Influence of flow channel structure on characteristics of laser diode pumped flowing-gas rubidium vapor laser
为研究气体流道结构对半导体泵浦流动碱金属蒸气金宝搏188软件怎么用 器(FDPAL)输出性能的影响,本文结合FDPAL中气体传热、流体力学和金宝搏188软件怎么用 动力学过程建立了FDPAL理论模型,以侧面泵浦Rb蒸气FDPAL(Rb-FDPAL)为仿真对象,分析气体流动方向、流道横截面积和流道形状等对Rb-FDPAL输出性能的影响。结果表明,采用横流方式,通过提高流道横截面积并将气体流道与蒸气池连接部位设置为砌体结构时,蒸气内涡流得到有效抑制,气体流速增加,蒸气池内热效应更小,Rb-FDPAL的金宝搏188软件怎么用 输出功率和斜率效率更高,仿真结果与实验相符。
- 高功率金宝搏188软件怎么用 器 /
- 气体金宝搏188软件怎么用 器 /
- 碱金属蒸气金宝搏188软件怎么用 器 /
- 气体流动
Abstract:In order to study the influence of the gas flow channel structure on the output performance of the flowing-gas diode pumped alkali vapor laser (FDPAL), we established the FDPAL theoretical model based on the gas heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and laser dynamics process in FDPAL using side pumping Rb vapor FDPAL (Rb-FDPAL) as the simulation object. The impacts of the gas flow direction, the cross-sectional area and the shape of the runner on the Rb-FDPAL’s output performance were analyzed. The results show that with the horizontal flow method and by increasing the cross-sectional area of the flow channel and setting a masonry structure as the connection between the gas flow channel and the steam pool, we effectively suppress the vortex in the vapor, increase the gas flow rate, and decrease the thermal effect of the steam pool. Rb-FDPAL's laser output power and slope efficiency are higher, and the simulation results are consistent with the experiment.
Key words:
- high power laser /
- gas laser /
- DPAL /
- gas flow
表 1 缓冲气体的恒压热容、粘滞系数和导热系数[22]
Table 1. Partial thermophysical properties of buffer gases
缓冲气体 恒压热容
(W·m−1·K−1)氦 5193.2 3×10−8×T+1×10−5 0.0003×T+0.0897 乙烷 3.9×T+600.3 3×10−8×T+2×10−5 0.0002×T−0.035 表 2 循环流动Rb-FDPAL仿真参数
Table 2. Parameters of gas flowing diode pumped rubidium laser
参数 值 参数 值 泵浦光中心波长(nm) 780 蒸气池增益长度(cm) 5 泵浦光光斑大小(cm×cm) 5×0.2 反射镜M3反射率 99% 泵浦光线宽(GHz) 30 耦合输出镜M4反射率 50% 缓冲气体压强(atm) 1 流动气体初始温度(K) 393.15 表 3 不同流道结构的实验结果对比
Table 3. Comparison of the experimental results for different flow channel structures
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