Imaging and detection method for static interferometric high-temperature temperature field
为了实现航空航天发动机尾焰、燃烧、爆炸等高温温度场的非接触高精度测量,对静态干涉型高温温度场探测方法展开研究。首先,设计静态干涉型高温温度场探测系统,理论分析高温温度场测量原理,研究高温干涉信号强度最低点光程差与温度的关系;其次,针对常用温度范围及可见光面阵探测器的响应波段,设计静态干涉具Savart棱镜,结合一维扫描实现温度场成像;最后,设计光学系统,拟合获得干涉最弱光程差与温度的对应关系,并获得线性拟合公式,仿真验证温度场经过系统后到达面阵探测器的干涉信号图像。结果表明,该静态干涉型高温温度场探测方法可实现1000 K−3000 K温度的高精度探测,且在线性区域,温度测量分辨率为1.4 K,温度测量相对误差优于0.8%。本文研究为军民领域的高精度高温温度场成像提供参考。
Abstract:In order to realize the non-contact high-precision measurement of high-temperature temperature fields such as the tail flame, combustion and explosion of aerospace engines, a static interferometric high-temperature temperature field imaging and detection method is studied. Firstly, a static interference high-temperature temperature field detection system is designed. On the basis of theoretical analysis of the measurement principle of high-temperature temperature fields, the relationship between the optical path difference and the temperature at the lowest point of high-temperature interference signal intensity is studied. Secondly, according to the response band of the visible light area array detector and the common temperature range, a static interferometric Savart prism is designed, and temperature field imaging is realized by using it for one-dimensional scanning. Finally, the optical system is designed and the corresponding relationship between the minimum optical path difference of the interference and the temperature is obtained by fitting. From this, the linear fitting formula is obtained. Simulations are conducted to verify the interference signal image where the temperature field after passing through the system reaches the area detector. The static interferometric high-temperature temperature field detection method can achieve the high-precision detection of 1000 K−3000 K temperatures. In the linear region, the temperature measurement resolution is 1.4 K and the temperature measurement relative error is better than 0.8%. This research lays the foundation for high-precision high-temperature temperature field imaging in the military and civilian fields.
表 1 指标参数
Table 1. Index parameters
指标名称 参数值 测温范围 1000~3000 K 光程差范围 200~650 nm 面阵探测器分辨率 2472×2064 像元尺寸 2.74 μm×2.74 μm 等效焦距f2 45 mm 温度分辨率 1.4 K -
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