为了提升车道线检测算法在障碍物遮挡等复杂情况下的检测性能,本文提出了一种基于双注意力机制的多车道线检测算法。首先,本文通过设计基于空间和通道双注意力机制的车道线语义分割网络,得到分别代表车道线像素和背景区域的二值分割结果;然后,引入HNet网络结构,使用其输出的透视变换矩阵将分割图转换为鸟瞰视图,继而进行曲线拟合并逆变换回原图像空间,实现多车道线的检测;最后,将图像中线两侧车道线所包围的区域定义为目前行驶的行车车道。本文算法在Tusimple数据集凭借134 frame/s的实时性表现达到了96.63%的准确率,在CULane数据集取得了77.32%的精确率。实验结果表明,本文算法可以针对包括障碍物遮挡等不同场景下的多条车道线及行车车道进行实时检测,其性能相比较现有算法得到了显著的提升。
Abstract:In order to improve the performance of lane detection algorithms under complex scenes like obstacles, we proposed a multi-lane detection method based on dual attention mechanism. Firstly, we designed a lane segmentation network based on a spatial and channel attention mechanism. With this, we obtained a binary image which shows lane pixels and the background region. Then, we introduced HNet which can output a perspective transformation matrix and transform the image to a bird’s eye view. Next, we did curve fitting and transformed the result back to the original image. Finally, we defined the region between the two-lane lines near the middle of the image as the ego lane. Our algorithm achieves a 96.63% accuracy with real-time performance of 134 FPS on the Tusimple dataset. In addition, it obtains 77.32% of precision on the CULane dataset. The experiments show that our proposed lane detection algorithm can detect multi-lane lines under different scenarios including obstacles. Our proposed algorithm shows more excellent performance compared with the other traditional lane line detection algorithms.
Key words:
- lane detection /
- semantic segmentation /
- attention mechanism /
- lane fitting
表 1 本文算法在Tusimple数据集定量实验结果
Table 1. Quantitative experiment results of proposed algorithm on Tusimple
表 2 CULane数据集定量实验结果
Table 2. Quantitative experiment results of proposed algorithm on CULane
Method Normal Crowd Dazzle Shadow Noline SCNN[18] 90.60 69.70 58.50 66.90 43.40 FastDraw[20] 85.90 63.60 57.00 69.90 40.60 UFSD-18[1] 87.70 66.00 58.40 62.80 40.20 UFSD-34[1] 90.70 70.20 59.50 69.30 44.40 LaneATT[22] 91.17 72.71 65.82 68.03 49.13 Ours 91.21 76.33 69.51 73.25 50.16 Method Arrow Curve Cross Night Total SCNN[18] 84.10 64.40 1990 66.10 71.60 FastDraw[20] 79.40 65.20 7013 57.80 - UFSD-18[1] 81.00 57.90 1743 62.10 68.40 UFSD-34[1] 85.70 69.50 2037 66.70 72.30 LaneATT[22] 87.82 63.75 1020 68.58 75.13 Ours 88.72 71.25 1265 70.73 77.32 -
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