Spatial pulse position modulation multi-classification detector based on deep learning
Abstract:In order to effectively avoid high computational complexity when using Maximum Likelihood (ML) detection, a deep learning-based Spatial Pulse Position Modulation (SPPM) multi-classification detector is proposed by combining a Deep Neural Network (DNN) and step detection. In the detector, the DNN is used to establish a non-linear relationship between the received signal and the PPM symbols. Thereafter, the subsequent received PPM symbols are detected according to this relationship, so as to avoid the exhaustive search process of PPM symbol detection. The simulation results show that with the proposed detector, the SPPM system approximately achieves optimal bit error performance on the premise of greatly reducing detection complexity. Meanwhile, it overcomes the error platform effect caused by K-Means Clustering (KMC) step classification detection. When the PPM order is 64, the computational complexity of the proposal is about 95.45% and 33.54% lower than that of ML detectors and linear equalization DNN detectors, respectively.
表 1 湍流模型参数
Table 1. Turbulence model parameters
表 2 多分类检测器的超参数
Table 2. Hyperparameters of the multi-classification detector
超参数 值 各隐藏层神经元数目 F1=64,F2=98,F3=48 Batch 1.25×104 Batch_size 24 轮次Epoch 50 激活函数 Relu+Sigmoid 损失函数 Cross Entropy Loss 优化器 SGD 学习率 0.001 表 3 各算法计算复杂度
Table 3. Computational complexity of each algorithm
检测算法 计算复杂度/Flops ML 检测 $ {N_t}L\left( {2{N_t}{N_r}L + 2{N_r}L - 1} \right) $ KMC分步分类检测[23] $ {N_t}\left( {2{N_t}{N_r}L + {\text{2}}{N_r}L - 1} \right) + L\left( {3{N_r}L - 1} \right) $ 线性均衡DNN检测器[17] $ 2\left( {{{\left( {{N_r}L} \right)}^2} + {N_r}L{F_1} + {F_1}{F_2} + {F_2}{F_3} + {F_3}{{\log }_2}\left( {{N_t}L} \right)} \right) + {\log _2}\left( {{N_t}L} \right) $ DNN多分类检测器 $ 2\left( {{N_r}L{F_1} + {F_1}{F_2} + {F_2}{F_3} + {F_3}L + N_t^2{N_r}L + {N_t}{N_r}L} \right) + 3L - {N_t} - 1 $ -
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