (a) V-shaped[44]; (b) C-shaped[45]; (c) rectangle-shaped[49]. Detour phase metasurfaces obtained by (d) varying the width of the slits[54] and (e) varying the number of slits[55].
图 4 马吕斯超构表面的应用。(a)信息隐藏[62];(b)高分辨率灰度图像显示[1];(c)消零级振幅型全息[5];(d)安全防伪[64];(e)信息加密[65];(f)彩色图像显示[14];(g)全彩色图像显示[66]
Figure 4. Applications of Malus metasurfaces. (a) Information hiding[62]; (b) high-resolution grayscale image display[1]; (c) zero-order-free amplitude-only holography[5]; (d) security and anti-counterfeiting[64]; (e) information encryption[65]; (f) color image displays[14]; (g) full color image displays[66]
表 1 不同类型的振幅型超构表面的振幅调控方式及特点对比
Table 1. Comparison of the amplitude control methods and characteristics of different types of amplitude-modulated metasurfaces
类型 纳米单元结构 振幅调制方式 特点 典型应用场景 二元振幅型
超构表面多壁碳纳米管、纳米孔、光子筛、等离子体纳米粒子 调控局部是否发生透射或反射 二台阶振幅调制,可与波长选择性和偏振选择性相结合 振幅型全息成像、二值图像显示、波长/偏振复用全息成像等 多台阶振幅型
超构表面V型、C型、I型、长方形、十字型等多种纳米结构、纳米孔、狭缝 改变纳米结构的尺寸 多台阶振幅调制,与改变方向角相结合可以实现复振幅调制 灰度纳米印刷图像显示、复振幅光栅、复振幅全息成像等 双天线超构表面 X型、两个分离的纳米砖组成的双天线纳米结构 改变组成双天线单元的两个纳米结构的方向角 连续振幅调制、连续相位调制、偏振态调制 连续灰度/全彩色纳米印刷图像显示、灰度/全彩色复振幅全息成像、复振幅矢量全息成像、纳米印刷图像及全息图像融合显示等 马吕斯超构表面 任意各向异性纳米结构 改变纳米结构的方向角 连续振幅调制,具有转角简并性,可与几何相位调制结合 连续灰度/全彩色纳米印刷图像显示、宽波带消零级2D/3D全息成像、消零级振幅型光栅、纳米印刷及全息图像融合显示、多通道图像显示等 -
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