摘要: 传统的光谱成像系统体积较大、工作模式固定,难以满足日益复杂的应用需要。可调微纳滤波结构赋予了微型光谱成像系统轻量、灵活的独特优势,有望实现自适应、智能化的技术目标。本文综述了近些年来国内外已有的可调滤波方法和工作原理;论述了采用液晶及其他相变材料、诱导化学反应等静态式的可调方法,珐珀腔、微纳可调光栅等动态式的滤波结构以及机械拉伸、静电驱动、光驱动等实现手段;介绍了基于微流控芯片、石墨烯实现可调滤波的前沿工作;探讨了可调微纳滤波芯片面临的难题、挑战和未来的发展趋势。Abstract: Because of the large size and immobility working modes, traditional spectral imaging systems struggle to meet increasingly complex practical needs. Tunable micro-nano filtering structures show unique advantages for their lighter weight and greater flexibility, so they are promising candidates for achieving adaptive and intelligent operation in the future. This article summarizes a variety of tunable filtering methodologies and their operational principles both in domestic and foreign research within the last several years. It illustrates static tunable methods such as utilizing liquid crystal and phase-change materials, some dynamic tunable filtering structures such as Fabry-Pérot cavity, micro-nano tunable grating as well as some driving approaches like mechanical stretching, electrostatic driving, optical driving, etc. Meanwhile, this article also introduces some frontier researches based on microfluidic chips and graphene. In the end, it discusses the barriers, challenges and future trends of development for tunable micro-nano filtering structures.
图 1 (a)偏振旋转器控制的亚表面非对称晶格纳米孔阵列示意图[18];(b)不同电压下的颜色输出:(1)没有输出分析器;(2)输出分析器与纳米孔晶格正交;(3)输出分析器与纳米孔晶格成135°;(4)输出分析器与纳米孔晶格成45°[16];(c)电可调谐滤波器构成:A为入口偏振器、B为等离子体纳米结构、C为四分之一波板、D为具有主延迟轴的液晶电池、E为具有固定取向的偏振器[19];(d)液晶等离子体纳米孔薄膜[20];(e)液晶铝纳米光栅电池的原理图[14]
Figure 1. (a) Electrical broad tuning of plasmonic color filter employing an asymmetric-lattice nanohole array of metasurfaces controlled by a polarization rotator[18]; (b) Experimental optical transmission. (1) No output analyzer; output analyzer (2) aligned orthogonal to nanohole lattice; (3) has a agle of 135° to nanopole lattice; (4) has a agle of 45° to nanopole lattice[16]; (c) elements of the filtering system. A is an entrance polarizer, B is the plasmonic nanostructures, C is a quarter waveplate, D is a liquid crystal cell and E is a polarizer with fixed orientation[19]; (d) switchable plasmonic film using nanoconfined liquid crystals[20]; (e) schematic of liquid-crystal tunable color filters based on aluminum metasurfaces[14]
图 2 (a)在不同外加电压下液晶铝光栅滤波器的的透射色彩[14];(b)可调谐导模谐振滤波器示意图[23];(c)在不同的外加电压下,经过液晶偏振旋转器的线性偏振反射光的透射率极坐标图[23];(d)染料掺杂液晶全光偏振无关的可调导模共振滤波器[24];(e)由甲氧基偶氮苯染料的顺反异构转化引起液晶从N相到I相的等温相变的机理模型[24]
Figure 2. (a) Transmissive color appearance of the cells at various applied voltages[14]; (b) tunable polarizing reflector based on a liquid crystal-clad guided-mode resonator[23]; (c) polar graphs of transmittance of linearly polarised reflected light that has passed through an LC polarization rotator under various applied voltages[23]; (d)all-Optical and polarization-independent tunable guided-mode resonance filter based on a dye-doped liquid crystal incorporated with photonic crystal nanostructure[24]; (e) mechanism model for the isothermal phase transitions of LCs from Nematic phase(N) to isotropic phase(I) and I to N induced by 4-methoxyazobenzene, Fluka[24]
图 3 (a)涂有ITO的玻璃衬底夹有液晶渗透的电可调透射型二氧化钛亚表面示意图[29];(b)在从0到12 V不断增加的DC电压下,与x方向夹角为(1)
$\phi = {0^\circ }$ ,(2)$\phi = {45^\circ }$ 以及(3)$\phi = {90^\circ }$ 的入射偏振光在液晶渗透的TiO2亚表面电调谐下的实验结果,其中红色曲线表示电共振位置、黄色曲线表示磁共振位置[29];(c)集成到液晶盒中的硅纳米盘亚表面示意图[30]Figure 3. (a) Schematic diagram of electrically tunable all dielectric TiO2 metasurfaces embedded in thin-layer nematic liquid crystals[29]; (b) experimental results of electrical tuning of the liquid crystal infiltrated TiO2 metasurface for the incident light polarization directions aligned at (1)
$\phi = {0^\circ }$ , (2)$\phi = {45^\circ }$ and (3)$\phi = {90^\circ }$ under the increased DC voltages from 0 to 12 V. The symbol-line curves mark out the movement of electric (red) and magnetic (yellow) resonance positions under the applied voltage[29]; (c) schematic diagram of active tuning of all-dielectric metasurfaces based on liquid crystals[30]图 5 (a)ITO / GST / ITO器件示意图[35];(b)集成全光子非易失性多级存储器[36];(c)集成光子突触示意图[37];(d)基于相变材料的光学可重构超表面光子器件[38]
Figure 5. (a) Schematic diagram of ITO / GST / ITO device[35]; (b) integrated all-photonic non-volatile multi-level memory[36]; (c) schematic diagram of integrated photonic synapse[37]; (d) optically reconfigurable metasurfaces and photonic devices based on phase change materials[38]
图 6 (a)可控制辐射通过与否的辐射冷却系统[39],由底部的VO2-Ge多层吸收器和顶部的滤波器组成;(b)基于VO2的热可调宽带吸收器示意图[40];(c)VO2混合式开环谐振装置示意图[42];(d)聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯衬底上未掺杂W和W掺杂的VO2薄膜图像;(e)使用MBE技术在蓝宝石衬底上生长的VO2薄膜的XRD图谱[45]
Figure 6. (a) A radiant cooling system that can control the passage of radiation[39], consisting of a VO2-Ge multilayer absorber on the bottom and a filter on the top; (b) schematic diagram of a thermally adjustable broadband absorber based on VO2[40]; (c) schematic diagram of VO2 hybrid open-loop resonator device[42]; (d) surface morphology images of VO2 film before and after W doping[44]; (e) XRD pattern of VO2 thin film grown on sapphire substrate by MBE technique[45]
图 7 (a)使用SmNiO3薄膜器件示意图[46];(b)使用Pt光栅的薄膜SmNiO3器件示意图[46];(c)等离子超表面与SmNiO3薄膜组成的器件结构图[46];(d)模拟得到的SmNiO3薄膜器件、Pt光栅结合薄膜SmNiO3器件各自的光透过率变化曲线[46];(e)玻璃/ FTO / NiOx / CsPbI3-xBrx / ZnO / Al或ITO的新型光伏玻璃架构示意图[47]。
Figure 7. (a) Schematic diagram of SmNiO3 thin film device[46]; (b) schematic diagram of thin film SmNiO3 device using Pt grating[46]; (c) structure diagram of the device composed of plasma metasurface and SmNiO3 thin film[46]; (d) light transmittance curves of SmNiO3 thin film device and Pt grating combined with SmNiO3 thin film device are obtained by simulation[46]; (e) schematic diagram of a new photovoltaic glass architecture of glass / FTO / NiOx /CsPbI3-xBrx / ZnO / Al or ITO[47].
图 8 (a)新型电致变色器件设计[50];(b)结合电致变色和能量储存的伪电容玻璃窗的器件制备和工作原理[51];(c)FP腔结合化学反应的设计思路[53]
Figure 8. (a) Design of the new electrochromic device[50]; (b) preparation and working principle of pseudocapacitive glass windows that combines electrochromism and energy storage[51]; (c) design idea of FP-cavity combined with chemical reaction[53]
图 9 (a)一种典型的石墨烯超材料纳米结构器件示意图[56];(b)基于L形石墨烯超材料的器件设计[58];(c)基于金属石墨烯超材料的双带阻滤波器示意图[59]
Figure 9. (a)Schematic diagram of a typical graphene metamaterial nanostructured device[56]; (b) device design based on L-shape graphene metamaterials[58]; (c) schematic diagram of dual band stop filter based on metal-graphene metamaterial[59]
图 10 (a)填充液体后的微流控亚表面[65];基于亚波长光栅的微流控通道可调滤波结构俯视图(b)和横截面(c)示意图[62];T为光栅的周期,H为槽深,
$w $ 为两个光栅之间的间距,$\theta $ 为入射角,${{{n}}_s}$ 为基底的折射率,${{{n}}_h}$ 为光栅区介质折射率,${{{n}}_l}$ 为微流体通道内流体折射率;(d)在不同溶剂环境中,采用明场显微镜观察二氧化钛表面的反射颜色[63];(e)多功能偏振转换器[64]Figure 10. (a)Sample of liquid-metal-based metasurface filled with liquid[65]; (b) top view and (c) cross section of tunable narrow-band filter with sub-wavelength grating structure by micro-optofluidic technique[62]. T is grating period[62], H is grating depth, w is the distance between two gratings, θ is incident angle; ns is the refractive index of substrate, nh is the refractive index of gratings, nl is the refractive index of liquid; (d) color images of the TiO2 metasurface in different types of liquid[63]; (e) broadband wide-angle multifunctional polarization[64]
图 11 (a)可调珐珀滤波器的MEMS结构横截面图[66];(b)Z型壁桥在25.5 V静电力驱动下的变形模拟仿真[66];(c)使用NIL制造的圆盘形谐振器的SEM图像及静电驱动式动态滤波可调滤波器[69]
Figure 11. (a) Cross section of MEMS structure of tunable Fabry-Pérot filter[66]; (b) simulation of deformation of Z-type wall bridge driven by 25.5 V electrostatic force[66]; (c) SEM image of disk resonator manufactured by NIL and electrostatic driving dynamic filter tunable filter[69]
图 13 (a)基本的光栅光阀结构[73];(b)光栅光阀的反射状态和衍射状态[73];(c)PDMS闪耀透射光栅二维等密度拉伸模型[74];(d)主动调谐光栅耦合器工作原理[75]
Figure 13. (a)The structure of grating light valve[73]; (b) reflecting modes and diffracting modes of GLV[73]; (c) two-dimensional isometric density stretching model of PDMS blazed transmission grating[74]; (d) working principles of MEMS-based tunable grating coupler[75]
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