借鉴玻璃透镜的研究方法,提出了一种基于统计数据的液体透镜重复变焦精度指标,用于描述其变焦稳定性,并给出了液体透镜设计参数优化及材料优选的实验方法。首先,通过初步实验研究与分析,得到影响液体透镜重复变焦精度的主要影响因素——极性溶液体积、锥度、非极性溶液粘度;其次,以重复变焦精度和变焦范围作为评价指标,发现重复变焦精度与电压的关系不具有单调性,存在先升后降的现象。在此基础上,运用极差分析与综合平衡法,得到各因素的不同影响程度及最优参数组合,采用正交实验法优化设计参数。最后,实验验证了该方法的有效性。实验结果表明,优化后的液体透镜,在150 V电压处,重复变焦精度为0.2 m−1;在0~230 V电压范围内,变焦范围为−15.2~5.85 m−1。结果表明本文所提出的方法基本满足液体透镜变焦稳定可靠、精度高、变焦范围大等要求。
Abstract:Tacking the research of glass lenses as reference, a statistical data-based index of liquid lens zoom stability and liquid lens repeated zoom accuracy is proposed. An experimental method is presented to optimize the structural parameters and materials of the liquid lens. Firstly, the main factors affecting the accuracy of a liquid lens’ repeat zoom accuracy were obtained through preliminary experimental research, including the polar solution volume, taper and non-polar solution viscosity. Secondly, taking the accuracy of the liquid lens’s repeat zoom accuracy and zoom range as evaluation indicators, it was found that the relationship between the accuracy of the liquid lens’s repeat zoom and the voltage is not monotonic, and that it rises first and then falls. On this basis, through the range analysis and comprehensive balance method, the primary and secondary factors and the optimal combination of parameters is obtained. After that, orthogonal experiments were used to optimize the design parameters. Finally, the effectiveness of this method was verified by experiments. The experimental results show that the repeat zoom accuracy of the optimized liquid lens is 0.2 m−1, and the zoom range is −15.2−5.85 m−1 over the voltage range of 0 to 230 V. It basically meets the requirements of stable and reliable, high precision, and large zoom range for liquid lens zoom.
表 1 透镜零件尺寸表
Table 1. Part size of the lens
a (mm)顶径
b (mm)高度
α(°)4 6 4 14.04 8 26.57 10 36.87 4 6 6 9.46 6 8 8 10 4 6.14 4 15.00 7.22 6 8.29 8 表 2 三因素三水平取值表
Table 2. Table of three factors and three levels
水平 因素 A(ul) B(°) C(mPa.s) 1 40 14.04 100 2 50 26.57 350 3 60 37.87 500 表 3 正交实验结果
Table 3. Orthogonal experiment results
序号 实验因素 实验结果 A(ul) B(°) C(mPa·s) X(m−1) Y(m−1) 1 40 14.04 100 15.675 1.0960 2 40 26.57 350 15.720 1.0188 3 40 37.87 500 16.405 0.1252 4 50 14.04 350 20.940 0.4160 5 50 26.57 500 12.990 0.9975 6 50 37.87 100 15.235 0.6485 7 60 14.04 500 21.040 0.2000 8 60 26.57 100 12.220 1.2202 9 60 37.87 350 11.250 0.1814 表 4 变焦精度极差分析结果
Table 4. Range analysis results of zoom accuracy
水平 因素 A B C k1 0.747 0.571 0.988 k2 0.687 1.079 0.539 k3 0.534 0.318 0.441 R 0.213 0.760 0.547 表 5 变焦范围极差分析表
Table 5. Range analysis for zoom accuracy
水平 因素 A B C k1 15.933 19.218 14.377 k2 16.388 13.643 15.970 k3 14.837 14.297 16.812 R 1.552 5.575 2.435 -
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