Panoramic bispectral infrared imaging interference spectrum measurement inversion instrument
为了满足工业污染排放及突发安全事故对在线实时监测分析仪器的迫切需求,提出了全景双谱段红外成像干涉光谱测量反演仪器。通过双通道干涉系统、双谱段成像系统及方位俯仰轴系的协同设计,实现目标场景图像光谱信息的大视场、宽谱段、高分辨率测量。首先,根据傅立叶光学理论,建立了干涉成像光谱的标量衍射理论模型;然后,基于宽带采样与窄带采样理论,对双通道干涉系统进行采样设计,并在分析干涉成像特点的基础上,对双谱段成像系统进行光学设计;最后,研制了原理样机,并开展了烟囱排放气体烟羽的遥测实验。该仪器可以实现360°×60°大视场空间场景中3~5 μm和8~12 μm中长波红外光谱范围内4 cm−1分辨率的光谱测量,满足排放监测定性识别与定量分析的应用要求。
Abstract:In order to satisfy the urgent needs of on-line real-time monitoring and analysis instrument for industrial pollution emission and sudden safety accidents, a panoramic bispectral infrared imaging interference spectrum measurement inversion instrument is proposed. Through the collaborative design of dual channel interference system, dual spectral imaging system, azimuth and elevation axis system, the measurement of image spectrum information of target scene with large field of view, wide spectral band and high resolution is realized. First, based on Fourier optics theory, the scalar diffraction theoretical model of interference imaging spectrum is established. Then based on broadband sampling and narrowband sampling theory, the sampling design of dual channel interference system is carried out. Based on the analysis of the interference imaging characteristics, the optical design of the dual band imaging system is carried out. Finally, the principle prototype is completed, and the telemetry experiment of the gas plume emitted by the chimney is carried out. The instrument can realize spectral measurement with resolution of 4 cm−1 in large field of view by 360°×60° and wide spectral range from 3~5 μm to 8~12 μm. The instrument can satisfy the application requirements of qualitative identification and quantitative analysis for gas emission monitoring.
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