Visible polarized reflection of target material surface based on improved Blinn masking function
为了研究典型目标材料表面的可见光偏振反射特性,本文针对传统“V”型表面结构缺陷,引入改进Blinn型阴影遮蔽函数,综合考虑镜面反射、漫反射和体散射的影响,建立了典型目标材料表面偏振六参量双向反射分布函数模型。对不同材料(聚丙烯塑料板、99氧化铝陶瓷板、铁板、绿漆铝板)目标样板进行可见光600 nm波段的偏振特性测试实验,并采用遗传算法进行参数反演。实验与仿真结果表明:与传统“V”型遮蔽模型相比,在入射角为50°,相对方位角为180°,0°~60°观测角对目标材料表面偏振特性的影响中,聚丙烯塑料板模型精度提升最大,RMSE百分比提升了70.61%;在入射角为50°,观测角为50°,DoLP随90°~270°相对方位角变化的过程中,与另两种参考模型相比,本模型精度至少提升了24.73%,线偏振度最小均方根误差值仅为1.29%。对于本文使用材料而言,偏振特性取决于其复折射率的值,当入射角确定,观测角为0°~60°,相对方位角在0°~360°内时,
n /k 的比值越大,线偏振度峰值越大。在可见光波段,波长对线偏振度的影响不大。-
- 偏振特性 /
- 材料表面 /
- 可见光波段 /
- 遮蔽函数 /
- 偏振双向反射分布函数
Abstract:Focusing on the visible polarization reflection characteristics of typical target materials surfaces, the polarization bidirectional reflection distribution function model based on the improved Blinn masking function was established considering the effects of specular reflection, diffuse reflection and volume scattering, which maked up for the defect of traditional "V" masking function. The physical parameters of the target materials were inverted by genetic algorithm, and the visible light polarization characteristics of four target materials, namely polypropylene, 99 alumina ceramic, iron and green painted aluminum, were simulated. Experimental tests validate the model’s accuracy. Results indicate that at an incidence angle of 50°, relative azimuth angles of 90°−270°, and detection angles of 0°−60°, the improved model reduces the root mean square error (RMSE) by 70.61% to 24.73%, with a minimum RMSE of 0.0129. Significant polarization is observed at relative azimuth angles of 120°−240°. The larger the ratio of the real part to the imaginary part of the complex refractive index of the four materials, the greater the peak value of the degree of polarization. In the visible light band, the wavelength has little effect on the degree of polarization. These findings provide theoretical data supporting the understanding of polarization characteristics in typical target materials.
Key words:
- polarization property /
- surface of material /
- visible wavelength /
- masking function /
表 1 不同目标材料参数的反演结果
Table 1. Inversion results of different target material parameters
样品 参数 $n$ $ n' $ $ \sigma $ $ c $ ${\rho _0}$ ${R_\infty }$ 聚丙烯塑料板 1.471 0.698 0.325 0.552 0.517 0.6643 99氧化铝陶瓷板 1.713 0.596 0.283 0.732 0.4885 0.467 铁板 2.836 3.277 0.3612 0.485 0.568 0.6942 绿漆铝板 1.318 0.335 0.227 0.906 0.3715 0.359 表 2 在入射角为50°,相对方位角为180°时,三种模型DoLP仿真值与实测值的均方根误差
Table 2. Root mean square error of DoLP simulation values and actual measurements for three models at an incident angle of 50° and a relative azimuth angle of 180°
样品 RMSE1 RMSE2 RMSE3 百分比/% 聚丙烯塑料板 0.0936 0.0486 0.0275 70.61%43.41% 99氧化铝陶瓷板 0.0426 0.0274 0.0187 56.1%31.75% 铁板 0.0504 0.0316 0.0223 55.75%29.43% 绿漆铝板 0.0285 0.0188 0.0129 54.73%31.38% 表 3 在入射角60°,相对方位角180°时,三种模型DoLP仿真值与实测值的均方根误差
Table 3. Root mean square error of DoLP simulation values and actual measurements for three models at an incident angle of 60° and a relative azimuth angle of 180°
样品 RMSE1 RMSE2 RMSE3 百分比/% 聚丙烯
塑料板0.0831 0.0548 0.0312 62.45%
陶瓷板0.0573 0.0388 0.0228 60.21%
41.23%铁板 0.0642 0.0402 0.0246 53.89%
38.81%绿漆铝板 0.0368 0.0249 0.0178 51.63%
28.51%表 4 在入射角50°,观测角50°时,三种模型DoLP仿真值与实测值的均方根误差
Table 4. Root mean square error of DoLP simulation and measurement values for three models at an incident angle of 50° and an observation angle of 50°
样品 RMSE1 RMSE2 RMSE3 百分比/% 聚丙烯
塑料板0.0613 0.0484 0.0289 52.85%
陶瓷板0.0419 0.0295 0.0215 48.69%
27.12%铁板 0.0377 0.0281 0.0196 48.01%
30.24%绿漆铝板 0.0254 0.0182 0.0137 46.06%
24.73% -
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