Coupling between Meta-atoms: a new degree of freedom in metasurfaces manipulating electromagnetic waves
摘要: 近年来,纳米光学体系中共振体间耦合引起了人们的广泛关注。相对于单一光子共振结构体系,由多个光子共振体组成的复杂耦合体系有着更大的调控自由度和更令人着迷的现象。然而,相比人们在实验方面取得的进步,对于耦合问题的理论描述仍远未令人满意。本文从少体问题到周期性超构表面,从光子封闭体系到开放体系,系统介绍了多种处理共振体间耦合的理论工具,以及如何利用这些工具设计具有特定电磁波调控功能的新型超构表面。本文将着重展示本研究团队近些年在这一领域的研究进展,为相关领域研究人员提供指引与参考。Abstract: Nanophotonic systems have attracted tremendous attention due to their exotic abilities to freely control electromagnetic (EM) waves. In particular, much attention has been given to metasurfaces consisting of multiple plasmonic/dielectric meta-atoms coupled in different ways. Compared to simple systems containing only one type of resonator, coupled photonic systems exhibit more fascinating capabilities to manipulate EM waves. However, despite the great advances already achieved in experimental conditions, theoretical understandings of these complex systems are far from satisfactory. In this article, we summarize the theorized tools for developing nanophotonic systems including both coupled resonators and periodic metasurfaces. We aim to understand the EM properties in closed and open systems, and introduce methods of employing them to design new functional metasurfaces for various applications. We will mainly focus on works done in our own group and we hope that this short review can provide useful guidance and act as a reference for researchers in related fields.
Key words:
- metasurfaces /
- metamaterials /
- Meta-atoms /
- coupling /
- tight-binding theory /
- angular dispersion /
- open system
图 8 基于调制耦合与辐射实现的 (a)无角度色散全吸收器件;(b)角度选择性的全吸收器件;(c)角度依赖的多功能偏振调控器件;(d)非均匀超表面的角度依赖双功能波前调控器件[59]
Figure 8. (a) Incident-angle-insensitive meta-absorber;(b) incident-angle-selective meta-absorber ; (c) angle-multiplexed meta-polarizer ;(d) angle-multiplexed wavefront controller based on modulation coupling and radiation[59]
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