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吕金光, 梁静秋, 赵百轩, 赵莹泽, 郑凯丰, 陈宇鹏, 王维彪, 秦余欣, 陶金. 全景双谱段红外成像干涉光谱测量反演仪器[J]. , 2022, 15(5): 1092-1104. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0114
引用本文: 吕金光, 梁静秋, 赵百轩, 赵莹泽, 郑凯丰, 陈宇鹏, 王维彪, 秦余欣, 陶金. 全景双谱段红外成像干涉光谱测量反演仪器[J]. , 2022, 15(5): 1092-1104.doi:10.37188/CO.2022-0114
LV Jin-guang, LIANG Jing-qiu, ZHAO Bai-xuan, ZHAO Ying-ze, ZHENG Kai-feng, CHEN Yu-peng, WANG Wei-biao, QIN Yu-xin, TAO Jin. Panoramic bispectral infrared imaging interference spectrum measurement inversion instrument[J]. Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(5): 1092-1104. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0114
Citation: LV Jin-guang, LIANG Jing-qiu, ZHAO Bai-xuan, ZHAO Ying-ze, ZHENG Kai-feng, CHEN Yu-peng, WANG Wei-biao, QIN Yu-xin, TAO Jin. Panoramic bispectral infrared imaging interference spectrum measurement inversion instrument[J].Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(5): 1092-1104.doi:10.37188/CO.2022-0114


基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No. 61805239,No. 61627819,No. 61727818);中国科学院青年创新促进会基金(No. 2018254);吉林省科技发展计划(No. 20190303063SF,No. 20180201024GX,No. 20150520101JH)



  • 中图分类号:O433.1

Panoramic bispectral infrared imaging interference spectrum measurement inversion instrument

Funds:Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61805239,No. 61627819,No. 61727818); Foundation of Youth Innovation Promotion Association of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. 2018254); Science and Technology Development Project of Jilin Province (No. 20190303063SF,No. 20180201024GX,No. 20150520101JH)
More Information
  • 摘要:

    为了满足工业污染排放及突发安全事故对在线实时监测分析仪器的迫切需求,提出了全景双谱段红外成像干涉光谱测量反演仪器。通过双通道干涉系统、双谱段成像系统及方位俯仰轴系的协同设计,实现目标场景图像光谱信息的大视场、宽谱段、高分辨率测量。首先,根据傅立叶光学理论,建立了干涉成像光谱的标量衍射理论模型;然后,基于宽带采样与窄带采样理论,对双通道干涉系统进行采样设计,并在分析干涉成像特点的基础上,对双谱段成像系统进行光学设计;最后,研制了原理样机,并开展了烟囱排放气体烟羽的遥测实验。该仪器可以实现360°×60°大视场空间场景中3~5 μm和8~12 μm中长波红外光谱范围内4 cm−1分辨率的光谱测量,满足排放监测定性识别与定量分析的应用要求。

  • 图 1全景双谱段红外成像干涉光谱测量反演仪器原理图

    Figure 1.Schematic diagram of panoramic bispectral infrared imaging interference spectrum measurement inversion instrument

    图 2多级微反射镜对像场的光程调制示意图

    Figure 2.Schematic diagram of the image field modulation by multi micro mirror

    图 3望远成像系统的光学设计图

    Figure 3.Optical design drawing of the telescopic imaging system

    图 4中波红外中继成像系统的光学设计图

    Figure 4.Optical design drawing of MWIR relay imaging system

    图 5长波红外中继成像系统的光学设计图

    Figure 5.Optical design drawing of LWIR relay imaging system

    图 6中波红外成像通道的光学设计图

    Figure 6.Optical design of MWIR imaging channel

    图 7长波红外成像通道的光学设计图

    Figure 7.Optical design of LWIR imaging channel

    图 8中波红外成像通道的调制传递函数

    Figure 8.MTF of MWIR imaging channel

    图 9长波红外成像通道的调制传递函数

    Figure 9.MTF of LWIR imaging channel

    图 10双通道干涉系统与双谱段成像系统的光路耦合

    Figure 10.Optical path coupling between the dual channel interference system and the dual spectral imaging system

    图 11全景双谱段红外成像干涉光谱测量反演仪器样机

    Figure 11.Prototype of the infrared imaging interference spectrometer

    图 12乙腈样品的测量透过率光谱

    Figure 12.Measured transmittance spectra of acetonitrile

    图 13氨气样品的测量透过率光谱

    Figure 13.Measured transmittance spectra of ammonia

    图 14波数标定后的滤光片透射光谱

    Figure 14.Filter transmission spectrum by wavenumber calibration

    图 15系统测量数字亮度谱

    Figure 15.Digital number spectrum measured by system

    图 16辐亮度标定系数

    Figure 16.Radiance calibration coefficient

    图 17辐亮度标定后的黑体辐射谱及平均残差比

    Figure 17.Blackbody spectrum after radiance calibration and average residual ratio

    图 18系统对于气体烟羽排放的遥测模型

    Figure 18.Telemetry model of the system for gas plume emission

    图 19红外全景图像

    Figure 19.Infrared panoramic image

    图 20热烟羽的气体浓度反演图像

    Figure 20.Inversion image of gas concentration of gas plume

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