Development and application of urine biochemical detection system for a disc microfluidic chip
摘要: 针对尿液自动化、快速检测的需求,结合微流控技术与生化分析技术,设计并制备了一种基于离心力驱动的碟式微流控尿液生化检测芯片。该芯片采用微流道与毛细阀、虹吸阀和铁蜡阀结合可实现微量样品和试剂有序输送、混合及检测等集成功能,通过COMSOL多物理场仿真软件对芯片上毛细阀和虹吸阀结构进行仿真分析,优化转速。围绕微流控芯片,研制了一套小型化、全自动尿液生化检测系统。通过双光路设计和双波长检测方法降低光源波动和背景干扰对检测结果的影响,并在该系统上进行尿视黄醇结合蛋白重复性和校准分析。结果显示,该系统的精密度变异系数为1.3%~2.46%,说明系统具有较好的重复性。校准曲线表明浓度和吸光度值有良好的线性相关性(R2=0.995)。芯片上4个相同单元结构可完成多样本或多指标的并行检测,有望应用于尿液蛋白的快速检测。Abstract: In response to the need for the automated and rapid urine detection, microfluidic technology and biochemical analysis technology are adopted to design and fabricate a disc microfluidic chip used for urine biochemical detection. The chip consisted of microfluidic channels, capillary valve, siphon valve and ferrowax valve which can realize the sequential transportation of the sample and reagent, mixing and detection. COMSOL multiphysics software is used to model the structure of capillary valve and siphon valve and optimize the rotary frequency. Next a fully automatic urine biochemical detection system is generated based on a disc microfluidic chip. The effects of light source fluctuations and background interference on test results are reduced by dual optical path and dual wavelength detection. The detection system is characterized by urinary Retinol Binding Protein (RBP). The results demonstrate the Coefficient of Variation (CV) of the system is 1.3%−2.46%, indicating that the system has good repeatability. The calibration curve shows the linear correlation between urinary RBP concentration and the absorbance (R2=0.995). The four identical unit on the chip could perform a multi-sample or multi-parameter detection in parallel, in which it has a potential to be applied for the rapid detection of urinary protein.
表 1 芯片检测1 mg/L URBP质控品的吸光度差值
Table 1. Absorbance difference of 1 mg/L URBP quality control product measured by the microfluidic chip
检测次数 ΔA 检测次数 ΔA 1 0.00985 6 0.01014 2 0.01040 7 0.00979 3 0.01036 8 0.00973 4 0.01017 9 0.00985 5 0.00976 10 0.00987 表 2 芯片检测4.3 mg/L URBP质控品的吸光度差值
Table 2. Absorbance difference of 4.3 mg/L URBP quality control product measured by the microfluidic chip
检测次数 ΔA 检测次数 ΔA 1 0.03935 6 0.03814 2 0.03838 7 0.03839 3 0.03912 8 0.03860 4 0.03919 9 0.03784 5 0.03839 10 0.03793 -
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