Staticaberration correction technique for adaptive optics system based on focal-plane copy approach
摘要: 限制自适应光学(Adaptive Optics, AO)系统表现的一个关键因素是由波前传感器所在路径和科学成像路径之间差异引起的非共光路像差(Non-Common Path Aberration,NCPA),同时AO系统共光路部分也会不可避免地引入静态像差。为此,本文提出了一种基于焦面点扩散函数(Point Spread Function,PSF)复制的技术,用于校正AO系统中的静态像差。此技术利用点光源产生的PSF图像作为参考图像,通过迭代优化算法控制可变形镜改变其面型,将参考PSF图像复制到AO系统科学成像路径。实验结果表明,校正后的斯特列尔比(Strehl Ratio,SR)从初始的0.312提高到0.995。此技术可以稳定、快速地获得全局校正结果,特别是在系统具有较大的初始静态像差时。Abstract: A key factor limiting the performance of Adaptive Optics (AO) systems is the Non-Common Path Aberration (NCPA) caused by the difference between the wavefront sensor path and the science imaging path. Meanwhile, a static aberration will inevitably be introduced in the common path of the AO system. This paper proposes a correction technology based on a copy of the focal-plane Point Spread Function (PSF) to correct static aberration in the scientific imaging path of AO systems. This technology uses the PSF generated by the laser point light source as the reference PSF, and copies that to the science imaging path of the AO system through iterative optimization algorithms. Experimental results show that the Strehl Ratio (SR) increases from the initial 0.312 to 0.995 after correction. This technology can still stably and quickly obtain global optimization results, especially when the initial static aberration of the system is large.
Key words:
- adaptive optics /
- aberration correction /
- high-contrast imaging
表 1 校正前后系统各项Zernike系数
Table 1. Zernike coefficients of the system before and after correction
Zernike多项式系数 校正前 校正后 Astigmatism y −0.029 0.001 Astigmatism x 0.127 -0.003 Trefoil y 0.013 0.000 Coma x −0.038 −0.002 Coma y −0.035 0.001 Trefoil x 0.028 −0.004 Tetrafoil y 0.009 −0.000 Secondary Astigmatism y −0.040 −0.000 Primary Spherical −0.061 0.003 Secondary Astigmatism x 0.035 0.000 Tetrafoil x 0.111 −0.002 表 2 3种方法校正后Zernike系数
Table 2. Zernike coefficients corrected by 3 kinds of methods
复制技术Astigmatism y 0.039 0.009 0.001 Astigmatism x 0.003 0.002 −0.003 Trefoil y 0.001 0.002 0.000 Coma x 0.007 −0.002 −0.002 Coma y −0.008 −0.001 0.001 Trefoil x 0.006 0.000 −0.004 Tetrafoil y 0.005 0.001 −0.000 Secondary Astigmatism y −0.004 0.000 −0.000 Primary Spherical −0.004 0.001 0.003 Secondary Astigmatism x −0.034 −0.001 0.000 Tetrafoil x −0.013 0.005 −0.002 -
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