为了实现窄带完美吸收,本文提出了一种简单的三层金-二氧化硅-金薄膜(MDM)结构。通过电磁波时域差分算法(FDTD)进行模拟仿真和理论计算,详细分析了该结构的可调谐吸收特性,同时建立了理论模型,分析了其中存在的电磁模式以及窄带完美吸收的物理机制。首先,利用电磁波时域差分算法和传输矩阵算法(TMM)对该结构进行了理论计算,详细地分析了各个结构参数对吸收光谱的影响。然后,对该结构形成的窄带完美吸收物理机制进行了分析讨论。最后,利用磁控溅射制备手段,成功制备了三层结构的样片。实验观测到的结果与理论仿真一致。实验结果表明:本文提出的窄带完美吸收结构,最窄带宽约为21 nm,最高吸收可达99.51%,基本实现了窄带完美吸收。本文研究成果为相关应用奠定了基础。
Abstract:To achieve perfect narrowband absorber, we proposed a simple three-layer thin film (MDM) structure and developed a theoretical model. A comprehensive investigation was conducted on this structure through a combination of simulations and theoretical calculations. First, we executed theoretical calculations on the structure using both finite-difference time-domain algorithm (FDTD) and transfer matrix algorithm. The effects of several structural parameters on the absorption spectrum were analyzed in this study. We analyzed and discussed the physical mechanism of narrow band perfect absorber structure caused by the structure. Finally, we successfully used magnetron sputtering as a fabrication method to produce three-layer samples. The experimental results were consistent with the theoretical simulation. Our proposed structure for a narrowband perfect absorber can achieve a maximum narrow bandwidth of approximately 21 nm and a maximum absorption of 99.51%. We establish a strong basis for related applications by achieving perfect narrowband absorption.
Key words:
- thin film /
- perfect absorber /
- ultrathin film
图 4 不同顶层金属膜厚度下吸收率的仿真结果。 (a) 单层金薄膜的吸收率。(b) MDM三层结构的吸收率,此时中间层氧化硅厚度固定为125 nm
Figure 4. Simulated results of absorption at different thicknesses of the top Au layer. (a) Simulated absorption curves of single Au film with various thicknesses. (b) Simulated absorption curves of MDM three-layer structure with various thicknesses of the top Au layers, when the thickness of the intermediate silicon oxide is fixed at 125 nm
表 2 FDTD模拟仿真、传输矩阵算法计算结果以及实验测试结果对比
Table 2. Comparison of FDTD simulation, transmission matrix algorithm calculation results, and experimental test results
d2(nm) 仿真结果 理论计算 测试结果 共振
(nm)85 435 0.9710 438 0.9817 437 0.9831 55 105 485 0.9799 486 0.9755 483 0.9822 31 125 546 0.9872 541 0.9865 540 0.9951 27 155 620 0.9942 622 0.9910 625 0.9843 22 175 669 0.9959 674 0.9976 672 0.9857 21 表 1 镀制Au和SiO2薄膜的工艺参数
Table 1. Process parameters for Au and SiO2 thin films
溅射功率 氩气 氧气 成膜速率 真空度 Au 100 W 80 sccm 0 0.4 nm/s 1.1 Pa SiO2 120 W 80 sccm 15 sccm 0.2 nm/s 1.1 Pa -
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