Dynamical optical beam produced in rotational metasurface based on coherent spin hall effect
doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0097
摘要: 基于光子的自旋霍尔效应,超表面可用于光束的产生和控制。本文基于旋转变换利用一维纳米孔链设计了二维纳米孔旋转对称超表面。利用此样品,可以由左旋圆偏振(LCP)和右旋圆偏振(RCP)光的自旋霍尔效应同时产生贝塞尔光束。利用线偏振光激发,通过控制两个圆偏振光激发光束之间的相干干涉可动态调控贝塞尔光束的强度和偏振。同时,此方法还具有宽带调制的优点。Abstract: Based on the spin Hall effect of photons, a metasurface can be used to generate and control light beams. In this paper, by means of one-dimensional chains of nanohole, a metasurface with rotational symmetry is designed. The Bessel beam can be produced by the spin Hall effect of Left-handed Circularly Polarized (LCP) and Right-handed Circularly Polarized (RCP) light simultaneously. Through the excitation of linearly polarized light, we can dynamically control the intensity and polarization of Bessel beam by controlling the coherent interference between two circularly polarized light excitation beams. At the same time, this method has the advantage of broadband modulation range.
Figure 1. (a) Schematic of designed metasurface from the rotated chains of the nanohole arrays; (b) designed nanohole with configuration angle φ; (c) sample picture of the rotated metasurface fabricated by a focused ion beam; (d) illuminating rotated metasurface with a circularly polarized laser beam; (e) Optical experiment setup
Figure 2. Beam spot profile at z=15 μm produced by the rotated metasurface illuminated by circularly polarized incident light. (a) From theoretical calculation; (b) from experimental measurement; (c) intensity distribution curves of beam spot along a central line (blue dots: from measurement; orange curve: from calculation)
Figure 5. Detecting the polarization state of the output beam spot from rotated metasurface with linearly polarized light. A polarizer is put in front of the sample and an analyzer is put behind the sample. (a, c) the analyzer is parallel to polarizer; (b, d) the analyzer is perpendicular to the polarizer
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