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陈浩博, 张力伟, 孙文卿, 陈宝华, 曹召良, 吴泉英. 基于主成分分析的白光干涉微观形貌测量算法[J]. , 2023, 16(3): 637-644. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0172
引用本文: 陈浩博, 张力伟, 孙文卿, 陈宝华, 曹召良, 吴泉英. 基于主成分分析的白光干涉微观形貌测量算法[J]. , 2023, 16(3): 637-644.doi:10.37188/CO.2022-0172
CHEN Hao-bo, ZHANG Li-wei, SUN Wen-qing, CHEN Bao-hua, CAO Zhao-liang, WU Quan-ying. White light interferometry micro measurement algorithm based on principal component analysis[J]. Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(3): 637-644. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0172
Citation: CHEN Hao-bo, ZHANG Li-wei, SUN Wen-qing, CHEN Bao-hua, CAO Zhao-liang, WU Quan-ying. White light interferometry micro measurement algorithm based on principal component analysis[J].Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(3): 637-644.doi:10.37188/CO.2022-0172


基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No. 61875145,No. 11804243);“十四五”江苏省重点学科资助(No. 2021135);苏州市科技计划前瞻性应用研究项目(No. SYG202013)







  • 中图分类号:P164

White light interferometry micro measurement algorithm based on principal component analysis

Funds:Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61875145, No. 11804243); China Jiangsu Key Disciplines of the fourteenth Five-Year Plan (No. 2021135); the Prospective Application Research Project of Suzhou Science and Technology Plan (No. SYG202013)
More Information
  • 摘要:

    为了解决白光干涉相位求解问题,实现微观形貌的高度测量,提出了基于主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis,PCA)的白光干涉(White Light Interferometry,WLI)微观形貌测量算法。通过搭建的白光干涉显微系统采集多幅干涉图,将其重构成向量形式。在一组干涉图中,用时间平均值来估计背景照明,消除背景光成分。然后,通过矩阵运算得到代表原始数据的特征值及其特征向量。最后,通过反正切函数计算物体的包裹相位分布。实验结果表明,本文所提方法对于标定高度为956.05 nm的台阶测量结果为953.66 nm,且可以获得与迭代算法近似的解,而本文所提方法与迭代算法相比,处理速度提高了2个数量级。利用本文方法分析了表面粗糙度为0.025 µm样块的干涉条纹。结果显示:计算得到的表面粗糙度均值为24.83 nm,标准差为0.3831 nm。本文提出的方法解决了单色光干涉测量中的不足,还具有计算简单、速度快及精度高等优势。

  • 图 1白光显微干涉测量系统示意图

    Figure 1.Schematic diagram of white light microscopic interferometry

    图 2白光干涉光强与光程差的关系

    Figure 2.Relationship between white light interference intensity and optical path difference

    图 3(a)第一帧和(b)第二帧白光干涉图

    Figure 3.(a) The first and (b) the second white light phase shifting interferograms

    图 4理想台阶高度与真实台阶高度计算结果比较

    Figure 4.Comparison of calculation results of ideal height of step and real height of step

    图 5台阶白光相移干涉图(红线代表的长度为0.2 mm)

    Figure 5.White light phase-shifting interferogram of step (The red line represents an actual physical length of 0.2 mm)

    图 6(a)PCA-WLI和(b)AIA的台阶高度计算结果

    Figure 6.The heights of step caculated by (a) PCA-WLI algorithm and (b) AIA algorithm

    图 7不同方法轮廓线对比结果

    Figure 7.The results of contour comparison by different methods

    图 8表面粗糙度样块及白光干涉图

    Figure 8.Surface roughness specimen and white light interferogram

    表 1PCA-WLI和AIA算法结果对比

    Table 1.Comparison of PCA-WLI and AIA algorithms

    算法 PV误差(%) RMS误差(%) 计算时间(s)
    PCA-WLI算法 0.452 0.035 0.026
    AIA算法 0.443 0.034 5.2465
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    表 2不同算法的台阶测量结果

    Table 2.Measurement results of step by different algorithms

    Algorithm Times PCA-WLI AIA
    1 958.35 955.09
    2 949.59 948.38
    3 947.80 960.16
    4 955.29 959.11
    5 957.46 960.65
    6 949.70 958.31
    7 951.09 944.28
    8 954.79 956.26
    9 956.99 949.77
    10 955.56 956.58
    Mean value/nm 953.66 954.87
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    表 3表面粗糙度测量结果

    Table 3.Measurement results of surface roughness specimen

    Times Ra
    1 24.9
    2 25.3
    3 24.7
    4 24.6
    5 25.1
    6 24.8
    7 24.2
    8 24.6
    9 25.5
    10 24.6
    Mean value/nm 24.83
    Standard deviation/nm 0.3831
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    表 4两种算法对不同分辨率干涉图序列所用时间对比

    Table 4.Comparison of consuming times of interferogram sequence with different resolutions processed by the two algorithms         (s)

    算法 分辨率
    200×200 400×400 800×800
    PCA-WLI算法 0.0168 0.0358 0.1226
    AIA算法 2.8852 10.0738 38.8263
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