高功率半导体金宝搏188软件怎么用 器在固体或光纤金宝搏188软件怎么用 器泵浦、材料加工、金宝搏188软件怎么用 雷达、空间通讯及国防等领域具有重大需求,但传统器件面临发散角大、光束质量差、亮度低的难题,限制了其直接应用。宽区半导体金宝搏188软件怎么用 器具有输出功率和转换效率高的优点,但其侧向模式受多种物理效应的影响,高电流下激射模式数很大,导致远场宽度随电流增大迅速展宽,光束质量非常差,成为制约半导体金宝搏188软件怎么用 亮度提高的关键瓶颈难题。因此,需要对半导体金宝搏188软件怎么用 器的侧向模式进行控制。本文首先从半导体金宝搏188软件怎么用 器的侧向模式影响机制出发,分析了其侧向模式特性及光场分布与器件结构的关联关系;接着,介绍了目前主要的侧向模式控制技术,通过抑制高阶模式及侧向远场展宽,实现光束质量的改善及金宝搏188软件怎么用 亮度的提升。采用先进的侧向模式控制技术,可从芯片层次发展新型的高亮度半导体金宝搏188软件怎么用 器,有利于拓展半导体金宝搏188软件怎么用 器应用领域及降低应用成本,具有重要的研究意义。
- 半导体金宝搏188软件怎么用 /
- 侧向模式 /
- 光束质量 /
- 高亮度 /
- 低发散角
Abstract:High power diode lasers are widely used for pumping solid-state lasers and fiber lasers, material processing, laser radars, free-space optical communication, security and defense. However, conventional diode lasers suffer from large far-field divergence angles, poor beam quality and low brightness, which restricts their direct applications. Broad-Area diode Lasers (BALs) can achieve high output power and efficiency. However, their lateral mode is usually influenced by many physical mechanisms, leading to a large number of guided lateral modes at high-power operation. It results in a rapid increase of the far-field width and strongly deteriorated beam quality, limiting the improvement of diode lasers′ brightness. Therefore, the lateral modes should be carefully controlled. In this paper, the factors influencing the diode lasers′ lateral modes are reviewed, and the lateral mode characteristics, optical field distribution and their relations with the device construction are analyzed. Then, the current lateral mode control technologies are described in detail. The beam quality and brightness of the output beam can be enhanced via the suppression of high-order lateral modes and the far-field blooming effect. As a result of advanced lateral mode control, novel high-brightness diode lasers can be developed at the chip level, which is beneficial for developing new diode lasers applications and reducing their system cost.
Key words:
- diode laser /
- lateral mode /
- beam quality /
- high brightness /
- low divergence angle
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