高速垂直腔面发射金宝搏188软件怎么用 器(VCSEL)是高速光通信的主要光源之一,受数据流量的迅速增长牵引,高速VCSEL正向更大带宽、更高速率方向发展。长春光机所团队通过优化VCSEL外延设计和生长、器件设计和制备、以及性能表征技术,在多个波长的高速VCSEL的调制带宽、传输速率、模式、功耗等性能方面取得了显著进展。实现高速单模940 nm VCSEL 27.65 GHz调制带宽和53 Gbit/s传输速率;通过波分复用基于850 nm、880 nm、910 nm和940 nm高速VCSEL实现200 Gbit/s链路方案;通过光子寿命优化,实现高速VCSEL低至100 fJ/bit的超低能耗;实现1030 nm高速VCSEL 25 GHz调制带宽;实现1550 nm 高速VCSEL 37 Gbit/s传输速率。研制的高速VCSEL在光通信等领域有重要应用前景。
Abstract:High-speed vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) is one of the main light sources for optical communication. Driven by the rapid growth of data traffic, the high-speed VCSEL is developing towards larger bandwidth and higher bit rate. By optimizing the epitaxy design and the growth of VCSELs, the design and the fabrication of VCSELs, and the high-frequency characterization techniques, much remarkable progress of high-speed VCSELs with different wavelengths have been achieved in modulation bandwidth, transmission rate, mode, power consumption in Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Machanics and Physics (CIOMP). The research progress of high-speed VCSELs includes: high-speed single-mode 940 nm VCSEL with 27.65 GHz modulation bandwidth and 53 Gbit/s transmission rate; 200 Gbit/s optical link based on 850 nm, 880 nm, 910 nm and 940 nm high-speed VCSELs via wavelength division multiplexing; ultra-low power consumption as low as 100 fJ/bit of high-speed VCSEL via optimization of photon lifetime; 1030 nm high-speed VCSEL with 25 GHz modulation bandwidth; 1550 nm high-speed VCSEL with 37 Gbit/s transmission rate. The developed high-speed VCSELs have important application prospects in optical communication.
图 2 室温下3 μm、6 μm和9 μm氧化孔径的高速940 nm VCSEL测试结果。(a)L-I;(b)V-I;(c)光谱;(d)边模抑制比;(e)3 dB带宽;(f)眼图[16]
Figure 2. The measurement results of the 940 nm VCSELs with 3 μm、6 μm and 9 μm oxidation aperture at room temperature. (a) L-I; (b) V-I; (c) optical spectrum; (d) side-mode suppression ratio (SMSR); (e) the bandwidth of 3 dB; (f) the eye diagram[16]
图 4 较长光子寿命(蓝线)和较短光子寿命(红线)的高速VCSEL的大信号调制的比特率BR和能耗EDR关系。通过实验计算的频谱效率约为M=2.1[20]
Figure 4. EDR and BR values from large signal measurements, for a long photon lifetime (blue) and a short photon lifetime (red). The spectral efficiency of M=2.1 bit was found experimentally by the large signal measurement results[20]
图 5 (a)设计的VCSEL折射率分布和驻波场分布;(b)氧化后的VCSEL截面SEM;(c)1030 nm VCSEL L-I-V;(d)1030 nm VCSEL光谱;(e)25 ℃条件下1030 nm VCSEL 小信号响应;(f)85 ℃条件下1030 nm VCSEL 小信号响应
Figure 5. (a) Refractive index profile and the standing wave distribution of the designed VCSEL; (b)SEM image of the cross section of the VCSEL after the oxidation; (c) the L-I-V of the 1030 nm VCSEL; (d) the optical spectrum of the 1030 nm VCSEL; (e) the small signal response of the 1030 nm VCSEL at 25 °C; (f) the small signal response of the 1030 nm VCSEL at 85 °C
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