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王伯霄, 宋延嵩, 董小娜. 难点注意力感知红外小目标检测网络[J]. , 2024, 17(3): 538-547. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0178
引用本文: 王伯霄, 宋延嵩, 董小娜. 难点注意力感知红外小目标检测网络[J]. , 2024, 17(3): 538-547.doi:10.37188/CO.2023-0178
WANG Bo-xiao, SONG Yan-song, DONG Xiao-na. Indistinguishable points attention-aware network for infrared small object detection[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(3): 538-547. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0178
Citation: WANG Bo-xiao, SONG Yan-song, DONG Xiao-na. Indistinguishable points attention-aware network for infrared small object detection[J].Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(3): 538-547.doi:10.37188/CO.2023-0178


基金项目:国家重点研发计划(No. 2022YFB3902505);国家自然科学基金重点项目(No. U2141231);国家自然科学基金(No. 62305032)

    宋延嵩(1983—),男,吉林长春人,长春理工大学空间光电技术研究所研究员,博士生导师,主要从事空间 通信等方面的研究。E-mail:songyansong2006@126.com

  • 中图分类号:V19;E928.9;TN911.73

Indistinguishable points attention-aware network for infrared small object detection

Funds:Supported by National Key Research and Development Program (No. 2022YFB3902505); Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. U2141231); National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 62305032)
More Information
  • 摘要:


  • 图 1难点注意力感知网络结构图

    Figure 1.Indistinguishable points attention-aware network architecture

    图 2(a)中心点补偿边界;(b)基于点的区域建议模块

    Figure 2.(a) Centre point offset to boundary; (b) point-based region proposal module

    图 3各算法在(a) NUDT-SIRST 数据集和(b) IRDST 数据集 ROC 曲线

    Figure 3.ROC curves for methods on (a) the NUDT-SIRST dataset and (b) the IRDST dataset

    图 4各方法不同场景检测结果,相同目标放大显示于同颜色框内

    Figure 4.Different scene detection results of different methods, with the same target zoomed in the same color box

    图 5各方法检测结果 3D 可视化

    Figure 5.3D visualization of detection results for each method

    图 6区域建议可视化结果。(a)原图;(b)真值;(c)中心点热图及区域建议边界

    Figure 6.Visualization of regional proposals. (a) Original maps; (b) groundtruths; (c) centroid heatmap and regional proposal boundaries

    图 7难点分布可视化。(a)无人机目标;(b)点目标;(c)飞机目标

    Figure 7.Visualization of indistinguishable points distribution. (a) UAV target; (b) point target; (c) aircraft target

    表 1传统算法超参数设置

    Table 1.Hyperparameter settings of traditional algorithms

    传统算法 超参数设置
    Top-hat Nhood=ones(5)
    LEF h=0.2,α=0.5,P=9
    AADCDD 内窗口尺寸={3, 5, 7, 9},外窗口尺寸=19
    TLLCM 窗口尺寸={3, 5, 7, 9},k=9
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    表 2各方法在NUDT-SIRST及IRDST数据集定量结果对比

    Table 2.Comparison of quantitative results of different methods on NUDT-SIRST and IRDST datasets

    mAP F值(Pre,Rec) mAP F值(Pre,Rec)
    Top-hat 1.5 0.3599(0.2850,0.4884) 0.7 0.0088(0.0045,0.4107)
    LEF 6.4 0.1151(0.0748,0.2498) 2.5 0.1219(0.0686,0.5470)
    AADCDD 1.6 0.1490(0.3838,0.0924) 1.4 0.0705(0.0521,0.1090)
    TLLCM 16.5 0.0724(0.0479,0.1476) 6.1 0.1881(0.1254,0.3759)
    ALCNet 69.3 0.7595(0.7035,0.8251) 46.5 0.5929(0.5461,0.6486)
    DNANet 86.9 0.8645(0.9070,0.8259) 62.1 0.6697(0.712 4,0.6319)
    RDIAN 82.4 0.890 00.899 00.881 1 60.0 0.7102(0.7092,0.7113
    本文方法 87.4 0.8935(0.8923,0.8948 63.4 0.7056(0.7183,0.6935)
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    表 3深度学习方法单张图片平均推理时间

    Table 3.Average inference times of a single image for deep learning methods (s)

    ALCNet 0.104 0.166
    DNANet 0.089 0.259
    RDIAN 0.065 0.114
    本文算法 0.099 0.121
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    表 4不同区域建议模块对比表

    Table 4.Comparison of different region proposal modules

    建议数量 基于点的区域建议 RPN
    mAP F值 mAP F值
    1000 87.9 0.8927 86.2 0.8425
    256 87.5 0.8962 85.8 0.8412
    128 87.4 0.8935 85.2 0.8406
    64 86.0 0.8901 84.5 0.8397
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    表 5不同选点策略检测结果

    Table 5.Detection results of different point selection strategies

    选点策略 mAP
    均匀选点 86.7
    k=1,γ=0.00 86.9
    k=3,γ=0.75 87.4
    k=10,γ=1.00 85.8
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    表 6难点不同特征融合结果

    Table 6.Fusion results of different features at indistinguishable points

    细粒度特征 粗糙掩码 位置嵌入 mAP
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    表 7不同细化方案检测结果

    Table 7.Results of different refinement strategies

    细化方案 mAP
    CNN(16×16) 85.5
    MLP(16×16) 86.2
    细化掩码边界模块(S=3) 87.4
    细化掩码边界模块(S=6) 87.6
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