High-precision spherical wavefront calibration method for shack-hartmann wavefront sensor
f ,w 以及L 0的精确值。对标定后的哈特曼-夏克波前传感器的测量精度进行测试,实验结果表明,经本文方法标定后的哈特曼-夏克波前传感器的波前复原精度达到了PV=1.376×10−2λ,RMS=4×10−3λ(λ=625 nm),重复性精度为PV=3.2×10−3λ,RMS=9.76×10−4λ(λ=625 nm)。该方法可以为大口径的SHWFS完成高精度标定,提升测量精度。-
- 哈特曼-夏克波前传感器 /
- 绝对标定 /
- 球面波前
Abstract:To address the issues of low measurement accuracy and insufficient stability in traditional calibration methods for Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors (SHWFS), we propose a high-precision absolute calibration method using spherical waves generated by sensor. A high-precision calibration method for spherical waves was obtained through theoretical derivation. Combined with the constructed spherical wave calibration experimental device, high-precision calibration was performed on the SHWFS with sub apertures of 128×128. The structural parameters of the SHWFS (
f ,w , andL 0) are calculated precisely. The measurement accuracy of the SHWFS is verified after calibration. The experimental results demonstrate that by using this method to calibrate the SHWFS, its wavefront recovery accuracy reaches a PV of 1.376×10−2λ and an RMS of 4×10−3λ (where λ=625 nm), respectively. Additionally, its repeatability accuracy reaches a PV of 3.2×10−3λ and an RMS of 9.76×10-4λ (where λ=625 nm), respectively. These findings suggest that this method is suitable for enhancing the measurement accuracy of high-precision calibration of SHWFS with large aperture. -
表 1 待标定的SHWFS的物理参数
Table 1. Parameters of the SHWFS to be calibrated
CCD相机 参数 微透镜阵列 参数 生产商 HIKROBOT 子孔径大小 0.1 mm×0.1 mm 型号 MV-CH250-90TM-M58S-NF 使用子孔径数 128×128 像素个数 5120×5120 焦距 2.4 mm 像素尺寸 2.5 μm x 2.5 μm 通光口径 Φ12.8 mm 表 2 待标定的SHWFS的参数测量值
Table 2. Measured parameter values of the SHWFS to be calibrated
实验结果参数 f/mm $ {w}=\dfrac{{P}}{{S}} $ L0/mm 测量次数 1 2.402 39.960 1050.00 2 2.402 39.960 1050.00 3 2.402 39.960 1050.00 4 2.403 39.959 1050.00 5 2.402 39.960 1050.00 6 2.402 39.960 1050.00 7 2.403 39.959 1050.00 8 2.402 39.960 1050.00 9 2.401 39.961 1050.00 10 2.402 39.960 1050.00 均值 2.402 39.960 1050.00 -
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