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任明阳, 王立忠, 赵建博, 唐正宗. 复杂曲面零件面结构光扫描视点规划[J]. , 2023, 16(1): 113-126. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0026
引用本文: 任明阳, 王立忠, 赵建博, 唐正宗. 复杂曲面零件面结构光扫描视点规划[J]. , 2023, 16(1): 113-126.doi:10.37188/CO.2022-0026
REN Ming-yang, WANG Li-zhong, ZHAO Jian-bo, TANG Zheng-zong. Viewpoint planning of surface structured light scanning for complex surface parts[J]. Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(1): 113-126. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0026
Citation: REN Ming-yang, WANG Li-zhong, ZHAO Jian-bo, TANG Zheng-zong. Viewpoint planning of surface structured light scanning for complex surface parts[J].Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(1): 113-126.doi:10.37188/CO.2022-0026


基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(No. 51865057)



  • 中图分类号:TP391.4;O348.1

Viewpoint planning of surface structured light scanning for complex surface parts

Funds:Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51865057)
More Information
  • 摘要:

    为了实现复杂曲面零件高效自动化测量,本文提出了一种基于改进栅格法的面结构光扫描视点规划方法,并将其应用在汽车复杂曲面零件自动化测量中。首先,针对人工示教视点冗余严重,扫描完整性差的问题,提出了一种基于改进栅格法的面结构光扫描视点规划算法,根据面结构光扫描仪的有效测量范围,确定栅格尺寸,改进候选视点生成策略,并通过扫描仪的测量约束条件得到候选视点的有效测量范围,利用视点质量评价函数确定最优视点。其次,针对视点规划过程中算法耗时长,特征重建精度低的问题,采用体素网格法简化模型,通过八叉树算法分割复杂曲面模型,根据法向量一致性误差确定体素网格尺寸,并且对于几何特征不同的模型,分析权重系数对扫描质量的影响,给出最佳权重系数。最后,进行了汽车钣金件和减速器壳体扫描视点规划和测量实验。结果表明,汽车钣金件视点规划耗时21.93 s,扫描完整性为99.124%,扫描精度为0.025 mm;汽车减速器壳体视点规划耗时158.29 s,扫描完整性为93.231%,扫描精度为0.032 mm。本方法能快速完成复杂曲面视点规划,并且采用规划视点扫描的模型完整性好,精度高,能够满足复杂曲面零件自动测量的要求。

  • 图 1面结构光三维扫描系统

    Figure 1.Surface structured light 3D scanning system

    图 2单目/双目相机有效测量范围示意图

    Figure 2.Schematic diagram of effective measuring range for monocular camera and binocular cameras

    图 3双目扫描仪有效测量范围和栅格单元示意图

    Figure 3.Effective measuring range of binocular scanner and schematic diagram of grid cell

    图 4候选视点生成示意图

    Figure 4.Schematic diagram of candidate viewpoint generation

    图 5光学参数约束判定

    Figure 5.Determination of the optical parameter constraint

    图 6单目相机可视性判定

    Figure 6.Determination of monocular camera visibility

    图 7双目相机可视性判定

    Figure 7.Determination of binocular camera visibility

    图 8可视性约束的判定示意图

    Figure 8.Schematic diagram of visibility constraints determination

    图 9遮挡约束的判定示意图

    Figure 9.Schematic diagram of occlusion constraints determination

    图 10二维平面相交检测示意图

    Figure 10.Schematic diagram of 2D plane intersection detection

    图 11最优视点筛选流程

    Figure 11.Optimal view point screening process

    图 12待检测工件

    Figure 12.Workpiece to be tested

    图 13法向量一致性示意图

    Figure 13.Schematic diagram of normal vector consistency

    图 14汽车钣金件和减速器壳体不同体素尺寸法向量一致性误差及耗时

    Figure 14.Normal vector consistency errors and consuming times of automobile sheet metal parts and reducer shell

    图 15汽车钣金件扫描覆盖率

    Figure 15.Scanning coverage of automobile sheet metal parts

    图 16权重系数对钣金件扫描质量的影响

    Figure 16.Influence of weight coefficient on scanning quality for sheet metal parts

    图 17减速器壳体扫描覆盖率

    Figure 17.Scanning coverage of reducer sheet

    图 18权重系数对减速器壳体扫描质量的影响

    Figure 18.Influence of weight coefficient on the scanning quality for reducer shell

    图 19(a)复杂曲面自动化测量实验系统及(b)示意图

    Figure 19.(a) Experimental system for automatic measurement of complex surfaces and (b) its schematic diagram

    图 20汽车钣金件视点生成及扫描效果示意图

    Figure 20.Viewpoint generation and scanning effect of automobile sheet metal parts

    图 21减速器壳体实际扫描效果图

    Figure 21.Actual scanning rendering of reducer shell

    表 1体素网格扫描质量评价指标

    Table 1.Quality evaluation indexes of voxel mesh

    角度范围(°) 0<φ<25 25<φ<50 50<φ<75 75<φ
    扫描质量 优秀 良好 中等
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