Abstract:Aiming at the requirement of polarized light navigation for accurate position information of feature points in the sky, an accurate detection method for the solar position of imaging system based on all sky polarization mode is proposed. Compared with the traditional detection method of the solar position based on spot, we use the inherent polarization information in the atmosphere to complete the accurate measurement of the solar position, which has the characteristics of simple, high accuracy and wide application range. The optical acquisition system consists of three micro large-field-of-view camera modules and polarizers, which makes the structure more compact, smaller and lower in height. Starting from the principle, the algorithm of solving the solar position is simulated first, and then the algorithm is verified in three weather environments (sunny, occluded, and aerosol) using the optical acquisition system. It can be seen that when the weather is clear, the sun is detected at different times of the same day, and the accuracy of the measured sun's altitude and azimuth are 0.024° and 0.03° respectively; when the sun is blocked by high-rise buildings, the accuracy of the measured sun's altitude and azimuth are 0.08° and 0.05°; when the sun is blocked by the branches and leaves of trees, the accuracy of the measured sun's altitude and azimuth are 0.3° and 0.1° respectively. Only when the aerosol concentration exceeds a certain amount will the Rayleigh distribution mode of polarized light be destroyed, which will affect the detection accuracy of solar position. The experimental results show that this new detection method can not only meet the needs of polarized light navigation for the solar position, but also provide a new way of exploration for fans who like to explore the mysteries of the universe.
Key words:
- atmospheric optics /
- atmospheric polarization mode /
- solar position /
- optical CCD
太阳位置的多次迭代算法 计算太阳的空间位置:$ {\boldsymbol{S}} = \left( {{h_{\rm{s}}},{\alpha _{\rm{s}}}} \right) $ 当 $ k = {\text{0}} $时 选取初始值 $ {{\boldsymbol{S}}_{\text{0}}} $ 选择迭代终止条件 $ \varepsilon $>0,且为一个很小的常数 确定最大迭代次数 计算雅可比矩阵: 使用公式(11)计算雅克比矩阵 $ {\boldsymbol{J}}\left( {{{\boldsymbol{S}}_k}} \right) $ 将$ \Delta \left( {{{\boldsymbol{S}}_k}} \right) $代入式(9)中的雅克比矩阵$ {\boldsymbol{J}}\left( {{{\boldsymbol{S}}_k}} \right) $ $ {{\boldsymbol{g}}_k} = {\boldsymbol{J}}\left( {{{\boldsymbol{S}}_k}} \right){\boldsymbol{F}}\left( {{{\boldsymbol{S}}_k}} \right),{{\boldsymbol{S}}_{k + {\text{1}}}} = {{\boldsymbol{S}}_k} + \Delta {{\boldsymbol{S}}_k} $ 如果 $ \left\| {{{\boldsymbol{g}}_k}} \right\| \lt \varepsilon $,或者 $ k \gt n $,迭代停止 输出 $ {{\boldsymbol{S}}_k} $ 结束 通过式(10)计算 $ {{\boldsymbol{S}}_{k + {\text{1}}}} $ 迭代继续 如果 $ \left\| {{{\boldsymbol{g}}_k}} \right\| \geqslant \varepsilon $,或者 $ k \leqslant n $ 令$ k = k + {\text{1}} $ 计算雅克比矩阵 ... 直到 $ \left\| {{{\boldsymbol{g}}_k}} \right\| \lt \varepsilon $,$ k \gt n $,然后计算 $ {{\boldsymbol{S}}_k} $ 结束 计算 $ {h_{\rm{s}}} $,$ {\alpha _{\rm{s}}} $ 表 1 实验数据表
Table 1. Experiment data list
时间 太阳的理论位置 基于改进的偏振角
模型计算的太阳位置误差 $\alpha_s $ hs $\alpha_s $ hs $\alpha_s $ hs 8:00 95.333 23.450 95.365 23.472 0.031 0.022 9:00 105.216 35.529 105.189 35.554 −0.028 0.025 10:00 117.819 46.959 117.791 46.939 −0.028 −0.020 11:00 135.892 56.827 135.857 56.800 −0.035 −0.027 12:00 162.984 63.167 163.018 63.143 0.033 −0.024 13:00 196.214 63.255 196.178 63.276 −0.036 0.021 14:00 223.550 57.040 223.519 57.063 −0.032 0.022 15:00 241.809 47.232 241.838 47.212 0.029 −0.020 16:00 254.509 35.826 254.545 35.807 0.036 −0.019 17:00 264.438 23.757 264.469 23.783 0.031 0.026 18:00 273.160 11.486 273.192 11.504 0.032 0.018 -
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