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刘镕滔, 柳稼航. 海底主动光学探测影像亮度校正与色彩恢复[J]. , 2022, 15(4): 689-702. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0211
引用本文: 刘镕滔, 柳稼航. 海底主动光学探测影像亮度校正与色彩恢复[J]. , 2022, 15(4): 689-702.doi:10.37188/CO.2021-0211
LIU Rong-tao, LIU Jia-hang. Brightness correction and color restoration of seabed image obtained by active optical detection[J]. Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(4): 689-702. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0211
Citation: LIU Rong-tao, LIU Jia-hang. Brightness correction and color restoration of seabed image obtained by active optical detection[J].Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(4): 689-702.doi:10.37188/CO.2021-0211


基金项目:高分辨率对地观测系统计划(No. 41-Y30F07-9001-20/22);江苏省SC人才项目(No. JSSCRC2021501)



  • 中图分类号:TP391

Brightness correction and color restoration of seabed image obtained by active optical detection

Funds:Supported by the China High Resolution Earth Observation System Program (No. 41-Y30F07-9001-20/22); Innovative talent program of Jiangsu (No. JSSCRC2021501)
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  • 图 1点光源垂直照射下的照度相对分布示意图。(a)理想点光源垂直照射示意图;(b)光照强度衰减示意图

    Figure 1.Relative distribution of illuminance under vertical illumination of the point light source . (a) Schematic of vertical illumination of the ideal point light source and (b) schematic of light intensity attenuation

    图 2海底主动光学成像示意图

    Figure 2.Schematic diagram of seabed active optical imaging

    图 3点光源照明下的均匀海底光学图像

    Figure 3.Underwater optical image of a uniform seafloor illuminated by the point light source

    图 4参考图像的各通道图像及其亮度拟合曲面。(a)~(c)参考图像的红、绿、蓝通道;(d)~(f)红、绿、蓝通道的三维俯视图;(g)~(i)红、绿、蓝通道的拟合曲面

    Figure 4.Each channel of the reference image and their brightness fitting surface (a)−(c) red, green, blue channels of the reference image; (d)−(f) 3D top view of the red, green and blue channels; (g)−(i) fitting surface of the red, green, blue channels

    图 5参考图像分通道亮度补偿结果。(a)~(c)分别为红、绿、蓝三通道的亮度补偿量;(d)~ (f)补偿后的红、绿、蓝单通道影像

    Figure 5.Individual brightness compensation for each channel of the reference image (a)−(c) Degree of compensation of the red, green and blue channels; (d)−(f) compensated red, green and blue single channel images

    图 6采用参考图像校正参数对同批次的图像补偿。(a)~(c)红绿蓝三通道原始灰度图像;(d)~(f)补偿后的红绿蓝影像

    Figure 6.The compensation process of the image in the same batch with reference image correction parameters. (a)−(c) Original gray images of the red, green and blue channels, (d)−(f) compensated images of the three channels

    图 8不同算法对参考图像校正的结果。(a)MSR;(b)CLAHE;(c)RCP;(d)RWCGC;(e)UWCNN;(f)本文方法

    Figure 8.Comparison of correction results of the underwater image processed by different algorithms. (a) MSR; (b) CLAHE; (c) RCP; (d) RWCGC; (e) UWCNN; (f) The proposed method

    图 9水下图像常用增强处理算法的结果对比。(a)原始图片;(b)~(g)分别使用MSR、CLAHE、RCP、RWCGC、UWCNN和本文方法的增强结果

    Figure 9.Comparison of underwater image enhancement processed by different algorithms. (a) Original images; (b)−(g) the results obtained by MSR, CLAHE, RCP, RWCGC, UWCNN and the proposed method

    图 7不同图像增强方法效果对比。(a)预补偿输入图像;(b)~(f)分别是灰色世界、本文预处理方法、MSR、灰色世界算法+MSR、本文预处理方法+MSR方法结果

    Figure 7.Comparison of image enhancement with different pre-processing methods. (a) Pre-compensation image; (b)−(f) compensated results with Gray world, the proposed pre-processing method, MSR, Gray world + MSR, and the proposed pre-processing method + MSR methods

    表 1参考图像各通道灰度曲面四次多项式拟合参数

    Table 1.Quartic polynomial fitting parameters of the gray surface of each channel of the reference image

    参数 R通道 G通道 B通道
    a00 19.25 46.32 50.18
    a10 −0.1006 0.4208 0.4696
    a01 −0.1152 0.3904 0.4299
    a20 1.005×10−3 −4.915×10−4 −7.192×10−4
    a11 1.038×10−3 −6.395×10−4 −8.548×10−4
    a02 1.002×10−3 −4.785×10−4 −6.328×10−4
    a30 −2.241×10−6 1.353×10−7 6.774×10−7
    a21 −1.584×10−6 −2.121×10−7 −1.141×10−7
    a12 −7.252×10−7 2.581×10−6 3.145×10−6
    a03 −2.75×10−6 −8.219×10−7 −5.752×10−7
    a40 1.391×10−9 −8.548×10−10 −1.382×10−9
    a31 3.485×10−10 3.321×10−9 4.136×10−9
    a22 2.072×10−9 −4.899×10−9 −6.476×10−9
    a13 −1.332×10−9 4.571×10−10 1.053×10−9
    a04 2.382×10−9 3.993×10−10 7.139×10−11
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    表 2参考图像及其在不同算法处理后的客观评价结果

    Table 2.Objective image quality evaluation results of the reference image and images processed by different algorithms

    UIQM 0.9322 3.809 2.3193 3.3535 3.1508 1.4238 4.0546
    UCIQE 20.3988 24.9813 25.6173 24.0433 28.7847 21.4546 28.2705
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    表 3对于图9第一列影像不同算法的客观评价结果

    Table 3.Objective image quality evaluation results of the first column of Fig. 9 processed by different algorithms

    指标 图9第一列原图 MSR CLAHE RCP RWCGC UWCNN Ours
    UIQM 1.0147 3.8557 2.9908 2.6969 3.6444 3.0211 4.5062
    UCIQE 18.2575 28.0713 24.3802 22.4397 29.3778 21.9017 29.8468
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    表 4对于图9第二列影像不同算法的客观质量评价指标

    Table 4.Objective image quality evaluation indexes of the second column of Fig. 9 processed by different algorithms

    指标 图9第二列原图 MSR CLAHE RCP RWCGC UWCNN Ours
    UIQM 1.0147 3.8557 2.9908 2.6969 3.6444 3.0211 4.5583
    UCIQE 20.5561 27.6709 27.5439 24.2877 29.0778 20.9523 29.5887
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    表 5对于图9第三列影像不同算法的客观质量评价指标

    Table 5.Objective image quality evaluation indexes of the third column of Fig. 9 processed by different algorithms

    UIQM 0.6739 3.7142 2.8359 2.4611 3.12146 2.6183 4.3095
    UCIQE 20.0312 28.1392 25.5831 23.8943 29.0996 22.8868 29.1635
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