Hyperspectral resolution ultraviolet dual channel common optical path imaging spectrometer
针对超光谱分辨率成像光谱仪多通道探测需求,本文设计了一种超光谱分辨率紫外双通道共光路成像光谱仪。该成像光谱仪望远系统采用视场离轴的离轴三反结构,分光系统采用了具有小型轻量化优点的改进型Offner结构。通过对Offner光谱仪结构的理论推导,得出了满足超光谱分辨要求的双通道共光路Offner初始结构参数。为了提高成像光谱仪的成像质量,在Offner结构中引入弯月透镜,并对系统进行逐步优化。最终得到的双通道共光路成像光谱仪工作波段为280~300 nm和370~400 nm,在奈奎斯特频率为27.8 lp/mm时,双通道的调制传递函数(MTF)均优于0.8,全视场均方根半径(RMS)均小于9 μm,光谱分辨率均优于0.1 nm。本文研究对天基超光谱探测成像光谱仪小型化、集成化设计具有重要意义。
- Offner 光谱成像系统 /
- 光学设计 /
- 超光谱分辨率
Abstract:Based on the requirement of multichannel detection for hyperspectral resolution imaging spectrometer, we design a hyperspectral resolution ultraviolet dual channel common optical path imaging spectrometer whose telescopic system adopts an off-axis three mirror structure with an off-axis field of view, and whose spectroscopic system applies a modified small and light weight Offner structure. Through the theoretical analysis of Offner spectrometer structures, initial structural parameters of a dual channel common optical path Offner that met the requirements of hyperspectral resolution were achieved. In order to improve the imaging quality of the imaging spectrometer, meniscus lenses were introduced into Offner structure, and the system was gradually optimized. Eventually, a dual channel common optical path imaging spectrometer was obtained with operating bands of 280~300 nm and 370~400 nm. When the Nyquist frequency is 27.8 lp/mm, the modulation transfer function (MTF) of both channels is better than 0.8, the full field mean square root radius (RMS) is less than 9 μm. and the spectral resolution is better than 0.1 nm. The design of this imaging spectrometer has important implications for the miniaturization and integration design of space-based hyperspectral detection imaging spectrometers.
Key words:
- Offner spectral imaging system /
- optical design /
- hyperspectral resolution
表 1 本文成像光谱仪的主要技术指标要求
Table 1. Main technical index requirements of the designed spectrometer
Parameter Value Height/km 600 Spectral range /nm 280~300、370~400 F 3.8 Swath/ km 100 Field of view /(°) 9.5 GSD/m ≤50 Spectral resolution /nm ≤0.1 Detector’s pixel size /μm 9×9 Detector’s array size /pixel 4096×4096 Sampling 2×2 binning MTF ≥0.5@27.8 lp/mm 表 2 系统最终的设计参数
Table 2. Final design parameters of the system
Parameter Value Spectral range /nm 280~300、370~400 F 3.8 Focal length of telescope f /mm 238 Field of view /(°) 9.5 GSD/m 45.37 Slit length/mm 40 diffraction order 1 grating period/nm 450 Spectral resolution /nm 0.069 MTF >0.8@27.8 lp/mm RMS/μm <9 -
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