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A study on the epitaxial structure and characteristics of high-efficiency blue silicon photodetectors

CHEN Wei-shuai,WANG Hao-bing,TAO Jin,Gao Dan,LV Jin-guang,QIN Yu-xin,GUO Guang-tong,LI Xiang-lan,WANG Qiang,ZHANG Jun,LIANG Jing-qiu,WANG Wei-biao

陈伟帅, 王浩冰, 陶金, 高丹, 吕金光, 秦余欣, 郭广通, 李香兰, 王强, 张军, 梁静秋, 王惟彪. 高效率蓝光硅光探测器外延结构及特性研究[J]. , 2022, 15(3): 568-591. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0188
引用本文: 陈伟帅, 王浩冰, 陶金, 高丹, 吕金光, 秦余欣, 郭广通, 李香兰, 王强, 张军, 梁静秋, 王惟彪. 高效率蓝光硅光探测器外延结构及特性研究[J]. , 2022, 15(3): 568-591.doi:10.37188/CO.2021-0188
CHEN Wei-shuai, WANG Hao-bing, TAO Jin, Gao Dan, LV Jin-guang, QIN Yu-xin, GUO Guang-tong, LI Xiang-lan, WANG Qiang, ZHANG Jun, LIANG Jing-qiu, WANG Wei-biao. A study on the epitaxial structure and characteristics of high-efficiency blue silicon photodetectors[J]. Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(3): 568-591. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0188
Citation: CHEN Wei-shuai, WANG Hao-bing, TAO Jin, Gao Dan, LV Jin-guang, QIN Yu-xin, GUO Guang-tong, LI Xiang-lan, WANG Qiang, ZHANG Jun, LIANG Jing-qiu, WANG Wei-biao. A study on the epitaxial structure and characteristics of high-efficiency blue silicon photodetectors[J].Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(3): 568-591.doi:10.37188/CO.2021-0188


  • 中图分类号:TP394.1;TH691.9

A study on the epitaxial structure and characteristics of high-efficiency blue silicon photodetectors

Funds:Supported by National Key Research and Development Program (No. 2018YFB1801902, No. 2018YFB1801901, No. 2019YFB2006003); Science and Technology Development Program Project (No. 20190302062GX); Youth Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (No. 12004139); Science and Technology Plan Program Project of Guangdong Province (No. 2016B010111003)
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    Author Bio:

    CHEN Wei-shuai (1994—), male, from Liaocheng, Shandong province, graduated from Shandong Jianzhu University in 2018 with a Bachelor of Science degree. Now he is a PhD student of Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanic and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is mainly engaged in the research of nanophotonics and semiconductor photodetectors. E-mail:chenws159@163.com

    WANG Hao-bing (1994—), male, born in Songyuan, Jilin, master degree, in 2020, received a master degree from Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (now he is in University of Technology of Troyes (France) - University of Reims (France) to continue his studies). His research interests include nanophotonics and semiconductor photodetectors. E-mail:996490955@qq.com

    Liang Jingqiu (1962—), female, born in Changchun, Jilin Province, Ph.D., researcher, doctoral supervisor, received a Ph.D. from Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2003, and is currently a researcher at Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She is mainly engaged in micro/nano optical structure, device and system research, infrared spectroscopy/imaging spectroscopy technology and infrared optical instrument research, micro LED micro display chip and application research and visible light communication device and system research. E-mail:liangjq@ciomp.ac.cn

    Wang Wei-biao (1962—), male, born in Yangzhou, Jiangsu, Ph.D., researcher, doctoral supervisor, received a Ph.D. from Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1999, and now he is a researcher at Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include optoelectronic materials and devices, photodetectors, LED array chip integration and applications, photonic crystals, micro-nano photonics, field emission materials and electron emission characteristics. E-mail:wangwb@ciomp.ac.cn

    Corresponding author:liangjq@ciomp.ac.cn;wangwb@ciomp.ac.cn
  • 摘要:为了实现硅基雪崩光电二极管蓝光波段(400~500 nm)高光响应度,设计了SACM型基本器件结构,探究了倍增层厚度对器件的雪崩击穿电压及光电流增益的影响及倍增层掺杂浓度对光响应度的影响,综合考虑光响应度和击穿电压的因素,结果表明:当表面非耗尽层掺杂浓度为1.0×10 18cm −3、厚度为0.03 μm;吸收层掺杂浓度为1.0×10 15cm −3、厚度为1.3 μm;场控层掺杂浓度为8.0×10 16cm −3、厚度为0.2 μm;倍增层掺杂浓度为1.8×10 16cm −3、厚度为0.5 μm时,器件具有较低的击穿电压 V br-apd=34.2 V。当 V apd=0.95 V br-apd,该结构在蓝光波段具较高的光响应度( SR=3.72~6.08 A·W −1)。上述研究结果对高蓝光探测响应度Si-APD实际器件的制备具有一定的参考价值。

  • 图 1SACM-APD基本外延结构

    Figure 1.The basic epitaxial structure of SACM type Si-APD

    图 2Si基APD内部电场分布

    Figure 2.The distribution of electric field in Si-APD

    图 3硅表面反射率及吸收系数随入射波长的变化情况

    Figure 3.The surface reflectance and absorption coefficient of the silicon vary with different incident wavelengthes

    图 4不同入射波长的量子效率与耗尽层厚度的关系

    Figure 4.The relationship between quantum efficient and incident wavelength under different depletion layer thicknesses

    图 5在不同耗尽层厚度下,光响应度与入射波长的关系

    Figure 5.The relationship between spectral response and incident wavelength under different depletion layer thicknesses

    图 6倍增层厚度与倍增系数M的关系

    Figure 6.The relationship between the thickness of multiplication layer and multiplication factorM

    图 7载流子获得能量ΔE与倍增层掺杂浓度的关系

    Figure 7.Relationship between carrier energy ΔEand multiplication layer doping concentration

    图 8不同吸收层掺杂浓度下吸收层的场强分布

    Figure 8.Field intensity distribution of the absorption layer under different doping concentrations

    图 9不同外加偏压下Si-APD的场强分布

    Figure 9.The field strength distribution of Si-APD under different applied bias voltages

    图 10不同表面层厚度Si-APD的光谱响应曲线

    Figure 10.Effect of thickness of surface layers of Si-APD on spectral responsivity

    图 11倍增层掺杂浓度对光响应度的影响

    Figure 11.Effect of doping concentration of multiplication layer on spectral responsivity

    图 12Si-APD暗电流的 I-V曲线

    Figure 12.The dark current I-V curve of Si-APD

    图 13(a) 不同倍增层偏压下倍增层内电子离化系数; (b) 不同倍增层偏压下倍增层内空穴离化系数

    Figure 13.(a) Electron ionization coefficients in the multiplication layer under different bias voltages; (b) hole ionization coefficients in the multiplication layer under different bias voltages.

    表 1Parameters of Si-APD layers

    Table 1.Parameters of Si-APD layers

    Parameter Thickness/μm Doping type Impurity concentration/
    Ws 0.06 p++ Np++= 1.0×1018
    Wa 1.30 p- Nπ= 1.0×1015
    Wc 0.20 p+ Np+= 8.0×1016
    Wm 0.50 p Np= 1.8×1016
    Wsub 20.00 n++ Nn++= 1.0×1019
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    表 2Parameters of Si-APD layers

    Table 2.Parameters of Si-APD layers

    Parameter Thickness/μm Doping type Impurity concentration/
    Ws 0.03 p++ Np++= 1.0×1018
    Wa 1.30 p- Nπ= 1.0×1015
    Wc 0.20 p+ Np+= 8.0×1016
    Wm 0.50 p Np= 1.8×1016
    Wsub 20.00 n++ Nn++= 1.0×1019
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